英语人>词典>汉英 : 赚取差价 的英文翻译,例句
赚取差价 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与赚取差价相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Reporter He Yong last week, roc city today edition continue to have thorough investigation to undesirable phenomenon, unveil the shady deal that foreign diploma offers on the net; Exposure is right with " commonweal " reclaim for the name old clothes is earned from which do not poor the deformed behavior of price difference.


The group introduces his product so: Classmates have a lot of old clothing and other articles of daily use, threw regrettablly, staying trashy, in campus the booth that place the ground sells inconvenience clumsy also, we center these things in net inn consignment, from which collection commission; School dining room has a meal should discharge very long line, meal is not goluptious also, we order meal for classmates, press low case, earn price difference from which; School supermarket product little, price is expensive, outside school supermarket goes very far, we organize a group to buy regularly, it is cheaper to be bought together.


A few people were certain this business chance, going early the end of the year is grabbed ordered marriage banquet field, repass is made over earn price difference.


And it is in terms of the quality, comfort, practicality and enjoyment of the interior that the Fiat Linea aims to make the difference, backed up by the refinement of the materials and by the colour combinations, as well as the attention paid to every detail and to the assembly.


Manilans tell the story of an ex-bootblack who makes a living hanging around Coke machines and selling 10-centavo pieces (the only coins that fit the machines) for 15 centavos to thirsty people who are too eager to go and get the proper change.


And the European Climate Foundation, a think-tank, says more could be taken from existing carbon markets: cash could be winkled from traders who arbitrage the price difference between green projects in poor places and the "allocation" paid by rich-world emitters.


Short sellers are rarely the mischiefmakers they are portrayed to be.


更多网络解释与赚取差价相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cardinal Health:基本健康

美国基本健康(Cardinal Health)公司(我们曾对其成长方式进行了较为详细的案例分析,见本刊2006年1月号)之所以身处低成长行业(医药和医疗行业批发)却以令人惊叹的速度成长,原因在于它建立了与同行企业(靠赚取批零差价获利)大异其趣的商业模式.

Floor trader:場內交易員

那些讨价还价的人通常称为场内交易员(Floor Trader). 场内交易员是以自营方式在交易所内通过交易赚取买卖差价的NYSE成员,这些交易员既可以为自己进行交易也可以充当经纪人代客户交易. 近年来,公开叫价的交易方式正日渐被电脑系统撮合的交易方式取代.

earn, make a profit:赚取

中转 transfer, change hands | 赚取 earn, make a profit | 差价 profit margin