英语人>词典>汉英 : 社会公益服务 的英文翻译,例句
社会公益服务 的英文翻译、例句


social service
更多网络例句与社会公益服务相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Volunteers in english is a name no national boundaries,in the western developed countries ,it means the subject of private benefit driven,not law enforcement,is based on a moral,belief ,conscience,compassion and sense of responsibility to improve and offer social service 、individual comtributions to the time 、talent and spirit,and engaged in public welfare or the crowd.

英语 Volunteers),是一个没有国界的名称,在西方发达国家中,是指不受私人得益的驱使、不受法律强制,是基于某种道义、信念、良知、同情心和责任感,为改进社会而提供服务、贡献个人的时间、才能及精神,而从事社会公益事业的人或人群。

The goal is to develop Public welfare in China and to promote social harmony,amity serves society.


The hospital has always adhered to "be a good community citizen", and kept to bear more social responsibilities and obligations, advocate and disseminate health concepts through various channels, be bound up in social welfare and charity, strive to contribute to the community and patients with benevolence of a doctor, to create "the first brand of Chinese lithiasis clinics" with excellent medical skills, outstanding health care system and the integrity of the services.


Moreover, it has took the idea of "pursuing the perfection and serving for the society" to work hard and actively to anticipate in social public activities, and combined the construction philosophy with humanism spirit to emblazon Guizhou culture, Qian cuisine promotion, application of Libo relic and propaganda on Beijing Olympics Countdown, and worked well in terms of social responsibility.


As an important social public-spirited business, it is more and more important around the global area.


Does your company do pro-bono social service work in underserved communities?


Chinese Youth Volunteer Test Service Centre ("hereafter this centre") is organized by youth volunteers who are willing to be engaged in social service.


They are taught to obey adults or older people, especially people with authority, such as parents, grandparents, teachers, babysitters, and social service professionals.


Social good, but it alsosuggested the existence of a replicable frameworkmeaningful change.


It runs over 10 wellknown chemical websites in China.It also has a wealth of experience in the organization of largescale exhibitions and conferences at home and abroad.CNCIC will make full use of its advantages in terms of information,technologies and talents to provide the Chinese government and China's society with decisionmaking support and commonwealth services,and provide the industry and enterprises with professional valueadded information services.


更多网络解释与社会公益服务相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

community service:社区服务 社区服务

1.社区服务 社区服务(Community Service),在国外也称为社会服务、社会服务令、社区劳役和公益劳动等,是指一种判处罪犯在社区从事一定时数的无偿劳动或服务的刑罚,是替代短期自由刑的非监禁行刑方式.


nun 修女 | laypeople 信徒 | social service 社会公益服务

non-profit organization:非营利组织

现在更广泛地包括了发展中国在内的以利他主义为价值取向的非官方、非营利、非暴力、非政党的社会组织,尤其是大量小型的提供各种公益服务的民间非营利组织,这样NGOs常常与"非营利组织"(non profit organization)、"民间组织"(civil society organizations)相混用,

Public Service Advertising:公益广告

包括商品和服务,其诉求点在于建立长期品牌形象和品牌风格. • 直销广告:(Direct response advertising)目的是刺激直接立即的购买行动. • 公益广告;(Public service advertising)传递有益公共社会的观念及目标.

social service:社会公益服务

social security 社会保障 | social service 社会公益服务 | social studies 社会学科

Social Service Worker:社会公益服务人员

1. 儿童早期教育 Early Childhood Education | 2. 社会公益服务人员 Social Service Worker | 3. 生态建筑 Green Architecture

