英语人>词典>汉英 : 零售商 的英文翻译,例句
零售商 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
shopkeeper  ·  tradesman  ·  tradespeople  ·  bania  ·  bunnia  ·  retailers  ·  storekeepers

retail dealer
更多网络例句与零售商相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The retailer cumulative overall advertises and retailer's price has a impact at the retail outlet .


The main work of this thesis includes:Firstly, allocation strategies of profits are analyzed from the perspective of a manufacturer-retailer two-level supply chain, and are divided into three kinds of situation: a manufacturer and a retailer are included, a manufacturer and several retailers are included, and several manufacturers and a retailer are included.


The in-efficiencies of decentralized system have three sources: Positive wholesale price leads to lower profit margin of retailer and low sales effort of retailer. On the other hand,the retailer tends to exert more sales effort as he need not worry about the cannibalization effect to direct channel.


The system has one manufacturer and two retailers in which the retailers may collude.


The results show that for all conditions of retailer cost information sharing,the profits of retailers are directly proportional to the cost variance of the retailers and inversely proportional to the substitution coefficient and correlation coeff...


I companies to manufacturers B version of DVD films, high-compression DVD9 films, high-compression DVD9 TV series, directly facing the various audio and video wholesalers, retailers, can be less to the middle level, two or even three Wholesalers, the wholesalers, retailers have greater competitiveness, but also directly to the customer's request to a number of brand goods manufacturers, to a meagre profits for wholesalers and retailers, please interested in my message to a friend Or give me a phone.


The implementation of retailer's brand strategy is one of the results of the increasing vertical competition between retailers and manufacturers, and the horizontal competition among retailers.


In this paper, the optimal retailer s order policy for perishable products with demand information updating is studied.


In chapter three, it assumes that each retailer and distribution center implement periodic review and the same ordering policies, each retailers' demand is independent identical distributed random variables during the different periods, the lead-time is not completely same constants, and the k-fold convolution of the demand distribution functions is closed.


The combination of linear wholesale price contract and inventory cost sharing contract are provided to coordinate drop-shipping supply chain. Under inventory cost sharing contract, the supplier share a part of retailer's understock cost, while the retailer share a part of supplier's overstock cost.(4) When supplier and retailer cooperate in promotion, the Stackelberg game model is developed and the single-stage and multi-stage Stackelberg equilibriums are obtained.


更多网络解释与零售商相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


chandelier 装饰灯 | chandler 杂货零售商 | chandleress 女杂货商

clothing retailers:服装零售商

closing a sale 结束销售 | clothing retailers 服装零售商 | CNN 美国有线新闻网

confectioner, tobacconist, newsagent:<英国>糖果点心商,烟草商和报刊零售商

12.computerized tomography number 计算机断层摄影号码 | 13.confectioner, tobacconist, newsagent 糖果点心商,烟草商和报刊零售商 | 14.connective tissue nevi 结缔组织痣

retail dealer:零售商

(1996年第191号法律公告)"身分证明文件"(proof of identity) 指>(第115章)第17B(1)条所指明的任何身分证明文件; (1996年第191号法律公告;1997年第80号第103条)"零售商"(retail dealer) 指进行零售业务的人;

retailer, tradesman:零售商

5. 批发商 wholesaler | 6. 零售商 retailer, tradesman | 7. 商人,批发商,零售商 merchant

retailer, tradesman:零售商 kXL新思路教育

wholesaler 批发商 kXL新思路教育 | retailer, tradesman 零售商 kXL新思路教育 | merchant 商人,批发商,零售商 kXL新思路教育

retailer co-operatives:零售商合作社

retail sales 零售额 | retailer co-operatives 零售商合作社 | retailer 零售商

retailer co-operatives:零售商相助社

retail sales 零售额 | retailer co-operatives 零售商相助社 | retailer 零售商


tradesmandealermerchandisertradespeople 零售商 | tradespeople 零售商级 | tradesurplus 贸易顺差

tradespeople:零售商, 零售商人阶级; 店主 (名)

tradesman 零售商, 店主; 技工; 手艺人 (名) | tradespeople 零售商, 零售商人阶级; 店主 (名) | trading post 商栈; 交易站