英语人>词典>汉英 : 笃定 的英文翻译,例句
笃定 的英文翻译、例句


without hurry and haste · feel safe
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Nevertheless, one thing is certain: the advancement of science and technology will characterize the future.


The deathblow of envy is a calm consideration of the future.


Under the protection of its downy flower head ,I finally felt safe and stable.


I climbed up a piece of dandelion. Under the protection of its downy flower head, I finally felt safe and stable.


The fixedness of heart spoken of by the psalmist is to be diligently sought after. It is not believing this or that promise of the LORD, but the general condition of unstaggering trustfulness in our God, the confidence which we have in Him that He will neither do us ill Himself nor suffer anyone else to harm us.


Wherefore we press forward with full assurance that our life is secure in our living Head.


It was the first time that I heard about a discussion on death and the nether world.


He came to office convinced that tackling Iran was a bigger priority than peacemaking with Palestinians.


In several countries a ragbag of extremists , nutcases and xenophobes look set to win seats .


"Stability" has many levels: security, stability, resoluteness, steadfastness, and determination.


更多网络解释与笃定相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

great power:强国

我们认为'会'这个字似乎太过负面,也太笃定、太强烈坚持己见,也似乎断定中国一定失败. "拉克鲁瓦说. 这里所说的"大国"恐为"强国"(great power)之误. 因为中国无论从哪方面说本来就是一个大国(big country or nation)!望作者或译者注意.

London Bridge:倫敦鐵橋

伦敦铁桥(London Bridge)应该是指建立於19世纪初的伦敦塔桥(Tower Bridge),位於 ... 为什麼我们可以笃定的认为伦敦塔桥就是童谣中的伦敦铁桥,因为这座年轻的桥梁, ...... 伦敦塔桥 伦敦塔桥(Tower Bridge)是位於英国伦敦一座横跨泰晤士河铁桥,


steatitic 滑石的 | stedfast 笃定的 | steed 马

Stand firm in the Truth now, set your hearts above:对真理的笃定,会让心如明镜高悬

Children, You are hope for Justice, 孩子们,你们是... | Stand firm in the Truth now, set your hearts above 对真理的笃定,会让心如明镜高悬 | You will be reaching, long after we're gone, 你们能够实现,尽管那...


steatite 滑石 | steatitic 滑石的 | stedfast 笃定