英语人>词典>汉英 : 生牛肉片 的英文翻译,例句
生牛肉片 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与生牛肉片相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An oven-fired pizza, and a filet of beef tenderloin. I was still ponderingthe carpaccio, which was my favourite of the appetizers, and enjoying the


The meat and game delighted palates with dishes such as GreenMountain veal fillet carpaccio with a peppered strawberry salsa.


The a-la-carte menu stretches from the high-end, stuffed goose liver in balsamic vinegar and smoked salmon carpaccio to the standard fair.


The buffet station serves Beef Carpaccio, Capers, Prosciutto and Parma Ham.


Whether you want to dine on beet-root carpaccio, sip Dom Perignon rosé, dance to club music or clad yourself in Russian retro-kitsch fashions from the nation's most famous designer, the new resto-boutique of Denis Simachev has it all.

用餐中你是否想吃甜菜根生牛肉片,喝粉红香槟王(Dom Perignon rosé),是随着夜总会音乐翩翩起舞,还是用时装装扮你自己,这里有俄罗斯最著名的服装设计师设计的回归媚俗的俄罗斯时装。

The Antipasti station has a selection of Beef Carpaccio, Capers, Prosciutto and Parma Ham while dessert selections tempt the sweet-toothed with Chocolate Truffle Cake, Cheese Cake, Fruit Salad and Tiramisu.


更多网络解释与生牛肉片相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Stir-fried Beef with Apple:苹果炒牛肉片

Beef with Broccoli in Oyster Sauce P287耗油西兰花炒牛肉 | Stir-fried Beef with Apple 苹果炒牛肉片 | 5. Pan-fried chicken wings 生煎鸡翼