英语人>词典>汉英 : 穿线 的英文翻译,例句
穿线 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
braiding  ·  threading

更多网络例句与穿线相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Commonly used products: Brass wire, including zinc line, polishing lines, filters, ion exchange resins, conductive block, wire mold, insulation board, guide pulley, bearings, water spray nozzles, descaling agent K200, KC12, eye discharge mode discharge brass, discharge chucks, belts as well as a strong magnet, clamp, charge plates, screws, etc. have the cash, and other great products: Tension brushless motor, sets up nose snakes belly, auxiliary sprinkler head, cluster-type sprinkler head Block, Block, and the mother spray, sprinkler head connected·, sprinkler head covered by panels, round round of vice-axis spindle, folder line wheels, power wheels, flow meter, electric plate fixed to the pad, round round, wire wheels, gears, axle win hearts catheter, vertical meter cable, pole lines, grounding line, guide line wheels, micro switch, on the nose, eyes mold base, the wheel seat, rectifier ring, nose mounting insulation, automatic threading catheters, eye mold base assembly, pressure gauge and chuck ER group, eyes fixed mold plate and so have the cash or stock.


The Looper Thread Take-up can make it up and down for threading easy.


XIelwou need a needle threader if you can't see clearly to thread a needle.


You need a needle threader if you cant see clearly to thread a needle.


A rapid swimming stroke consisting of alternating overarm strokes and a flutter kick.


I cut out a lot of brand new strings so that I can restring the racquets the day of the match!


It has an elaborate threading process that uses three spools of thread.


I do alloy plant professional system Die: stranding mode (threading die, in lane Die, Die lead), straighten die, extrusion die, Extrusion Die (Aguilar-line), the drawing module, extubation Die, Die cold pier, profiled die; Diamond Die: Natural Diamond Die, Die polycrystalline, imports polycrystalline module, and to match production with the various models of Roberts powder.


Otherwise, the strings and grommets must be removed and the drill flash shaken out through the string holes.


A: (1) to thread a needle position and the location to the end of the needle for accurate;(2) to thread a needle, thread a height that you want to play your cards right-to-lead down to needle can be hook line hook the hyriopsis accurate;(3) to thread a needle and the top of the line hyriopsis-Kwan, the distance to 0.7-1 ~ guests'glasses;(4) homulus line-pin recesses to smooth, hook-billed is not too large or too small, so as not to overly homulus line, break, and so on.


更多网络解释与穿线相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

multithreaded list:多重穿线目录

multithread processing 多路径处理 | multithreaded list 多重穿线目录 | multithreading 多路径方式


self-thermostat 自控恒温器 | self-threading 自动穿线 | self-threadingeye 自动穿入式导纱眼

self-threading tape:自穿线带

自动穿带匣 self-threading cartridge | 自穿线带 self-threading tape | 自动定时器 self-timer

section sewn:穿线

special colours 专色 | section sewn 穿线 | specimen 样本

smyth sewn:穿线

smudge 粘脏/污点 | smyth sewn 穿线 | Soft cover 平装

automatic threader:自动穿线机

automatic thread rolling machine 自动搓丝机 | automatic threader 自动穿线机 | automatic threading control device 自动穿线控制装置

an unthread tree:对未穿线的树进行穿线

an ounce of prevention is a pound of cure 一分预防相当于十分治疗 | an unthread tree 对未穿线的树进行穿线 | AN, right ascension of the ascending node 昇交点赤経

thread an unthread tree:对未穿线的树进行穿线

thread 穿线,线,线状物,细流,细丝,缕,螺丝,螺线 | thread an unthread tree 对未穿线的树进行穿线 | thread angle 螺纹断面角,螺纹牙形角


如果一个数组被一个字符下标标注(common error considering that the type is signed)则发出警告执行跳转(jump)穿线(threading)优化(避免跳转到跳转)优化sibling(兄弟)以及尾部(tail)的递归调用

Two thousand twine threaders, gleaming under real lights:两万台在灯光下闪耀的搓线穿线机

Forty thousand hot lamps complete with rotating plate-warmi... | Two thousand twine threaders, gleaming under real lights.|两万台在灯光下闪耀的搓线穿线机 | -I trust you slept well. - Oh! Like a baby.|-...