英语人>词典>汉英 : 自我反省 的英文翻译,例句
自我反省 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

search one's heart · examine one's own errors
更多网络例句与自我反省相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As regard to the first question, the deeper the autocriticism is, the more successful the self-identification is.


Firstly, it is a humanized education rooted on human establishing to enrich the students soul, developtheir personality, realize their autoeroticism, self-choice and self-perfection; Secondly, it is a spiritual education, which helps the students to find their spiritual homestead, expand their spiritual space, contradicting their spiritual mediocrity.


People,eben more than things,have to be restored,reclaimed and redeemed;never throw out anyone.


People even more than things ,have to be restored ,revived,reclaimed and redeemed;never thow out anyone.


People,even more than things,have to be restored,revived,reclaimed and redeemed;never throwout anyone.


People, even more than things, have to be restored, revived, reclaimed and redeemed; never throwout anyone.


Reclaimed and redeemed;never throwout anyone.


People, even more than things, have to be restored, revived, puma chaussures , reclaimed and redeemed; never throw out anyone.


As the necessary choice of modern cultural creation, self-conscious symbol design always emerges as a specific cultural creation activity by human dealing with the relation to the outside objective symbolic world under specific historical conditions, which is a functional transcendent activity, a programmed cultural creation activity seeking for concreteness against abstractness, and it is also a cultural creation activity with self-discipline, compatibility, and pre-examination value with the ability of self-reflection, self-criticism, self-transcendence and self-creation, therefore, it is a choice of cultural practice which is helpful for us to guide contemporary human cultural creation according to complex situations and it is also one to further control the future and development trend of our culture.

摘 要:作为现代文化创造之必然选择,自觉符号设计在具体历史条件下总是表现为人处理同外界客观符号世界关系的特定文化创造活动,它既是一种功能性超越活动,又是一种不断寻求具体、反对抽象的程式化文化创造活动,还是一种兼顾自律性、兼容性与预验性价值的文化创造活动。它具备自我反省、自我批判、自我超越、自我创造能力,有助于我们按照复杂情况来引导当代人类文化创造,更好地把握自身文化未来与发展趋势。

Subsequently, based on the free spirit and unrestrained personality in Qu Yuan and in the tradition of Li Sao, these writers surpass themselves and make the image abundant with new significances. The traditional figure of self-query, of self-exile, and self-criticism, not only passes beyond the tradition of national tragedy, but also retrieves the essence of self-examination. Thus, these writers have obtained more freedom to interpret "Qu Yuan", and the tradition of Qu Yuan in oversea Chinese literatures has been reconstructed with modernity.


更多网络解释与自我反省相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


autocritical 自我评定的 | autocriticism 自我反省 | autocross 汽车越野赛

autocriticism:自我反省, 自我检讨

autocritical | 自我评定的 | autocriticism | 自我反省, 自我检讨 | autocross | 汽车越野比赛


hypnosis 催眠 | autocriticism 自我反省,自我批评 | sacrifice 牺牲

but they aren't everyone of us know autocriticism:但不是每一个人都知道怎样自我反省

每一个人都懂得批判别人,everyone of us know how to criticize othe... | 但不是每一个人都知道怎样自我反省. but they aren't everyone of us know autocriticism | 大家都看重面子,we all think alot of reputatio...

reflect upon oneself:自我反省

reflect on sth 细想...... | reflect upon oneself 自我反省 | ■advantage n. 优势


self?punitive behavior 自罚行为 | self?questioning 自我反省 | self?rating 自我评定

you know, with all the self-doubt and the self-questioning:不停的自我怀疑, 或是自我反省

It was completely rude. Do you mean genuine hum... | you know, with all the self-doubt and the self-questioning,|不停的自我怀疑, 或是自我反省, | or Hamilton's polite, patronizing, "Aw, shucks" humility...

soul-searching:真挚的自我反省, 深思

texture score 质地[组织]评价 | soul-searching 真挚的自我反省, 深思 | break dancing 霹雳舞


soul?monad hypothesis 灵魂单子假说 灵魂单子假说 | soul?searching 良心上的自我反省 | soul?substance 灵运动实体

I'm doing some soul-searching, you know:我只是在自我反省

Yeah. I'm just...|没错,我只是... | I'm doing some soul-searching, you know?|我只是在自我反省 | Don't do that.|别这样