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算命 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In the 18th Century Aubusson Rugs had been produced for the first time in a French province of the same name. It specializes in handwoven carpets of 100 % pure sheep wool. In contrast to the classic Orient carpets those carpetsshow a quite design and mellow subdued pastels that can vary between a pale beige and a deep shade.


The chief Taoist philosophers are: Tsou-yuen (400 BC), author of a work on the influences of the five ruling elements, influenced by Buddhist doctrines; Kweiku-tze (380 BC), a mystic, astrologer, and fortune-teller; Ho-kwan-tze (325-298 BC), an orthodox Confucianist when writing on jurisprudence, a Taoist in other writings; Chwang-tze (330 BC), the author of the "Nan-hua" classic, the adversary to Mencius, and according to Eitel "the most original thinker China ever produced"; Shi-tze (280 BC), a Taoist writer, influenced by the heterodox philosopher, Yang-chu (450 BC), the Apostle of Selfishness; the statesman Han-feitze (250 BC); Liu-ngan or Hwai-nan-tze (died 112 BC), a cosmogonist.

行政道家哲学是:邹族源(公元前400年),作品的作者就影响五个执政党分子,受佛教教义; kweiku赐(公元前380 ),一个神秘的,算命算命柜员;何群赐(公元前325-298 ),是一个正统的儒家写作时,就法理,道士,在其他著作; chwang赐(公元前330 ),作者的"南花"的经典,而对方却以孟子,据艾特尔"最原始的思想家,中国以往任何时候都产生了";石赐(公元前280 ),道士作家,受非正统的哲学家,杨柱( 450 BC )的,使徒保罗的自私;政治家汉feitze ( 250 BC )的;柳,颜,或林怀楠梓

At this rate, the diviner could go on their lifes in this business without any capacity.


She visits a fortune teller who predicts stomach cancer, which is what she is afraid she might be dying of.


When a lonely frog consults a fortune-teller, he's told not to worry.


Fortune-telling of the general will say that when you make a fortune, it is clear this person is not telling the general public.


Contents of the knowledge changes after plausibility structure changes, which is very important for fortunetelling knowledge to be immemorial.


According to statistics from the UK media, the reason that the fortunetelling industry is so popular in Italy is because approximately 30,000 Italians get their fortunes told each day.


I know Christians do not go to fortunetellers, but Chinese people always go.


Are they fortunetellers or do I have to call them philosophers (*Sometimes, some of the fortunetellers in Korea are called and/or calling themselves philosophers)?


更多网络解释与算命相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

catoptromancy:镜子(或水晶球)占卜( 古代的一种算命方法)

catoptrite | 黑硅锑锰矿 | catoptromancy | 镜子(或水晶球)占卜( 古代的一种算命方法) | catoptron | 反射镜

fortune teller:算命者

stall, booth 摊位 | fortune teller 算命者 | rifle range, shooting gallery 气枪打靶

The Fortune Teller:算命先生

141. T-Rex 食肉恐龙塔雷克斯 | 142. The Fortune Teller 算命先生 | 143. Precious, The Principal Proctor 主学监普莱西斯

A Real Fortune-teller:真正的算命先生

当敌兵袭击你时When Enemy Soldiers Come at You | 真正的算命先生A Real Fortune-teller | 只剩一个引擎Only One Engine Left

Are you a fortune-teller:你是算命先生

This is just for good will and peace around the world.|这是为世界和平祈福 | Are you a fortune-teller?|你是算命先生? | - Oh my God. - No way.|- 天啊 - 不

The gypsy earned her money as a fortune-teller:这个吉普赛人以算命谋生

6934. I've never lived in one place too long, it must be the Gypsy in ... | 6935. The gypsy earned her money as a fortune-teller. 这个吉普赛人以算命谋生. | 6936. My colleague has broken off the habit ...

I decided to visit a fortune-teller called MadamBellinsky:我决定去光顾一个叫[别琳思鸡夫人]的算命婆

At a village fair在一个乡村集市... | I decided to visit a fortune-teller called MadamBellinsky我决定去光顾一个叫[别琳思鸡夫人]的算命婆. | I went into her tent and she told me to sit down我走进她的帐蓬,...


fortuneless 不幸的 | fortuneteller 算命者 | fortunetelling 算命

sibylline:女算命师的; 神秘性的; 女预言家的 (形)

sibyl 女巫, 女预言家, 女算命师 (名) | sibylline 女算命师的; 神秘性的; 女预言家的 (形) | sic 照抄原文 (感叹)

fortunetelling:算命; 占卜 (名)

fortuneteller 算命者; 占卜者 (名) | fortunetelling 算命; 占卜 (名) | forty 四十; 四十个 (名)