英语人>词典>汉英 : 示威者 的英文翻译,例句
示威者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
demonstrator  ·  demonstrant

更多网络例句与示威者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Earlier in the day, thousands of protesters fight with the soldiers, setting fire to buses and.


The first talks between the Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and the red-shirt anti-government demonstrators who have been paralyzing Bangkok have ended inconclusively although they will continue on Monday.


TEARY EYED \ 流泪不止 A man affected by tear gas wiped his eyes after police used the gas, pepper spray and water cannons to disperse hundreds of people protesting the International Monetary Fund and World Bank meeting in Istanbul Tuesday.


SEPARATION WALL PROTEST \ 抗议隔离墙 A peace activist holding a Palestinian flag ran for cover as Israeli soldiers fired tear gas during a protest against Israel's separation barrier in the West Bank village of Bilin, near Ramallah, Friday.


MANHANDLED: An injured demonstrator is manhandled by police following clashes between security forces and demonstrators in Jakarta, Indonesia.


THE black smoke that had hung over Bangkok's jagged skyline for six days grew thicker and more noxious. On May 19th combat troops marched into the protest camp where a few thousand anti-government red-shirt stragglers remained, defiant to the end.


Military units trying to block off the sprawling protest site were attacked by stone-throwing yobs who brought along petrol bombs and firecrackers.


The pro-Chinese protesters surrounded the Tibetan demonstrator, yelling.


Security forces fired tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse stone-throwing demonstrators blocking bridges.


Last July, dozens of indigenous protesters were killed and scores injured when riots broke out in Bagua Grande in the Amazonas region over claims that the government was giving away land to oil and gas drilling.


更多网络解释与示威者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Police arrested the demonstrators for committing a breach of the peace:警察以破坏和平罪逮捕了示威者

Your action is a breach of the agreement. 你们的行为违背了协议. | Police arrested the demonstrators for committing a breach of the peace. 警察以破坏和平罪逮捕了示威者. | resume vt.重新开始,继续


demonstrably 确然 | demonstrant 示威者 | demonstrate 示范


demonstration 示范 | demonstrationist 参加示威者 | demonstrative 说明的


demonstration /示威/操演/示范/游行/ | demonstrationist /示威者/ | demonstrative /说明的/指示的/


demonstration 示威 | demonstrator 示威者 | deployment 军队部署

as police clashed with neo-Nazi protesters:同时警方与新纳粹示威者发生冲突

Attendance at religious services has risen a dramatic 39% in recent days.|... | ...as police clashed with neo-Nazi protesters.|...同时警方与新纳粹示威者发生冲突 | So, there's life on other planets.|好啊...


anti-government protesters 反政府示威者 | rioter 示威者 | vacate 撤离(阵地)

anti-government protesters:反政府示威者

anti-government protesters 反政府示威者 | rioter 示威者 | vacate 撤离(阵地)

anti-government protesters:反gov示威者

anti-government protesters 反gov示威者 | rioter 示威者 | vacate 撤离(阵地)

Protesters kept their cool:示威者保持冷静

抗议公司取消年尾花红 protested against plans to scrap year-end bonuses | 示威者保持冷静. Protesters kept their cool. | 警方发射胡椒喷雾,驱散示威者. Protesters were kept at bay with pepper stray.