英语人>词典>汉英 : 音乐剧 的英文翻译,例句
音乐剧 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

music drama
更多网络例句与音乐剧相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A fine example of the Mandarin-musical, and one of the best adaptations of Bizet's Carmen, with brilliant show-stopping numbers performed by Grace Chang (Hong Kong cinema's greatest singing star in my opinion).


And because the musical develops very quickly, Bel canto will develop in order to adjust to the development of the musical.


The first chapter outlines the main musical play productions in different periods and simply looks bake the history of the England and American musical plays; makes the comparisons about "the definitions of musical play","the original relationship between the England and America musical plays and their characteristics","musical play and opera", and "Musical play and comic opera", and gives the author's own points of view.


Thus,the analysis and conclusion to its vocal features will be helpful to the improvement of musical comedy performance.


Finally,the writer mentions the expectation to musical comedy and proposes the necessity and feasibility of its learning in her last chapter.


When you consider what he wrote -- thirteen operas and music dramas, eleven of them still holding the stage, eight of them unquestionably worth ranking among the world's great musico-dramatic masterpieces -- when you listen to what he wrote, the debts and heartaches that people had to endure from him don't seem much of a price.


When you consider what he wrote ?thirteen operas and music dramas, eleven of them still holding the stage, eight of them unquestionably worth ranking among the world's great musico-dramatic masterpieces ?


Based on analysis of some successful music dramas in Europe and American, it discussed the artistic features of the various forms of it such as recitative, duet, chorus, dance music and pure instrumental passages, the writer try to sum up essential experience to help the Chinese own music drama.


After making his name as Marius in Les Misérables, Britain's Michael Ball has showcased his strong tenor in both theater roles (Aspects of Love, Stephen Sondheim's Passion) and a solo career that can get heavy on the schmaltz.

对于时常关注音乐剧界的乐迷来说," Michael Ball"迈克保尔这个名字可谓"如雷贯耳",国为他曾经在许多着名的音乐剧如《悲惨世界》,《歌剧魅影》、和《热情》里面担任重要角色或男主角,甚至更被英国大众票选为过去这十十年来最受欢迎的音乐剧男演员。

This is the very ecstasy of love, Whose violent property fordoes itself, And leads the will to desperate undertakings; As oft as any passion under heaven, That does afflict our natures. I am sorry.


更多网络解释与音乐剧相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Broadway baby:百老汇宝贝 选自音乐剧[痴人大秀]

11 Aquarius 水瓶座 选自音乐剧[头发] | 12 Surrender 放弃 选自歌剧[日落大道] | 13 Broadway baby 百老汇宝贝 选自音乐剧[痴人大秀]

The prayer--with HEATHER HEADLEY:祈祷(东尼奖得主/音乐剧"阿伊达"女主角合唱)

15 Cuando me Enamoro 当我爱上 | 16 The prayer-with HEATHER HEADLEY 祈祷(东尼奖得主/音乐剧"阿伊达"女主角合唱) | 17 Momertos 昨日时光

BoyzoneNo Matter What:英伦男孩团体标秆与音乐剧天王韦伯唯一合作 英国流行金榜冠军作

10 Spice GirlsLet Love Lead The Way全球女力滥觞超级团体 全... | 11 BoyzoneNo Matter What英伦男孩团体标秆与音乐剧天王韦伯唯一合作 英国流行金榜冠军作; | 12 TrademarkAmazed来自北欧又一情歌劲旅 亚洲乐迷最爱...


melodize 作曲 | melodrama 音乐剧 | melodramatic 戏剧似的

music drama:音乐剧

music center 组合音响 | music drama 音乐剧 | music film 音乐片


我认为,到了20世纪前期(大约20、30年代),蓬勃发展的美国"音乐剧"(musical)成为美国戏剧的新的代表,也成为美国人的一种新的自我文化认同. 反观"歌剧",它乃是欧洲的,是一种过时的、遥远的表征,换句话说,也就是"非美国的"、"非现代的".

Hit Musicals:音乐剧

Wheat -- 小麦 | Hit Musicals -- 音乐剧 | Hit Singles -- 热门单曲

Medley aus "My Fair Lady:音乐剧"窈窕淑女"主题歌 罗夫

17 Arie der K?nigin der Nacht 歌剧"魔笛"中夜女王之歌 莫扎特 | 18 Medley aus "My Fair Lady" 音乐剧"窈窕淑女"主题歌 罗夫 | 19 Memory aus "Cats 记忆 选自音乐剧"猫" 韦伯

Think of you:音乐剧"歌剧的幽灵

4) All I ask of you 音乐剧"歌剧的幽灵" | 5) Think of you 音乐剧"歌剧的幽灵" | 6) Queen of the night Mozart 夜之女王

Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Orchestrations:杰出(音乐剧)乐队奖项

Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Book of a Musical杰出(音乐剧)脚本奖项 | Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Orchestrations 杰出(音乐剧)乐队奖项 | Play and musical(戏剧剧目和音乐剧类的奖项)