英语人>词典>汉英 : 真心话大冒险 的英文翻译,例句
真心话大冒险 的英文翻译、例句


Truth or Dare
更多网络例句与真心话大冒险相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Once one caboodle person sings K, play the game that open-armed word takes a risk greatly.


Jenny: Oh, I love "truth or dare".


Blair: All right, people. Who's ready for a game of "truth or dare"?


All right, people. Who's ready for a game of "truth or dare"?


And now for one of the most time-honored traditions of the sleepover-- truth or dare.


All right, people.Who's readyfor a game of "truth or dare"?

好了 各位谁要玩&真心话大冒险&的?

Night when only me and ken, Yang on the balcony, we have plays a game of Truth or Dare, every time I went to big adventure, because I'm afraid ken ask me.


It was like Truth or Dare?


In the reservoir, we have to play Truth or Dare, intentionally or unintentionally, the promotion of our instructors to become risk-takers, we are simply too hard, and to the instructors two options, one is holding hands with girls, she said "I am a satyr" One is facing the amorous boy's eyes said,"I love you," the dilemma, we show that attitude, not retreat one step.


Conversation turned to making preparations to stay overnight at Hogwarts and Harry resolved never to play Truth or Dare, even without the dares, with Malfoy again.


更多网络解释与真心话大冒险相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Now it's your turn. Truth or dare:轮到你了,真心话还是大冒险

Whatever will be, will be. 顺其自然 | Now it's your turn. Truth or dare? 轮到你了,真心话还是大冒险? | Dud! 没劲~

I was at a footie game:在玩真心话和大冒险

What the hell has gotten into you?|你发什么神经 | I was at a footie game!|在玩真心话和大冒险 | Are you taking the piss out of me?|你还要耍我吗

Truth or dare:真心话大冒险

提议大家玩"真心话大冒险"(Truth or Dare)的游戏,趁机告诉他们自己是双性恋,最大的梦想是,有一个男人在旁边指点如何行事,与同性做爱. 大谈个中色情猥亵的细节,让孤独又孤身的大卫浮想联翩,为之着迷. 然后在他耳边低声说,这不是白日梦,

Okay, Claire, truth or dare:该你了 Claire 讲真话还是大冒险

Claire, ever play Truth or Dare?|CIaire 玩过真心话大冒险吗? | Okay, Claire, truth or dare?|该你了 Claire 讲真话还是大冒险? | - Dare.|- Who do you like?|- 大冒险|- 你喜欢谁?

Oh, I love "truth or dare:我喜欢玩

all right, people.Who's readyfor a game of "truth or dare"?|好了 各位 谁要玩"真心话大冒险... | Oh, I love "truth or dare.|我喜欢玩 | " Once I had to eatan entire bag of marshmallows.|有次我吃了整整一包...

It was like Truth or Dare:有点像"真心话大冒险

I don't think his parents were home.|他父母当时应该不在家 | It was like Truth or Dare?|有点像"真心话大冒险" | But, like, a game.|像玩游戏