英语人>词典>汉英 : 自然对数 的英文翻译,例句
自然对数 的英文翻译、例句


natural logarithm · Napierian logarithm
更多网络例句与自然对数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Expressed in terms of a designated power of e, the base of natural logarithms .


Napier's constant, e, is the base of natural logarithms and exponentials.


E XP returns the value of e raised to the power of X, where e is the base of the natural logarithms.

E XP 返回e的X次幂的值,其中e是一个自然对数基底。

Exp returns the value of e raised to the power of X, where e is the base of the natural logarithms.


So if you're used to thinking in terms of e as the base of natural logarithms, you must do a mental translation when you see an expression such as 1.39 e-47f in Java


Results There was a linear trend between logarithmic X and Y, the equation of logarithmic curve was able to be fitted, There was a linear trend between logarithmic Y and X, the equation of exponential curve was able to be fitted, There was a linear trend between logarithmic X and logarithmic Y, the equation of power curve can be fitted. There is a parabola pattern between X and Y, the equation of parabola was able to be fitted.

结果 X取自然对数与Y作散点图有直线趋势,拟合对数曲线方程;Y取自然对数与X作散点图有直线趋势,拟合指数曲线方程;X取自然对数与Y取自然对数作散点图有直线趋势,拟合幂函数曲线方程;原始数据X和Y成抛物线关系,拟合抛物线方程。

The natural logarithm of this ratio is called the logarithmic decrement.


Natural logarithm of conditional odds of dependent variables are called logit.


Result indicated that this model and the experimental data were inosculated. Good linear relationships were found between the natural logarithm of solution density, the logarithm of reaction duration, the reciprocal temperature and the natural logarithm of medicament concentration.


Also called Interleaves.


更多网络解释与自然对数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

base of natural logarithms:自然对数的底

base of logarithm 对数的底 | base of natural logarithms 自然对数的底 | base period 基本周期


EXCEL的常用函数包含有:平方根(SQRT)、自然对数(LN)、正余弦函数、数值求和(SUM)及单元格求和(SUMIF)等. 数学与三角函数中包含各种正反三角函数、正反双曲余弦正切值、圆周率π(PI)值等. 设计计算中常用的函数一般均可在其中找到.

natural logarithm:自然对数

课本里还简略提到,有一种以无理数e=2.71828......为底数的对数,称为自然对数(natural logarithm),这个e,正是我们故事的主角. 不知这样子说,是否引起你更大的疑惑呢?在十进位制系统里,用这样奇怪的数为底,难道会比以10为底更「自然」吗?

natural logarithm:自然对数Btu中国学习动力网

Napierian logarithm 纳皮尔对数; 自然对数Btu中国学习动力网 | natural logarithm 自然对数Btu中国学习动力网 | natural number 自然数Btu中国学习动力网

Napierian logarithm:纳皮尔对数; 自然对数

n the root of unity 单位的n次根 | Napierian logarithm 纳皮尔对数; 自然对数 | natural logarithm 自然对数

Napierian logarithm:自然对数

naphtine 伟晶蜡石 | napierian logarithm 自然对数 | Napoleonville 拿破仑维尔阶

Napierian logarithms:自然对数;讷氏对数

"naphtholithe","沥青页岩" | "Napierian logarithms","自然对数;讷氏对数" | "napoleonite; corsite","球状闪长岩"

natural logarithms:自然对数

天然法则,自然律 natural law | 自然对数 natural logarithms | 天然纪念物 natural monument

Natural logarithm function:自然对数函数

Natural exponential function :自然指数函数 | Natural logarithm function :自然对数函数 | Natural number :自然数

Napierian base:自然对数的底

Napier'srules 大字法则 | Napierian base 自然对数的底 | Napierian logarithm 自然对数