英语人>词典>汉英 : 袖扣 的英文翻译,例句
袖扣 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cufflink  ·  cufflinks

cuff button · cuff links · sleeve button · cuff-link
更多网络例句与袖扣相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Main production: nameplates, badges, badge, the number plate, commemorative coins, key chain, mobile phone strap, tie clips, cufflinks, belt buckle, jewelry, apparel accessories, shoes, accessories, bags accessories, bookmarks, photo frames category, signs, Carabiner, bottle opener, envelopes knife display case, such as Taiwan's high-grade metal products.


When the reporter stopped feeling countless mini-meteorites falling on his head and, instead, saw many pairs of legs flocking around his desk, he quickly yanked off a cuff button and clambered out from underneath the desk. He held up the button to show his colleagues. They were not convinced, but didn't want to pry into his privacy, so they all dispersed.


Being the most professional cuff button manufacturer in china, yabolan takes profession and innovation its foundation of business. cuff button is a men only ornament that requires particular efforts on design and workmanship. a successful work can always touch its appreciators thoroughly and yabolan is the very workman who creates magic on this little work.


In Beijing, better if you want to buy a tie, please note the following brands: Cartier, which it had a computer keyboard platinum cufflinks, cuff links have a "ESC" and "ALT" the words should be consistent with IT nouveaux riches tastes.


My company produces a variety of high-end fashion cufflinks, such as metal cufflinks, diamond cufflinks artificial increases, Opal Cufflink, shell cufflinks, rhodium cufflinks Ma, Gradienter cufflinks, compass cufflinks, cufflinks mahjong, glass cufflinks and so on, reasonable price, prompt delivery, quality assurance.


Meanwhile, from next spring cufflink specialists Simon Carter will introduce knurled finishes to the fastening mechanism of some of its designs to provide better grip.

与此同时,从明年春天开始,专门制作袖扣的Simon Carter公司将对其部分设计的系结机制推出有凸边的磨光,以提高袖扣的稳固程度。

"I'd been a cufflink wearer for a long time and grew tired of seeing a lack of innovation in the sector," says media entrepreneur Anthony Hayward.


"Id been a cufflink wearer for a long time and grew tired of seeing a lack of innovation in the sector," says media entrepreneur Anthony Hayward.


New luxury goods brand Thomas Lyte has created cufflinks that borrow their engineering from Victorian shipping, using a "studded cable" link originally employed to stop anchor chains knotting that helps thread the cufflink more easily.

新奢侈品牌Thomas Lyte设计出的袖扣借鉴了维多利亚的工艺,使用了一个&布满装饰钉&的连接物——原本用来防止锚的锁链打结的设计——从而使袖扣能够更容易地穿过纽扣孔。

Cufflinks with color is also critical, in general, because of its transparent glass cufflinks, preferably with a white shirt; the French shirt with gold cuff links, a gorgeous and fashionable sense; black, white, gray shirt with silver color cuff links, there are calm, elegant effect.


更多网络解释与袖扣相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

get cuff link on:将袖扣扣好

cuff link : n. 男子衬衫袖的链扣 | get cuff link on 将袖扣扣好 | run out of 用完,耗尽,从 ... 跑出

cuff links:袖扣

钞票夹(Money Clip)袖扣(Cuff Links)Tiffany&co创建于1837年,刚开始是以银制餐具出名,在1851年推出了银制925装饰品而更加著名. 1886年又推出了钻石系列,

cuff links:袖扣 宽领带

solvent(溶解)(青春痘用) | cuff links 袖扣 宽领带 | 肉色:黑色:black

As soon as I get these cuff links on:只等我将袖扣扣扣好

Are you ready? 你准备好了吗 | As soon as I get these cuff links on. 只等我将袖扣扣扣好 | Let me help. 我来帮忙.

As soon as I get these cuff links on:只等我将袖扣扣好

Are you ready? 你准备好了吗 | As soon as I get these cuff links on. 只等我将袖扣扣好. | Let me help. 我来帮忙.

But I showed him some cuff links, and I felt his pulse:不过我给他看一些袖扣 结果摸到他的脉搏

He asked you out?|他约你? 没有 | But I showed him some cuff links, and I felt his pulse.|不过我给他看一些袖扣 结果摸到他的脉搏 | Saucy!|卯死了

i gemelli da camicia:袖扣

人造珠宝 la bigiotteria | 袖扣 i gemelli da camicia | 钻石 il diamante

It's the cufflink, and it's something with my hands:袖扣扣不起来,手有问题

What's wrong?|怎么了? | It's the cufflink, and it's something with my hands.|袖扣扣不起来,手有问题 | It's just, I think I'm having an anxiety attack or something.|可能是惊恐发作吧,


作为男性的重要正式配饰,袖扣(CUFFLINKS)是一种高品味的象征,看似糖果般的大小,除了能固定衣袖之外,更能在举手投足之间,让男性的魅力大增. 事实上,在男性正式西装的穿著中,配戴珠宝最好能免则免,但袖扣则是唯一例外,

sleeve button:袖扣

14--top sleeve 大袖 | 15--sleeve button 袖扣 | 16--sleeve opening 袖口