英语人>词典>汉英 : 破旧衣服 的英文翻译,例句
破旧衣服 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
rag  ·  rags  ·  tatters

更多网络例句与破旧衣服相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We have the Falls to ourselves; ramble about all day long; do just as we please; play cribbage at nights; dine at two in the day; wear our oldest clothes; walk ankle-deep in the mud; and thoroughly enjoy ourselves.


My child, when i went to the lab today , i put on my formal clothes ,even though it's muggy, and though they've been poor to wear out,they're formal; as i went to the auditorium,i pull my bamboo mules,yes,you know, it's polite to others to dress formaly ,even though they 're not such caparison , and it's polite to yourself to dress degagely, what matters is that it's not polite neither to others nor to yourself to dress up your soul,it should be another truth.


He saw the justice , a shabby, collarless, graying man in spectacles, beckoning him


The flowers they wear begin to fade, their clothing begins to wear out, sweat comes out of their armpits, their bodies begin to look old, and they feel dissatisfied with their lives.


Small pieces of regs rags or cloth can be added.


He smiled. He wadded up the little dress and then dropped it carefully so it might fall in the middle of the pile of her old clothes.


Shabby破旧的;邋遢的 eg:His clothes, ill-made and shabby, were puton untidily.


Shabby破旧旳;邋遢的eg:His clothes, ill-made and shabby, were puton untidily.


Reduced to extremest misery and poverty.


These broken clothings can not be worn by beggar.


更多网络解释与破旧衣服相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

threaded newsreader:线程化新闻阅读器

threadbare 穿破旧衣服的 | threaded newsreader 线程化新闻阅读器 | threaded safe variables 线程安全的变量


rags 破旧衣服 | pleadings 恳求 | beings 人

tattered:不该穿着这破旧的 肮脏的 衣服

You know, a young and pretty new bride like you|你... | shouldn't be walking around in an old, dirty, tattered, old skirt.|不该穿着这破旧的 肮脏的 衣服 | I know. I sort of lost all my clothes along the ...

Tattered jeans:破旧的牛仔裤

6. tattered 破烂的, 衣服褴褛的 | Tattered jeans 破旧的牛仔裤 | 1. ceramic 陶器的n. 陶器, 陶瓷


thread-needle 小孩游戏 | threadbare 穿破旧衣服的 | threaded newsreader 线程化新闻阅读器

And his clothes would all go to pot:他的衣服也会破旧的

He may start drinking. Maybe.|可能他会开始喝酒,也许. | And his clothes would all go to pot.|他的衣服也会破旧的. | He'd be lonely.|他会孤独的.

shabby: in bad repair or condition, poorly dressed:破旧的;衣着寒酸的

Will you please check these figures? 请检查这些数字有无错误... | 3. shabby: in bad repair or condition, poorly dressed 破旧的;衣着寒酸的 | You look rather shabby in those clothes. 你穿那些衣服显得有点寒...

Hot grease spattered in all directions:热油向四面八方溅开来

spatter溅污; 滴落 | Hot grease spattered in all directions.热油向四面八方溅开来 | tatter破布, 碎纸片; (pl) 破旧的衣服


thread 线 | thread-needle 小孩游戏 | threadbare 穿破旧衣服