英语人>词典>汉英 : 私房钱 的英文翻译,例句
私房钱 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与私房钱相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Others may have tucked away a nice bit of money so that you can travel for the holidays to places afar or buy someone a very special gift.


If he had a nest egg, he wouldn't have to worry.


By Jove , sir , I've pawned my own watch in order to get her anything she fancied ; and she—she's been making a purse for herself all the time , and grudged me a hundred pound to get out of quod .


Now I'm sensing thatthis little nest egg of yours is a teensy bit illegal.


His wife found all his pin money that would be used to buy a ten-speed bicycle.


Tom was an unlucky dog. His wife found all his pin money that would be used to buy a ten-speed bicycle.


Fill the application form, sigh with emotion that these forms of late 8 years, only a little more determined in my 8 years ago, At that time, cotemporary unimaginable of case-dough to speculate in stocks, everything is different.


A Nest egg 私房钱安迪:He's always squawking about money.


It's difficult to salt away money today.


It's difficult to salt away money today.


更多网络解释与私房钱相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Land Aflame:大泽龙蛇

大阅兵/The Big Parade | 大泽龙蛇/Land Aflame | 大丈夫的私房钱/Men's Private Savin gs

Cheesecloth:粗棉布, 干酪包布 (名)

cheesecake 干酪饼, 半裸美女照片 (名) | cheesecloth 粗棉布, 干酪包布 (名) | cheeseparing 干酪屑; 吝啬; 无用之物; 私房钱 (名)


cheesemonger 干酪商 | cheeseparing 私房钱 | cheesy 干酪质的


cheesemonger /干酪商/ | cheeseparing /吝啬/私房钱/ | cheesy /干酪质的/俊俏的/潇洒的/

Mad Money:(美俚)私房钱

Manicure 修指甲 | Mad money (美俚)私房钱 | Lotusland 逍遥乡

nest egg:私房钱

negative vote 反对票 | nest egg 私房钱 | news agency 通讯社

a nest egg:私房钱

6 An Arm and a Leg非常昂贵 | 7 A Nest Egg私房钱 | 8 Falling Behind无法持续

He has a nest egg:他有私房钱

他老是为钱唠唠叨叨. He's always squawking about money. | 他有私房钱. He has a nest egg. | 这年头要存点钱可真不容易. It's hard to salt away money today.

pin money:私房钱

Pin down with a label 给某人定性,通常是 负面的 | *Pin money 私房钱 | Pinch of salt 将信将疑


negativevote反对票 | nestegg私房钱 | newsagency通讯社