英语人>词典>汉英 : 赊销 的英文翻译,例句
赊销 的英文翻译、例句


sale on account
更多网络例句与赊销相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

International factoring is a comprehensive financial service, which is to provide business credit investigation, management of account payable, and credit risks guarantee for the credit sale of international trade .It is one of the intermediary services of commercial banks in our country.


If there is no efficient way to control the account receivable aggradation, it will be more and more while the quantity of sales is bigger and bigger, and it will affect the normal produce.


On bargainor's side, this opportunity cost can be charged up into acount in form of" financial cost", but on bargainee's side, sometimes it cannot be charged up into account.


This thesis mainly studies the methods and application of credit rating for customers by credit sale from the aspect of business.


By characteristics analysis models, we can assess credit sale risk of company. From the perspective of management, we can manage and control credit sale risk objectively.


This calculation tells us that on average, Solarwind Company waited approximately 5 days to make collection of a sale on credit .


At the date of the credit sale, Account Receivable is debited and Sales Revenue is credited.


In the market economy of fierce competition, exactitude usage credit sale, the management which strengthens account receivable seem to be specially important.


The paper analyses relative effect factors of credit sale risk, and the paper analyses credit sale risk by two ways of quantity and quality analysis.


The Dongguan HongBaoShi trading limited company is enterprise which retails things to flow, The company unceasingly expands the scale of sale by the selling on credit, but behind the selling on credit it is the receivable account which rises unceasingly. The receivable account which accumulates excessively much, can seriously affect the enterprise finance condition and the normal management.


更多网络解释与赊销相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acceptance credit:承兑信用;承兑赊销期票

acceptance commission 承兑费用 | acceptance credit 承兑信用;承兑赊销期票 | acceptance draft 承兑汇票

account of credit sales:赊销帐户

account of cash in vault 库存现金簿 | account of credit sales 赊销帐户 | account of executors 遗产清册

account of credit sales:赊销帐广

80,"account of bill ","票据的票面金额" | 81,"account of credit sales"," 赊销帐广" | 82,"account payable ","应付款"

Risk of account sales:赊销风险

资本账户开放:Capital account convertibility | 赊销风险:Risk of account sales | 资本账户开放:capital account liberalization

accounts receivable turnover:应收帐款周转率:一个时期的赊销净额 / 应收帐款平均余额

Accounting equation 会计等式:资产 = 负债 + 业主权益 | Accounts receivable turnover 应收帐款周转率:一个时期的赊销净额 / 应收帐款平均余额 | Accrued dividend 应计股利

revolving charge account:限额赊销帐户

revolving camring-knitting machine 回转凸轮式圆型针织机 | revolving charge account 限额赊销帐户 | revolving circular cutter 回转圆铣刀

Credit sale:赊销

一旦决定对客户赊销(credit sale)之额度时,应即确认该客户已充分了解该赊销之条件及未能依约付款之后果. 例如公司规定,若付款期限(due date)过期后始付款者,应按迟延天数计收迟延利息;逾期付款超过一定期间时(如45天),

credit sale invoice:赊销发票

credit sale agreement | 赊销合同 分期付款赊销法 | credit sale invoice | 赊销发票 | credit sale | 赊卖, 先售货后收款

tally shop:赊销商店

赊销/tally system | 赊销商店/tally shop | 赊账/account credit

tally trade:赊销贸易,分期付款赊销法

tally system 分期付款赊销法,赊销法 | tally trade 赊销贸易,分期付款赊销法 | Tallysurf oxide measurement 泰勒雪夫氧化物测量