英语人>词典>汉英 : 面面相觑 的英文翻译,例句
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After heared that news,they are all adrift where at here.


After hearing this new ,all those presents glanced apprehensively at one another.


Thus he contemplated himself, so to speak, face to face, and at the same time, athwart this hallucination, he perceived in a mysteri depth a sort of light which he at first took for a torch.

我们 可以这样说,他正望着他自己,面面相觑,并且同时通过那种幻景,在一种神妙莫测的深远处看见一点光,起初他还以为是什么火炬

Thus he contemplated himself, so to speak, face to face, and at the same time, athwart this hallucination, he perceived in a mysterious depth a sort of light which he at first took for a torch


She finally obtained a plane ticket, but at the last minute it was avoided when a large party of boisterously laughing German army officers, obviously full of lunch and wine, streamed through the gate, leaving twenty excluded passengers looking at each other.


After hearing the news, everyone present is looking at each other in consternation.


After hearing the news, all the people present look at each other in consternation.


Upon hearing the news, all the people in presence looked at each other in consternation.


The present look at each other in consternation after they heard the news.


This said, he sat; and expectation held His look suspence, awaiting who appeer'd To second, or oppose, or undertake The perilous attempt; but all sat mute, [ 420 ] Pondering the danger with deep thoughts; and each In others count'nance read his own dismay Astonisht: none among the choice and prime Of those Heav'n-warring Champions could be found So hardie as to proffer or accept [ 425 ] Alone the dreadful voyage; till at last Satan, whom now transcendent glory rais'd Above his fellows, with Monarchal pride Conscious of highest worth, unmov'd thus spake.

V1:一席话说完,他坐下,眼光里显露期待的神情,等待众人的赞成或反对,或起而表示自己甘冒风险一试。可是大家都默坐,相视无言,思虑那危险而面面相觑,各从别人的脸上照出自己的心惊胆战。就是在天战中最勇敢的精英,也没有一个自告奋勇承担起这个可怕的远征。直到最后,撒旦,那时他的荣光超群,自恃力量最大,俨有寡君的骄矜,神态自若地开口说道: V2:这样说后,他坐下,眼光里显露期待的神情,等待谁来赞成,或反对,或起而表示自己甘冒风险一试。可是大家都默坐,噤若寒蝉,沉思那危险而面面相觑,各从别人的脸上照出自己的心惊胆战。就是在天战中最勇敢的精英,也没有一个自告奋勇敢于承担这个可怕的远征。

更多网络解释与面面相觑相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bungee Jumping Of Their Own:《爱的蹦极>

没买>(Bungee Jumping of Their Own)的D9,我肠子都悔青了. 其实原来打着自己的小算盘,觉得自己那张D5虽然简陋,壳子都没一个,但是存着的是最原始单纯的回忆. 某个夏天早晨,和妹妹一起看完,天高而气不爽,两个人面面相觑,只会说,好看,好看,