英语人>词典>汉英 : 简单来说 的英文翻译,例句
简单来说 的英文翻译、例句


in simple terms
更多网络例句与简单来说相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In brief, Calixta is an Acadian influenced by Cuban culture who had been attracted to Alcée--and he to her--long before either of them was married (they had some passionate moments together one summer in Assumption Parish, moments that apparently scandalized some people).

简单来说, calixta是一个阿卡迪亚的影响,古巴文化谁已吸引alcée -他和她-前不久,他们要么是已婚(他们有一些激情的时刻,一起有一年夏天在假设堂,时刻显然有些sc andalized人)。

With this brief in mind, the engineers and technicians employed at the Arese plant have come up with a car that may be described as an innovative all-rounder.


An allomorph is any of the cariant forms of morpheme as conditioned by position or adjoining souds.


He has, in brief, added to the nation's productive capacity; Alvin has not.


In brief, there are plenty of grounds for protest, at varying levels of depth.


Put simply, this means that one has to know that something exists before one knows what it is, and before one knows that something exists, one has to accept that anything exists.


Further, every resultant is clearly traceable in its components, because these are homogeneous and commensurable.

简单来说 emergent的概念主要是用来区分於resultant,应用上是单纯的总和或差量不可预测的变量的表述。

In simple terms, the composition of the total capital of a company constitutes its capital structure.


3 This is a famous question in understanding conditional probability, which simply means that given some information you might be able to get a better estimate.


Finally for "Coda", diminuendo, slentando, and ending note are commonly used to end activity.


更多网络解释与简单来说相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fatty acids:脂肪酸

简单来说,食物里的三酸甘油酯无法被小肠吸收,但会通过胰脂肪酶的水解作用而被酯化成为甘油一酸酯(2-monoglyceride) 和 脂肪酸(fatty acids)然后被小肠吸收.

ad valorem:从价税

简单来说,从价税(ad valorem)就是按进口货物价值百分比来征收的关税,如中国农产品关税平均水平为15.35%. 除此之外的其他关税征收方式都可称作非从价税,其中最重要的就是从量税,是依照进口货物的数量、重量、容积、面积、体积或长度为标准,

jian dan:简单

(温德峰)简单(jian dan)说来,从教师的角度来说,前者是知识的动态生成,后者则是知识的静态呈现. 前者属于归纳法的范畴,后者则属于演绎法的范畴.

In simple terms, the body becomes allergic to itself:简单来说,身体对自身过敏

I don't even know what that is.|我甚... | In simple terms, the body becomes allergic to itself.|简单来说,身体对自身过敏 | The immune system attacks healthy cells in the circulatory system and destroys ...

junior suite:简单套房

我认为要是来这里住的话,最好选择简单套房(junior suite),简单套房和Claridge's的标准间(standard room)大小是一样的. 房间这么小实在是太可惜了,因为从酒店本身来说,这里还是挺吸引人的,服务也很人性化.

Transition Metals:过渡金属

简单来说,此反应发生有两个期间,其中也包含了铁原子氧化数的改变,一种简单的氧化数改变形式是过渡金属(transition metals)的主要性质,在实验室中,铁原子通常拥有两种氧化数形式,除了零价的金属原子外还包含了+2价和+3价,价数会十分容易地来回变动.


简单来说,一个排程决定工件(Job)何让使用者能简单地、轻易地描述(state)限制满足问computer algorithm)有系统地、有效率地求解(solve)产(Job Shop)类似,但其每一工件在同一时间点,资料问题.


全像摄影技术(Holography),简单来说,指的就是一项三度空间(three dimensional)的摄影技术,请简单描述 全像摄影技术所指的三度空间摄影是什麼意思﹖全像摄影技术又如何达到此三度空间摄影目的﹖

in laymen's terms:简单来说

CERN 欧洲粒子物理实验室 | in laymen's terms 简单来说 | detector 探测器

The song is so easy that a three-year-old kid can sing it:这歌儿太简单了,三岁的娃娃都会唱

It's so easy that...容易很很...... | The song is so easy that a three-year-old kid can sing it.这歌儿太简单了,三岁的娃娃都会唱. | It's easy for everybody这对谁来说都容易得很