英语人>词典>汉英 : 腹泻 的英文翻译,例句
腹泻 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
diarrhea  ·  diarrhoea  ·  scour  ·  enterorrhaphy  ·  scoured  ·  laxness

更多网络例句与腹泻相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Seven months when the medical examination have anemia, began to increase non-staple food, then diarrhea, go to the hospital to check for indigestion, eating in children scattered stomachic, smecta, there is no diarrhea, but eat things, but also as it came out, is also indigestion, but because of diarrhea, small PP made a lot of red dot, I used every day aureomycin rub, or none.


Results:The level of total anaerobic population and total aerobic population of excrement specimens of three kinds of IBS sufferers were different significantly, particularly the level of bifidobacterium and cillobacterium(P.01);the level of bacteroid population was higher significantly in diarrhea-predominant and mixed type of IBS sufferers (P.01);the level of enterococcus population was higher significantly in diarrhea-predominant IBS sufferers(P.05);among the aerobes, the number of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus colonies were increased by different level(P.01or0.05) in the IBS suffers, in particular, the number of Escherichia coli colonies in diarrhea-predominant IBS sufferers increased most significantly.


Its major alkaloid, berberine (also found in barberry and Oregon grape ), has been shown to improve infectious diarrhea in some double-blind trials. 53 Negative studies have generally focused on people with cholera, while positive studies investigated viral diarrhea or diarrhea due to strains of E.


Objective: Diarrheal disease is common in pediatric clinics.


Methods Radiopaque markers was used to analyze colonic transit time in cases with diarrhea in type 2 diabetes and IBS.

摘要] 目的对2型糖尿病腹泻及IBS腹泻患者进行肠传输、小肠吸收功能及肠道菌群等的研究,探讨DM腹泻的病因机制。

80 cases of IBS (according to Rome-11 criteria) were divided into two groups randomly. The treatment group (including 28 D-D3S and 15 C-IBS cases) were treated with Xin-Chang Ning Mixture orally, and among the control group 33 D-IBS cases were treated with Berberin Tannate,14 C-IBS with Cisapride orally.


The days of diarrhea relief and the concomitant symptoms of diarrhea such as pain,bloating,and tenesmus were observed.


The primary cause of antibiotic- associated diarrhea was applying antibiotic. When the gerontal patient ,which had applied antibiotic for long time, appeared diarrhea, antibiotic- associated diarrhea was considered at first.


One or diarrhea should not take the time (including acute diarrhea and chronic diarrhea at the time) because of diarrhea will hemoconcentration, increased blood viscosity, and diuretics the blood will also concentrated, so if patients with diarrhea when taking diuretics would become a higher blood viscosity, it is easy to lead to the formation of thrombus, and there may be serious consequences such as myocardial infarction.


At the diarrhea onset or little diarrhea ,pH value was acid ;faecal color was lighter than normal piglet.


更多网络解释与腹泻相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


①号专家的解答结果: 腹泻(diarrhea)是一种常见症状,是指排便次数明显超过平日习惯的频率,粪质稀薄,水分增加,每日排便量超过200g,或含未消化食物或脓血,粘液.腹泻常伴有排便急迫感,肛门不适,失禁等症状.腹泻分急性和慢性两类 给婴儿增加辅助食品时,

infantile diarrhea:婴儿腹泻

婴儿腹泻(infantile diarrhea)是我国婴幼儿最常见的消化道综合征. 分为感染性与非感染性. 感染性腹泻除已有固定名称如杆菌痢疾、阿米巴痢疾、霍乱、鼠伤寒沙门氏菌感染等外,其他细菌如大肠杆菌、空肠弯曲菌,病毒如轮状病毒、星状病毒、柯萨奇病毒等,

infantile diarrhea:婴幼儿腹泻

婴幼儿腹泻(infantile diarrhea)是我国婴幼儿最常见的消化道综合征 1982年全国小儿腹泻协作组讨论通过了分类法,将小儿腹泻分为感染性与非感染性. 感染性腹泻除已有固定名称如杆菌痢疾 聝米巴痢疾、霍乱、鼠伤寒沙门氏菌感染等外 其他细菌如大肠杆菌、空肠

infantile diarrhea:小儿腹泻病

幼兔腹泻:young rabbit diarrhea | 小儿腹泻病:infantile diarrhea | 持续性腹泻:persistent diarrhea

chronic diarrhea:[慢性腹泻]

慢性腹泻(Chronic diarrhea)是指长期(病程达2个月以上)反复发作的排便次数增多,粪质稀薄不成形,容量或重量增多,或带粘液脓血或含多量脂肪的腹泻. 慢性腹泻的原因包括:肠道感染(包括细菌、原虫、寄生虫和病毒);肠道肿瘤(如结肠癌、小肠淋巴瘤);

infectious diarrhea:感染性腹泻

一、概述 感染性腹泻(infectious diarrhea)是一个古老而常见的疾患,70年代中期提出感染性腹泻这一诊断名称,虽也称为感染性腹泻病,但实际上,这是一个综合征.

diarrheal disease:腹泻病

学习资料(小儿急性腹泻的标准化诊治技术) (一)、概念腹泻病(diarrheal disease)是由多病原、多因素引起的一组疾病,主要是有大便性状改变与大便次数比平时增多,在未明确病因前,统称为腹泻病,是我国婴幼 ...腹泻病(diarrheal disease)是由多病原、多因素引起的一组疾病,

diarrhoea ablactatorum:断乳腹泻症

diarrhoea;腹泻;; | diarrhoea ablactatorum;断乳腹泻症;; | diarrhoea ablactorun;断乳腹泻症;;

diarrhoeal diseases:腹泻病

Diarrhoeal Disease Control Programme: Biomedical and Epidemiological Research Phase III;腹泻病防治方案:生物医学和流行病学研究 第... | diarrhoeal diseases;腹泻病;; | diarrhoeal morbidity rate;腹泻发病率...

diarrhoeal dehydration:腹泻脱水

diarrhoea management;腹泻防治;; | diarrhoeal dehydration;腹泻脱水;; | Diarrhoeal Disease Control Programme: Biomedical and Epidemiological Research Phase III;腹泻病防治方案:生物医学和流行病学研究 第...