英语人>词典>汉英 : 虹吸作用 的英文翻译,例句
虹吸作用 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
siphonage  ·  siphoning  ·  syphonage

更多网络例句与虹吸作用相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Till now, the most used method for storage of hydrogen in array of SWNT's is by physisorption inside the SWNT's and on the outer surface of the SWNT's or in the interstice between SWNT's.


To perform a siphonage, the size of the siphon toilet s flush pipe has to be smaller and it will be more possible to be blocked.


The technology of filtrating irrigation by using capillary guiding core is an irrigating way that transfer the water from container to the roots of plants uninterruptedly through a particular channel depending on water tension and its siphonage. As all the forces come from nature, it is very stable and requires no other extra forces.


The technology of filtrating irrigation by using capillary guiding core is an irrigating way that transfers the water from container to the roots of plants uninterruptedly through a particular channel depending on water tension and its siphonage. As all the forces come from nature, it is very stable and requires no other extra forces.


It is showed that the negative pressure increased with the lengthening of pipe outlet (ranging from 177 to 227 mm), and the siphonage and washing effect were enhanced. The water consumption reduced from 6 L to 5 L and the amount of sewage water decreased, when adjusting the length of pipe outlet to be the best value (227 mm).


It reach to siphonic resulation based on negative pressure of the pipe.


Siphonic action ,the sup port or liquid coated on it retard the analy tes' migration by adsorption or


The decanting weir tank and water sealed tank for water outlet in SBR drainage well a...


It is mandatory to prevent the reverse flow of fire protection system substances, i.e., glycerin wetting agents, stagnant water and water of non-potable quality from being pumped or siphoned into the potable water supply.


更多网络解释与虹吸作用相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Siphon action:虹吸作用

Sintered metallic filter 金属陶瓷过滤器 | Siphon action 虹吸作用 | Siphonage 虹吸作用


不过更大的困难还不是来自捍卫人类尊严的攻击,而是来自始终处于主流的社会工程学的"虹吸作用"(siphonage). 那种对于来自军事实践和工程实践的组织性的酷嗜,社会工程学及其政制,

anti siphonage:反虹吸作用

anti shrink 耐缩的 | anti siphonage 反虹吸作用 | anti slip 防滑性

siphonal:虹吸的; 虹吸作用的 (形)

sipe 穿过, 洒, 滴 (动) | siphonal 虹吸的; 虹吸作用的 (形) | siphonic 虹吸的; 虹吸作用的 (形)

Siphonic:虹吸的; 虹吸作用的 (形)

siphonal 虹吸的; 虹吸作用的 (形) | siphonic 虹吸的; 虹吸作用的 (形) | sipper 啜饮者; 麦管 (名)

siphonic action:虹吸作用

虹吸作用 siphonage | 虹吸作用 siphonic action | 气夹层 sir casing


siphonic /虹吸的/水管的/ | siphoning /虹吸作用/ | siphonium /连管/

capillary siphoning:毛管虹吸作用

capillary sheath 毛细管鞘 | capillary siphoning 毛管虹吸作用 | capillary soil water 土壤毛细水

Capillary siphoning phenomenon:毛管虹吸作用

"毛管升高","Capillary height rise" | "毛管虹吸作用","Capillary siphoning phenomenon" | "毛管张力","Capillary tension"

Phenomenon,capillary siphoning:毛管虹吸作用

酚類 Phenols | 毛管虹吸作用 Phenomenon,capillary siphoning | 過渡現象 Phenomenon,transient