英语人>词典>汉英 : 生动 的英文翻译,例句
生动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
brio  ·  lifelikeness

更多网络例句与生动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Edgar Degas is perhaps most famous for his beautiful depictions of ballet dancers and nudes.


This software take full advantage of the multimedia technique , especially the three-dimensional animation, to open out the abundant meanings and scientific theories in structural chemistry by using lush graphical interfaces, lifelike animation, lifesome sound effects, alluring exhibitive technique, translate bald contents and nonobjective theories into visual, direct-viewing, lively demonstration, change static and plane teaching method into dynamic and three-dimensional teaching process with attraction and infection, realize visual and enlightened teaching.


It is an idle question to ask whether his books will be read a century hence;if they were all burnt as the grandest of suttees on his funeral pile,it would only be like cutting down an oak after its acorns have sown a forest.


The vividness and picturesqueness of the Prophet's style have already been pointed out; in his few short, flashing sentences, most graphic word-pictures, apt and forceful figures, grand, energetic, and pathetic expressions rush in, thrust vehemently upon one another, yet leaving the impression of perfect naturalness.

如画的生动和先知的风格已经指出,在他短短的,闪光的句子,大多数生动的文字图片, APT和有力的数字,大,精力充沛,和可怜的表达高峰在推力一个强烈呼吁,但留下的印象是完美的自然。

Rich experience in teaching toefl / sat with effective organizational and planning skillsbachelor's degree or above; passion for educationparticipated in the related examination and obtained high scores,having an in-depth command of toefl/sat test technique enthusiastic, animative, broad range of knowledge strong interpersonal communication, coordination, organizational skills and a high degree of team spirit and responsibility

精通toefl/sat培训,具备组织制定开班计划能力英语本科学历以上;上课激情生动,热爱教育事业参加过相应科目的考试并取得高分,对所应聘考试项目的题型有相当的研究赋有朝气和活力,上课生动活泼,知识面宽广具有很强的人际沟通、协调、组织能力以及高度的团队精神,责任candidate requirements

This witty tale of chance friendship comes to life with the turn of each page engaging all who read it with its wiggly , jiggly eyeballs, colorful illustrations, and rhythmic verse.


September 29, Obi Island the first leg of the classroom came to Guangzhou Tianfu Road Primary School, elected by the class more than 40 student representatives to participate in this church is rich in content and has a lively and practical significance for the daily art classes, Over the 2-hour course, students learned the use of these images in magazines, how to make better use of color, color in life, such as the use of practical knowledge, the classroom, the students showed great interest in and listened carefully as Obi-island senior lecturer in graphic art design Xie Sisi explain.


It vividly depicts the "rough and ready" nature of life on the Byzantine frontier and the lively give and take between peoples, including Muslims.


It can simulate the structures, analyze the symmetry elements, and imitate their emerge process for three allotropes of carbon family.

众所周知,碳族结构是晶体结构中几类典型结构之一,尤其是碳族结构化学的新进展是目前研究领域的热门话题川。3D stu-dio MaxR3具有卓越的三维动画制作功能,它能够准确、鲜明、生动地创建出一个个晶体结构模型,其强大的动画设置功能可明确的表述晶体结构中的对称元素;还能模拟晶体的生成过程,其优秀的视频处理使最终生成画面清晰、生动

Soon, Gabriel spawned "Living" ventures into other genres: Living Voices, Living Guitars, Living Brass, Living Marimbas, Living Jazz, Living Trio, Living Percussion Phil Kraus and Living Organ albums.


更多网络解释与生动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

1st mov.Allegro con brio:第一乐章 生动的快板

降E大调第三交响曲(英雄)作品第55号 SYMPHONY NO.3 IN E FLAT MAJOR "EROICA" OP.55 | 01 第一乐章 生动的快板 1st mov.Allegro con brio | 02 第二乐章 极柔板> 2nd mov.Marcia funebre:Adagio assa...

fresh as a daisy:生动活泼的, 有吸引力的(尤指以新的方式)

be pushing up (the) daisies 入土(口,谑) | fresh as a daisy 生动活泼的, 有吸引力的(尤指以新的方式) | 3.red camellia---beauty 红茶花-天生丽质


autochory 自动散播 | autochthon 土生动植物 | autochthonous species 土著种


blasen [德] 吹奏, 吹响. | blaB [德] 苍白的, 不突出的, 不生动的. | blast [英] 小号等吹奏乐品突然爆发的声音.

picturesquely:如画地, 别致地; 生动地 (副)

picturesque 生动的, 独特的, 如画的 (形) | picturesquely 如画地, 别致地; 生动地 (副) | picturesqueness 如画之美; 别致生动; 栩栩如生 (名)

picturesqueness:如画之美; 别致生动; 栩栩如生 (名)

picturesquely 如画地, 别致地; 生动地 (副) | picturesqueness 如画之美; 别致生动; 栩栩如生 (名) | piddle 浪费; 撒尿, 游荡, 鬼混 (动)

tableau vivant:生动的场面

table-water 饮用水 | tableau vivant 生动的场面 | tableau 生动的场面


vivid 活泼,有生气的,生动,强烈,鲜明的 | vivify 使生动,赋与生命 | vivisect 行活体解剖


vispo(意)活泼的,轻快的,灵敏的. | vistamente(意)活跃地,生动地,迅速地. | visto(意)活跃的,生动的,迅速的.


vistamente(意)活跃地,生动地,迅速地. | visto(意)活跃的,生动的,迅速的. | vitamente(意)活跃地,生动地,迅速地.