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神秘 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
mysteries  ·  mysteriousness  ·  mystery  ·  mysticism  ·  unearthliness  ·  myst  ·  mistery

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Their only recourse was to pillory Aristophanes in his turn as a dissolute, Lying Alcibiades of poetry.


Cabalistic symbols engraved in stone; cryptic writings; thoroughly sibylline in most of his pronouncements- John Gunther.


Those who stress a "prophetic faith piety" or "Reformation" alternative to supposed pantheistic or panentheistic mysticism (eg, Heiler, Bloesch, in part under the influence of Brunner and Barth) have circumscribed mysticism so narrowly and connected it so closely to Neoplatonism that few mystics would recognize it.

这些谁强调,"先知信仰的虔诚"或"改革"替代假定pantheistic或panentheistic神秘主义(例如, heiler , bloesch ,在部分的影响下,布鲁勒尔和巴特)有限制的神秘主义,使狭义和连接,以便密切合作,柏拉图认为,数神秘主义者会承认它。

The mysticism in Yuhua's work it may be said the there is noplace not in, this article from the mysticism origin, thecharacteristic and for cuts the entrance with the cutting edge novelconjunction to come to the Yuhua work in the mystical breath to carryon the analysis.


The early writings of Jia Pingwa, which created along the road of realistic and have evident trace of imitation, are considered to be conventional and realistic. Afterward, as the writer penetrated with folk, and with the change of times and the format of language, the author dug out the mysterious connotation in Taoist, Fucianism, Buddhism and even civilian culture more far. And create a series of writings with deep mystery. After this, Jia create a series of saga novel again such as "The Ruined Capital" on the basic of combination of mysticism and realism. But in his near writings, such as saga novel "QinQiang Opera", the character of realism was aggravated while the character of mysticism was faded.


Mystical theology begins by reviewing the various descriptions of extraordinary contemplation, contained in the works of mystics and of writers on mystical subjects, and the divisions which help to describe its various phases, indicating chiefly whether it consists of an enlargement or elevation of knowledge, or of absorption in the Divine vision, or, again, whether the cherubic, ie, intellectual, or seraphic, ie, affective, element predominates.

神秘的神学开始通过审查的各项说明非同寻常的沉思,载于该工程的神秘主义者和作家对神秘的科目,并进行记名表决时,协助来形容它的各个阶段,显示主要有否构成的扩大或海拔的知识,或吸收在神的眼光,或再次,是否cherubic ,即智力,或seraphic ,即情感,元素占主导地位。

Taoism holding brilliance and dignity of nature by poetic intuition firmly refuses the interference of human will into mysterious natural process and historical process, and calls for human to discard the chain of nonego, in harmony with the mysterious great beauty of universe in natural way and to appreciate the mysterious immense power of natural life.


ST Katz, ed., Mysticism and Philosophical Analysis; A Poulain, The Graces of Interior Prayer; C Butler, Western Mysticism; P Murray, The Mysticism Debate; T Merton, New Seeds of Contemplation; AW Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy; A Nygren, Agape and Eros; F Heiler, Prayer; V Lossky, The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church.

圣凯兹,教育署,神秘主义和哲学分析; poulain ,青睐内部祈祷; c巴特勒,西方神秘主义; p美利,神秘主义的辩论;吨默顿,新种子的沉思;胡tozer ,认识至圣者; 1尼格伦,爱德和爱,女heiler ,祈祷; v lossky ,神秘的神学东部教会。

Charming incantations; magic signs that protect against adverse influence; a magical spell;'tis now the very witching time of night- Shakespeare; wizard wands; wizardly powers.


MA Bowman, Western Mysticism; A Guide to the Basic Sources; L Bouyer, F Vandenbroucke, and J Leclercq, A History of Christian Spirituality; Dictionnaire de spiritualite ascetique et mystique, II; A Louth, The Origins of Christian Mystical Theology; TS Kepler, An Anthology of Devotional Literature; W James, The Varieties of Religious Experience; F von Hugel, The Mystical Element of Religion; E Underhill, Mysticism; RM Jones, Studies in Mystical Religion; R Otto, The Idea of the Holy; RC Zaehner, Mysticism, Sacred and Profane; G Harkness, Mysticism: Its Meaning and Message; HD Egan, What are They Saying about Mysticism?

马鲍曼,西方神秘主义;指南的基本来源;升bouyer ,女范登布鲁克,和J勒克莱尔,历史的基督教灵性;词典spiritualite ascetique等的神秘感,二;劳斯,起源基督教神秘的神学; 6月24日ts开普勒,一集devotional文学;詹姆斯瓦特,品种的宗教经验,女冯胡格尔,神秘的宗教元素,电子商务underhill ,神秘主义;室琼斯,研究在神秘的宗教; r奥托,构思圣地;钢筋混凝土zaehner ,神秘,神圣和亵渎;克哈克尼斯,神秘主义:其意义和信息;房署伊根,什么是他们说,关于神秘主义?

更多网络解释与神秘相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Arcane Tower:(神秘塔)

Arcane Sanctum (神秘圣地) | Arcane Tower (神秘塔) | Arcane Vault (神秘储藏室)


cabalist /犹太神秘哲学者/秘法家/ | cabalistic /犹太神秘哲学的/ | cabalistical /犹太神秘哲学的/

Enigma Circlet:神秘頭飾 神秘頭環

Doomcaller's Circlet 厄運召喚者的頭飾 厄運召喚者的頭環 | Enigma Circlet 神秘頭飾 神秘頭環 | Tiara of the Oracle 神諭者的皇冠 神諭者的冠冕

esoteric: a.1:秘传的,难理解的,只有内行才懂的2.限于小圈子的3.具神秘教义的,行神秘仪式的

eschew:v.避免,回避 | esoteric:a.1.秘传的,难理解的,只有内行才懂的2.限于小圈子的3.具神秘教义的,行神秘仪式的 | estrange:v.使疏远,使离间,使陌生,使不友好

Mysterious Lockbox:神秘的箱子 神秘的帶鎖箱

Malfurion's Blessed Bulwark 瑪法里恩的祝福 瑪法里恩的祝福壁壘 | Mysterious Lockbox 神秘的箱子 神秘的帶鎖箱 | Goblin Mail Leggings 哥布林鍊甲護腿 哥布林鎖甲護腿


mystical 神秘的 | mystically 神秘地 | mysticism 神秘


mystical /神秘的/奥秘的/ | mystically /神秘地/由神秘主义/ | mysticism /神秘/


mystically 神秘地 | mysticism 神秘 | mystification 神秘


除了萨满教,苍鑫汲取的传统文化资源是广义的神秘主义,神秘主义(Occultism)的基本含义是指能够使人们获得更高的精神或心灵之力的各种教义和宗教仪式. 神秘主义包括诸多理论和实践例如玄想、唯灵论、"魔杖"探寻、唯灵论、瑜伽、自然魔术、巫术、星占学和炼金术等.

Mystery Solitaire:神秘纸牌

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