英语人>词典>汉英 : 萦绕于 的英文翻译,例句
萦绕于 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
haunt  ·  haunts

更多网络例句与萦绕于相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With his dissimulation and compensating zeal, his accomm odations and rationalisations, his mix of motives (careerism, but also fear an d genuine belief) and his proximity to the suffering he nevertheless condoned, Simonov provides exemplary answers to the questions that weave through the bo ok.


The palate starts sweet with a mouth filling bouquet of ripe black fruits, and cassis.


Renewal and regeneration.I honor you, Hecate and am conscious of you in my life each day.


Mr. Albarns haunting and dynamic score blends genuine Chinese sounds with electronica and even hurdy-gurdy.


The great shearwater, for example, is almost certainly able to locate its breeding grounds on the island of Tristan da Cunha from at least 150 kilometers away because of the characteristic cloud cap that hangs over it.


I muttered out the idea that has been lingering in my mind fordays: to build a small memorial for theirdaughter.


And that nature's cruelties and caprices are beyond rational accounting: Bangladesh does not deserve the curse that seems to hover over it.


Favorite soup which will clear fever and moisten lung. She puts all her affectionate and passionate love in to her longing eyes.


She keeps on running to the balcony once and again to look into the distance with the concern hovering in her mind while she is cooking his favorite soup which will clear fever and moisten lung.


She buys vegetables and then cook. She keeps on running to the balcony once and again to look into the distance with the concern hovering in her mind while she is cooking his favorite soup which will clear fever and moisten lung. She puts all her affectionate and passionate love in to her longing eyes.


更多网络解释与萦绕于相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

as driftwood does in sand:好像浮木浪迹于沙滩

The echo rests in the heart 萦绕心灵的回音 | as driftwood does in sand 好像浮木浪迹于沙滩 | to be rubbed by time 随着岁月的消磨

as driftwood does in sand:好象浮木浪迹于沙滩

The echo rests in the heart萦绕心灵的回音 | as driftwood does in sand, 好象浮木浪迹于沙滩, | To be rubbed by time随着岁月的消磨

The ghoulish trickery:残忍的诡计

A haunting ghostly treat 对我来说是如此可怕,萦绕于脑中挥之不去 | The ghoulish trickery 残忍的诡计 | And spirits dancing In the night 幽灵在夜晚跳舞

Haunting:他用的词是 "萦绕于心的

Wait. Did you get that out of my mother's closet?|等等 那是你从我妈妈柜子里... | The word he used was, uh, uh, "haunting",|他用的词是 "萦绕于心的" | "a haunting sense of immediacy".|"一种即刻的萦绕于心的...

hauntingly:萦绕于心头地; 难以忘怀地 (副)

haunt 常到, 萦绕于, 出没于; 出没, 作祟 (动) | hauntingly 萦绕于心头地; 难以忘怀地 (副) | hausfrau 主妇 (名)

Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams:你的面容时常萦绕于我每个甜美的梦中

now I'm bound by the life you left behind 而现在 我已被那些你... | Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams 你的面容时常萦绕于我每个甜美的梦中 | Your voice has chased away all the sanity in me 你的声...

Still remains:萦绕不去

and the vision that was planted in my brain.这幻影在我脑海里种下了根. | still remains.萦绕不去. | within the sound of silence !于寂静无声的此刻!

what gives:[口]发生什么事?出现什么情况

ghosts of the former days (萦绕于脑际的)悲伤的往事 | What gives? [口]发生什么事?出现什么情况? | give about 分布 传播(谣言)

hausfrau:主妇 (名)

hauntingly 萦绕于心头地; 难以忘怀地 (副) | hausfrau 主妇 (名) | haustorium 吸器 (名)

have / get the upper hand:取得优势,占上风

haunt vt. 常去;(鬼,魂)常出没于;(思想)萦绕;n. 常去的地方 | have (get) the upper hand 取得优势,占上风 | have nothing to do with sb.(sth.) 同(某人、某事)无关