英语人>词典>汉英 : 赢家 的英文翻译,例句
赢家 的英文翻译、例句


The Winner
更多网络例句与赢家相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am very pleased to see our inaugural Franchisee of the Year winner, Mr Nallakaruppan from 7-Eleven.


If you fight dor yourself, only you canwin ; when you fight for your marriage ,you both win.


As people know, the real gainer in the market takes up five percents of all investors only and most of them are the directors of board and bosses.


17 If you want to be a winner, hang around with winners.


If you want to be a winner, adopt the winner's mind-set.


Scientists took photos of the winner and the runner -up from a 2002 election in France.

科学家们把2002年法国选举的赢家和"输家"进行了拍照(译者注:虽然这里用的是第二名"runner up",实际上在大选中只有一个赢家)。

At the short-term level (from 4 to 6 months), there is a momentum profit for both win portfolio and loss portfolio, while at the long-term level (from 12 to 24 months), overreaction is obvious for both, and contrariant strategies will get 14.36% abnormal return.

研究结果发现,在短期水平上,形成期和持有期均为 4~ 6个月的投资组合,无论赢家组合还是输家组合都存在一定程度的动量利润,赢家组合的动量利润大约为输家组合的 2倍。

If "winner unique skill " being to know stock market be watched by person,that "the hero is invincible " is to let people how to deal with stock market; If operating method inside the "winner unique skill " is road no in complete set guerrilla detachment play, the regular army who is that the same stuff is entire then "the hero is invincible " handle system does battle general plan, the person looks at coke target-rization, step order-rization, method hipping, behavior normalizes , the effective safe mechanism manage, will bring deep one revolution to deep one revolution unable nothing chapter speculation way , the form deciding share price some classics of checking gimmick along power destiny unexpected turn of events composes in reply 1 agreeing with 3 buying point, Give investor the best having provided marketplace opportunity to grasp, but the high position faction that risk controls sends out one , two sells stopping that point and mark of archives interpose mean, general cover is difficult to be close to the body.


When you win a battle and your partner submits, you have, paradoxically, lost.


Winners never quit, and quitters never win.


更多网络解释与赢家相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Winners do more than expected:大赢家要多做实事

Winners are active. 大赢家要积极向上. | Winners do more than expected. 大赢家要多做实事. | Winners motivated. 大赢家要富有激情.

Ari Kiev:赢家交易

b 股票、衍生工具和税收 - 投资者、交易员和投机商指南 Tony Compton | b 赢家交易, Ari Kiev | b SOES版块的秘密 H Houtkin

Bob Roberts:生成赢家

赫德萨克的代办别人代理人 Hudsucker Proxy, The (1994) | 生成赢家 Bob Roberts (1992) | 超等大玩家 Player, The (1992)

The Rocking- Horse Winner:木马赢家

The Plumed Serpent 羽蛇 | The Rocking- Horse Winner 木马赢家 | Aron'S Rod 亚伦之杖

Winners take chances:大赢家要抓住机会

Winners believe in themselves. 大赢家要相信自己. | Winners take chances. 大赢家要抓住机会. | Winners study hard. 大赢家要努力学习.

the lion's share:最大赢家

30 Third-Party Profit 鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利 | 31 A Bird in the Hand 二鸟在林,不如一鸟在手 | 32 The Lion's Share 最大赢家

I won:我是赢家

That in the end... in the end|到了最后... 到了最后 | I won!|我是赢家! | How so?|何以见得?

Wir werden doch Sieger sein:我们将仍然是赢家

Und stemmen sich gegen uns Welten,面对反对我们的世界 | Wir werden doch Sieger sein.我们将仍然是赢家 | Refrain:副歌

This guy's gig was sports handicapping - predicting winners for people who bet:这家伙擅长体育分析, 替赌博的人们预测赢家

(Lang) 900 numbers, audio text. The racket ... | This guy's gig was sports handicapping - predicting winners for people who bet.|这家伙擅长体育分析, 替赌博的人们预测赢家 | I was supposed to just record...

Born to Win:天生大赢家

60年代中期的影片奠定了西格尔严肃演员的地位,70年代初期,他似乎有望享有同时代的杰克.尼克尔森(Jack Nicholson)一样辉煌的享有演艺事业,但尽管他先后在<<俏冤家>>(Pussycat)、<<Blume in Love>>、<<天生大赢家>>(Born to Win)和<<神偷盗宝>>(The Hot Rock)等影片中