英语人>词典>汉英 : 节奏感 的英文翻译,例句
节奏感 的英文翻译、例句


rhythm sensation
更多网络例句与节奏感相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The greatest all-rounder we've seen, combining excellent timing with lovely fluidity."


Overtones is the 2007 sophomore album from Jack Allsopp AKA Just Jack.

Overtones》是Just Jack2007年推出的个人第二张专辑。12首歌曲中都充斥着犀利的言辞、飘逸的旋律和炽热的节奏感

Guillaume Apollinaire characterized her painting in The Cubist Painters;"Like the dance, it is an infinitely gracious and rhythmical art of enumeration."


We shot a good percentage," Battier said."I thought people were in rhythm....


Some people just don't have enough rhythm to boogie.


Physique index include stature, avoirdupois, length of lower limbs/ stature multiply 100, span/ stature, posture. Physical fitness include Break-out force(standing long jump,20 meters race); speed(20 meters,30 meters); flexible; Sensitive capability and harmony;physiology enginery index include space time estimate ability, balance control ability, cadence sense. Psychology index include intelligence factor and non-intelligence factor interest, nerve type, bravery and brawniness Willpower

其中身体形态指标有:身高、体重、下肢长/身高x 100、指距-身高、身体姿势;身体素质类:爆发力(立定跳远、20米跑),速度(20米、30米)、柔韧、灵敏与协调;生理机能类:时空判断、平衡控制能力、节奏感;心理类指标:智力因素和非智力因素(兴趣、神经类型,勇敢顽强果断的意志品质)。

The little boy played here for the buffering effect of increased tension in the story of music like rhythm.


The Call is the most contemporary tune on the release.

The Call是专集中最富有现代节奏感的曲子。

The eurhythmic dancer will fail at first, but there is nothing to prevent the acquisition of such rhythmic interpretation by anyone who has shown sufficient ability to become an intelligent average dancer.


The Results found significant differences between the experimental group and the control group. Also, the more participated in playing the rhythm game, the higher the rhythm score showed. Playing the rhythm game improved users music learning and rhythm perception were proven in this study. The results also provided suggestions to game designers.


更多网络解释与节奏感相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


上肢的控制,训练跨的灵活度、协调性、节奏感,助你成为一个舞台上最炫的Dancer,周日:街舞(HIP-HOP)同上培训内容:爵士(JAZZ)、街舞(HIP-HOP)、酒吧舞(CLUB DANDCE)、风情拉丁舞(SALSA)肚皮舞(BELLY DANC) 健美操(AEROBICS)


229.rhythmist 有节奏感的人,作曲家,研究韵律的人 | animist 万物有灵论者,魔幻驯兽师 | pessimist 悲观者

Another day:也很好听

5.playing my game,轻柔的歌曲,不得不听. | 6.another day,也很好听. | 1.so yesterday,节奏感很强的歌.

A bit of musicality, please:拜托!有点节奏感

Strong back.|用力点. | A bit of musicality, please!|拜托!有点节奏感. | Good.|好!


rhythmics 韵律论 | rhythmist 有节奏感 | rhythmizable 予以节奏的


229.rhythmist 有节奏感的人,作曲家,研究韵律的人 | animist 万物有灵论者,魔幻驯兽师 | pessimist 悲观者

So Yesterday:节奏感很强的歌

6.another day,也很好听. | 1.so yesterday,节奏感很强的歌. | 2.since,超好听.

Rumors Lindsay Lohan:也很不错的 很有节奏感

My humps--black eyed peas 我喜欢这节奏~ | Negative things--ray 很不错的动听歌曲,适合感情细腻的人欣赏!:-) | rumors--Lindsay Lohan 也很不错的 很有节奏感

earphones:耶耶耶 (节奏感超强)

61.Westlife-Uptown Girl (好听) | 63.Earphones-耶耶耶 (节奏感超强) | 64.Banaroo -Ba Yonga Wamba (很喜欢这舞曲)

Sarah Connor&TO-Love is color blind:(很好听节奏感很强的一首歌~强烈推荐~)

27.Tata Young-I think of you(美泰混血才女~) | 28.Sarah Connor&TO-Love is color blind(很好听节奏感很强的一首歌~强烈推荐~) | 29.Jaci Velasquez-Imagine me without you(推荐~不错的一首慢歌~)