英语人>词典>汉英 : 突发奇想 的英文翻译,例句
突发奇想 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与突发奇想相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of thought!Faith is the starting point of all accumulation of riches!


Tushman, suggests that Six Sigma will lead to more incremental innovation at the expense of more blue-sky work.


Across all our business units, we constantly consider ways to develop powerful new services, both through combined interaction and through blue-sky thinking to produce inspired marketing solutions, constructive client-service deliverables and elegant systems.


They should also learn how to solve problems and resolve conflicts,ways to brainstorm and think critically.


Filled with contrariness in the fashion circles, often in such times, we all can not help but be impressed, and even before that arrogant star: Master are in the end, professional level is not an ordinary person than even a feather of the swing frequency off ...... Of course, this story is historical, the total class fashion photographer Guy Bourdin is one of his three wives can not stand him because of the spirit of "abuse", one after another bizarre dead, he has a sudden Fantasy hair wanted to take the golden sunset mermaid nearly covered with sequined models until suffocation, but in the end, this picture has become a classic fashion.

在充斥着乖张的时尚圈,往往就在这种时候,大家都情不自禁地被折服,甚至连以往目中无人的明星都说:到底是大师,专业程度不是一般人能比,连一根羽毛的摆动频率都不放过……当然,这样的故事是有历史的,时尚界泰斗级摄影Guy Bourdin就是其中一位,他的三个老婆由于受不了他的精神"虐待",相继离奇死去,有一次他突发奇想要拍夕阳下的金色美人鱼,差点让满身亮片的模特等到窒息,但最终,这张照片成为了时尚界的经典。

One sailor with good handcraft made a simulation ship in spare time and with crotchet he put it into an empty bottle. This becomes the bottled simulation ship rudiment.


HONG KONG -- Brad Eddington arrived in Shanghai on a whim seven years ago and fell in love with the place.

香港 -七年前,布拉德。爱丁顿突发奇想地抵达上海,并深深爱上了这个地方。

A year ago, paleike breaks out crank, the decision is adopted have the new technology that does not cut hair craft at the tradition, with gas ignite implement ejective flame comes " burn a hair ".


Whether that means jumping out of a plane, buying that fire-engine red dress, or flying to Vegas for an impromptu weekend of decadence, go for it!


Malfoy chose the name Jacques on a whim, because once the Headmaster had asked him what he planned to do when the Order won the War and he replied flippantly that he would move to France and change his name to Jacques.

Malfoy 突发奇想的选择了Jacques,因为校长曾问过他,一旦凤凰令赢得了战争,他有什么计划,他曾蜻蜓点水的提及他想要移居区法国,更换名字为Jacques。

更多网络解释与突发奇想相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

family tree:族谱

树上的全家福:英文的"族谱"(Family Tree)一词是由"家族"和"树"两个单词组成的,照片上的一家四口突发奇想,爬上树杈一字排开,拍下了属于自己的"族谱". (新浪女性配图,图片来源:信息时报)


其后,格兰特从他饲养的金鱼处得到灵感,突发奇想地将乐队的名字改为"饲养员"(Feeder)[也许就是>(Swim)专辑封面上的那条金鱼]. 1995年中期,乐队制作了一张唱片小样,音乐的另类金属风格引起了独立唱片公司"回声"(Echo)的注意,


点击看更多资讯 我永远记得那年的夏天,大概就像是卡通里半身不遂的克拉拉,在阿尔卑斯牧场遇到小海蒂(Heidi)那样的转变. 由于正好工作有空档,想起一位很好的朋友正好在老家,我一人在台北也无所事事,突发奇想就来个半自助旅行去南部找他.

on the basis of:根据

第二个观念与第一个紧密相关,就是法律团体应当根据(on the basis of)法律作出决定,亦即根据先前已知或已经确立的规范、原则和学说. 他们不能出于偏见或突发奇想或咨询政府而作出判决,当然更不能因为徇私或受贿而作出判决.

He bought the house on a sudden impulse:他突发奇想买下了这个房子

7 我们没有书匀给别人. We don't have books to spar... | 8 他突发奇想买下了这个房子. He bought the house on a sudden impulse. | 9 这个房间没有地方放这个电脑了. In this room, there is no room for the comp...

princess royal:长公主

"哈里的鸡尾酒配方"一书出版后不久,正赶上英国的长公主(Princess Royal)玛丽公主(The Princess Mary)大婚. 在婚宴上有一位调酒师突发奇想,把"Alexander"的配方拿过来,但是把基酒的琴酒改为了白兰地,没想到却一炮走红. 调酒师也想不出别的名字,


其后 格兰特从他饲养的金鱼处得到灵感 突发奇想地将乐队的名字改为"饲养员"(Feeder)[也许就是>(Swim)专辑封面上的那条金鱼]. 1995年中期 乐队制作了一张唱片小样 音乐的另类金属风格引起了独立唱片公司"回声"(Echo)的注意 "回声"公司迅速与其签约.



I remember the gleams and glooms that dart:我记得那些突发奇想的美妙瞬间

And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts." 青春的思绪总是如此... | I remember the gleams and glooms that dart 我记得那些突发奇想的美妙瞬间 | Across the school-boy's brain; 稚嫩的忧郁曾使纯真的脸...

Packaging features whimsical original artwork; stringless teabags help reduce waste:包装特点突发奇想原始艺术品; stringless teabags协助减少废物

Contains high levels of... | Packaging features whimsical original artwork; stringless teabags help reduce waste包装特点突发奇想原始艺术品; stringless teabags协助减少废物 | Produced in Boulder, Colorad...