英语人>词典>汉英 : 累加 的英文翻译,例句
累加 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ACC  ·  accumulating  ·  cumulatively  ·  totalizing

更多网络例句与累加相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Symbols tend to appear in clusters and to depend on one another for their accretion of meaning and value.


After the symbol-class accumulation average of every sampling point in all period of time, one time or above symbol-class accumulation average are set on every sampling point in every period of time in multi path searching window, and the result of calculation of all sampling points is stored.


Firstly, the definition of reverse cumulation span is given.


Secondly, the generating basis matrix composition of reverse cumulation is discussed.


There are additive main effect and nonadditive genotype × environment interaction in the regional trial data.


We will see later in this book that there are facts that are semiadditive and still others that are nonadditive.


Semiadditive facts can be added only along some of the dimensions, and nonadditive facts simply can't be added at all.


Value of this element cannot be added to Big Four Winds or Little Four Winds, but may be added to Chance Wind and Pung Of Dragon of the same group if applicable.


Value of this element cannot be added to Big Four Winds or Little Four Winds, but may be added to Chance Round and Pung Of Dragon of the same group if applicable.


G. speech perception and understanding. These stages are described and interpreted in terms of the findings from recorded corpus and questionnaires in education. As for speech production, students' speech motives are explored in detail. Speaker's speech intention is interpreted in connection with listener's reception of it. Findings are presented to show that, in the course of formulating speech plan, the previous sentences is often processed, the construction of sentence is a process of accumulative expansion of speech items through sequential or inversive appending or insertion, and the interaction between long-term and short-term speech plans often occurs.


更多网络解释与累加相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accumulator register:累加寄存器,累加计数器

accumulator of gas 气体蓄积器 | accumulator register 累加寄存器,累加计数器 | accumulator switch 电池转换开关

add up:累加

摘要: 特征: 1、数字液晶显示 2、自动关机功能 3、记忆累加(ADD UP)功... 参考价格/报价: 220元/台3、记忆累加(ADD UP)功能

incremental build:累加编译版

incremental Search: 累加查找: | incremental build 累加编译版 | incremental link 累加链接

incremental build:累加编译版 累加建置

incremental Search: 累加查找: 累加搜寻: | incremental build 累加编译版 累加建置 | incremental link 累加链接 累加连结

Cumulative relative frequency curve:累加相對次數曲線

Cumulative relation frequency 累加相对次数 | Cumulative relative frequency curve 累加相对次数曲线 | Cumulative relative frequency distribution 累加相对次数分配

Cumulative probability function:累加機率函數

Cumulative joint probability function 累加联合机率函数 | Cumulative probability function 累加机率函数 | Cumulative relation frequency 累加相对次数

incremental linker:累加连结器

incremental link 累加连结 | incremental linker 累加连结器 | incremental Search: 累加搜寻:

incremental linker:累加链接器

incremental link 累加链接 | incremental linker 累加链接器 | incremental status file 累加状态文件

incremental linker:累加链接器 累加连结器

incremental link 累加链接 累加连结 | incremental linker 累加链接器 累加连结器 | incremental status file 累加状态文件 累加状态档案

Decumulative relative frequency:以上累加相對次數

Decumulative frequency 以上累加次数 | Decumulative relative frequency 以上累加相对次数 | Decumulative relative frequency curve 以上累加相对次数曲线