英语人>词典>汉英 : 看房子 的英文翻译,例句
看房子 的英文翻译、例句


look after the house
更多网络例句与看房子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She looked at the house and assessed its market value.


Its also a good time to ensure that everything that you've been meaning to repair is taken care of is actually done a faulty stair tread, banister or fence in the garden may only be a minor annoyance to you, but can be a danger to anyone looking at the house.


Neighbor: Do I get to use your barbeque while I'm there?


We're going to the catalog house, right?


According to some real estate sales person in charge, since the implementation of the New Deal to see the number of houses actually increased quite a bit, but more than Price comparison operator is to understand the market, but also usher in a lot of investors.


YuShiXia aunt's mother is a statue in that please open the back of the bodhisattva light moving town, and aunt invited a geomantic gentleman to looked at her aunt's house, then moving geomancer says something aunt also don't remember, the general idea is house like the orientation have questions, please honor bodhisattva or very be necessary.


Sunday we are driving back to Missisauga to look at houses.


Today, the real estate guy came with potential buyers to visit my house. He opened my bedroom while I was wanking.


From the outside, it does look a bit run-down but reminded me of Japanese houses from the past, and there wasn't any shared bath-house like another ryokan I'd went to in Hakone but the bathroom was equipped with modern facilities so no worries there.


Complainants also reflected in these houses in January 2001, 23 departments and the chief officers at leading companies house about later used for the purchase of the company's funds.


更多网络解释与看房子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sight unseen, cash on the barrelhead:没看房子直接付了现款

Seems somebody's bought the Hall.|有人要买旁边那间房子... | Sight unseen, cash on the barrelhead.|没看房子直接付了现款. | Young lawyer out of Boston, Declan Fitzpatrick.|波士顿来的年轻律师,德克兰 菲茨帕...

I mean, I'd burgle a house with flowers left outside:要是这样的花摆在房子外面 我看了都想盗窃

Oh, we can't leave it here.|我们可不能就放它在这... | I mean, I'd burgle a house with flowers left outside.|要是这样的花摆在房子外面 我看了都想盗窃 | They'll think we're made of money.|人家会认为我们很有...

She eyed me jealously:她嫉妒地看着我

0719. He volunteered for extra duty. 他自愿负起其他的责任. | 0720. She eyed me jealously. 她嫉妒地看着我. | 0721. The house faces the park. 房子面向公园.

Only that underlying sense:唯有回家时看着空荡的房子

What difference ,then ? 可是又有什么不同呢 | Only that underlying sense 唯有回家时看着空荡的房子 | Of the look of a room on returning thence 内心隐约涌起的寂寞惆怅

Talking to the real-estate agent. Looking at the houses:和房地产经济人谈谈,看房子

This has been a great learning experience for us, Marilyn. Marilyn... | Talking to the real-estate agent. Looking at the houses. 和房地产经济人谈谈,看房子, | Talking to the loan officer at the bank. 向...

This is a two-bedroom, two-bath house:这是一栋有两间卧卧室 两间盥洗室的房子

It looks wonderful. 看起来很好看. | This is a two-bedroom, two-bath house. 这是一栋有两间卧卧室 两间盥洗室的房子 | It has a full basement, 全面地下室

This is a two-bedroom, two-bath house:这是一栋有两间卧室、两间盥洗室的房子

It looks wonderful. 看起来很好看. | This is a two-bedroom, two-bath house. 这是一栋有两间卧室、两间盥洗室的房子. | It has a full basement, 它有一个全面地下室,

This is a two-bedroom, two-bath house:这是一栋有两间卧室 两间盥洗室的房子

It looks wonderful. 看起来很好看. | This is a two-bedroom, two-bath house. 这是一栋有两间卧室 两间盥洗室的房子. | It has a full basement, 全面地下室

the iron balconies and the courtyards of the lovely homes we are passing:我们刚经过的可爱的房子的铁阳台和庭院

6.新奥尔良的中心是法国人聚居区. The heart of New O... | 7.我们刚经过的可爱的房子的铁阳台和庭院the iron balconies and the courtyards of the lovely homes we are passing | 8.看上去像法国或西班牙的 become/...

Ill furnish my house with furniture:我要为我的房子置办家具

628. i can express myself in good english. 我可以用很好的英语来表达自己... | 629. ill furnish my house with furniture. 我要为我的房子置办家具. | 630. it seemed as if there was no way out. 看情形似乎没有...