英语人>词典>汉英 : 省道 的英文翻译,例句
省道 的英文翻译、例句


provincial road
更多网络例句与省道相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Wujiang Ecological Science and Technology Garden, located at Bache Community, Songling, Wujiang Jiangsu, is the center of Wujiang alongside 277


Ice copper, blister copper; nickel-iron alloy; cobalt carbonate; crude lead, electrolytic lead; electrolytic copper,; high ice nickel; cobalt sulphate


Jinhua has two Xianqiao in, and杭金衢高速Highway phase grounding; Southern white elephant finally Wenzhou, Ningbo and Taiwan highway intersection; via Jinhua, Zhejiang, Yong Kang, Jinyun, Lishui, Qingtian, Yongjia, Wenzhou 3 Five counties in the city, some sections of a full range of exchange or cable and 330 State Road, Highway 49 and Highway 42, 03 dart connected, a total length of 234 kilometers, all on December 23, 2005 smoothly completed ahead of the opening of .


The future shapes up with figure-skimming princess seams and darts on the jacket, chemise, top and vest.


The future shapes up with figure-skimming princess seam s and darts on the jacket, chemise, top and vest.


The company has completed many key contracted construction and maintenance tasks such as communications channel at economic development zone, bridge and communications channel along provincial highway, power and city planning auxiliary projects and so on.


Take full account of the new sections of road to airport planning and coordination, as far as possible around the power to avoid a number of important facilities and buildings, then the original starting point for North and South Airport Road, north along the river channel distribution, the end of Station Road in the South and水泊provincial highway 804 phase, line length of 1763 meters, the road净宽24.5 meters, two-way four-lane, according to a standard design the construction of the road;水泊transform large sections of Interchange Interchange ramp and a long range of 1000 meters of the 804 provincial highway, the section of the transformation works for Covering 44,000 square meters of the road.


It can not only work as dart lines, but also as trimmings in different parts of the clothing.


At first jiasu expressway starts at jiaxing, 01 provincial highway and the Trans-linear things. 07 provincial highway and river trade routes Zongchuan Jiasu Pottinger North and South. Especially in Hangzhou bridge is built, connecting Shanghai will become the jiaxing, and the Soviet Union, Hangzhou, Ningbo a transport hub.


Six longitudinal:(State 106, State Road 104, State Road 205, Provincial Gallery Park Road, Coastal Road, the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway); liuheng:(Shi Huang-speed, national highway 307, Provincial Cang-Yue line, is Hong Kong Line, Paul Cang-line, Tsubo south line).


更多网络解释与省道相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

County road:县公路(县道)

省级干线公路(省道) provincial trunk highway | 县公路(县道) county road | 乡公路(乡道) township road


格陵兰式裁剪方法的特殊性在于采用了省道(dart)技术,使布料更加合乎人体. 这种裁剪方式将服装从原来简单的前后两片叠合的二维构成方法上脱离出来,成为三维立体裁剪的起点. 从此,西方服装的构成形式与西方古典式或东方式的平面化构成形式,

Neck dart:领省:指在领窝部位所开的省道

lapel驳头川:里襟上部向外翻折的部位. | neck dart领省:指在领窝部位所开的省道. | notch lapel平驳头:与上领片的夹角成三角形缺口的方角驳头.

Shaped Darts:成型省

Darts Manipulation Practice省道操作法练习/145 | Preparation and Sewing of Dams 省道的准备与缝纫/153 | Shaped Darts 成型省/155

railroad grade crossing:(铁路)道口

provincial trunk highway 省干线公路(省道) | railroad grade crossing(铁路)道口 | reclaimed asphalt mixture 再生沥青混合料

national highway:中文 英文 国道


notch lapel:平驳头:与上领片的夹角成三角形缺口的方角驳头

neck dart领省:指在领窝部位所开的省道. | notch lapel平驳头:与上领片的夹角成三角形缺口的方角驳头. | notch领嘴:领底口末端到门里襟止口的部位.

front yoke:前过肩:连接前身与肩合缝的部件,也叫前育克

front waist dart前腰省:指开在衣服前身腰部的省道. | front yoke前过肩:连接前身与肩合缝的部件,也叫前育克. | gorge line串口:指领面与驳头面的缝合线,也叫串口线.

state highways:国道

162 高速公路 expressways | 163 国道 state highways | 164 省道 provincial highways

bound button hole:滚眼

省道:dart | 滚眼:bound button hole | 前过肩:front yoke