英语人>词典>汉英 : 雌蕊 的英文翻译,例句
雌蕊 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gynaeceum  ·  pistil  ·  gynoecia  ·  gynaecium  ·  pistils

更多网络例句与雌蕊相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Besides, the physiological significance of androecium or gynoecium abortion was discussed. In the evolution of long period of time, the aborted androecium or gynoecium "scrap" could be used by the same flower to offer energy and substance for flower development.


By comparing and analyzing the dynamic changes of carbonitride in the floral sex determination of litchi we found that: higher C/N and lower amino acid content are beneficial to androecium differentiation; in contrast, lower C/N and higher amino acid content are adequate for gynoecium differentiation; the amino acid content in androecium is only half of that in gynoecium.


By comparing and analyzing the dynamic changes of carbonitride in during the floral sex determination litchi,it was found that higher C/N and lower amino acid content were beneficial to androecium differentiation; conversely, lower C/N and higher amino acid content were adequate for gynoecium differentiation; the amino acid content in androecium was only half of that in gynoecium; proline was associated with pollen developmental capacity.


Secondly, according to the stem and leaf anatomy, leaf epidermis, pollen morphology and floral development, it is found that there are no close relations between Acorus and Typhales, especially in the aspect of floral development. In the course of floral development of A. calamus, neither bracteloe primordium nor common primordium occurs in the whole course. Early development of the flower is strongly unidirectional. Three shield carpels develop into a pistil. In Sparganium fallax, each female flower has a bracteole. The bracteole primordium and the floral primordium originate from a complex structure. A single saccate carpel develops into a pistil. In staminate flowers, petal and stamen primordia initiate spirally.


About 2/3 of adaxial angle of nutlets affixed to gynobase; gynobase longer than nutlets

附着到雌蕊基的大约小坚果的正面的有棱的2/3;雌蕊基长于小坚果 25 Lappula ramulosa 多枝鹤虱

Entire adaxial angle of nutlets affixed to gynobase; gynobase shorter than nutlets.


The developmental process of W. delavayi indicated that the syncarpous and uniloculate gynoecium was in fact bicarpellate, which consisted of a fertile carpel and a sterile one. It was pseudomonomerous.


Differ with answer fruit, hip and aggregate achene achene are become by a beautiful ovarian development, in this kind of floral the flower often has from unripe carpel gynoecium, every gynoecium becomes a relatively independent fructification from development each, form the aggregate achene achene that gathers on a thalamus or hip finally.


Pistil without a gynophore.


During the development of process of male flower,the stamen differentiatedconstantly,but the pistillate primordium degenerated and there was noremain of pistillate primordium in mature male flowers.During thedevelopment process of female flower,the pistillate primordiumdifferentiated constantly,the development of stamen stopped but didn′tdegenerated.


更多网络解释与雌蕊相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


carpal bone 腕骨 | carpel 雌蕊叶 | carpellum 雌蕊


gymnospore 裸孢子 | gynaeceum 雌蕊 | gynaecium 雌蕊


gynocracy /妇女当政/ | gynoecium /雌蕊/雌蕊群/ | gynogenesis /雌核生殖/


pistachio 阿月浑子(中文商品名:开心果) | pistil [植]雌蕊 | pistillate [植]有雌蕊的,只有雌蕊

compound pistil:复雌蕊

因而各雌蕊也彼此分离,形成一朵花内多数雌蕊,称为离生雌蕊(apocarpous pistil),亦属单雌蕊,如玉兰、莲等;或是各个心皮互相联合,组成一个雌蕊,称为合生雌蕊(syncarpous pistil),属复雌蕊(compound pistil),以与单雌蕊相对应,如棉、番茄等.

simple pistil:单雌蕊

有些植物,一朵花中的雌蕊只是由一个心皮所构成,称为单雌蕊(simple pistil),如蚕豆、大豆. 更多种类植物的雌蕊是由几个心皮构成的,其中有的各心皮各自分离. 因而各雌蕊也彼此分离,形成一朵花内多数雌蕊,称为离生雌蕊(apocarpous(2)花柱花柱是柱头和子房间的连接部分,


pistil [植]雌蕊 | pistillate [植]有雌蕊的,只有雌蕊的 | pistillate flower 雌性花


pistillate 有雌蕊的 | pistillate 只有雌蕊的 | pistillode 退化雌蕊

apocarpous pistil:離生雌蕊

因而各雌蕊也彼此分离,形成一朵花内多数雌蕊,称为离生雌蕊(apocarpous pistil),亦属单雌蕊,如玉兰、莲等;或是各个心皮互相联合,组成一个雌蕊,称为合生雌蕊(syncarpous pistil),属复雌蕊(compound pistil),以与单雌蕊相对应,如棉、番茄等.

proterogynous flower:雌蕊先熟花

proterogynous 雌蕊先熟的 | proterogynous flower 雌蕊先熟花 | proterogyny 雌蕊先熟的