英语人>词典>汉英 : 玩水 的英文翻译,例句
玩水 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dabble  ·  dabbled  ·  dabbles

更多网络例句与玩水相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You used to play in his paddling pool. He's a barrister, very well off.


In some cultures, chucking water on the hot rocks is mandatory: in others it is close to hooliganism.


Born in France in 1910,Jacques Cousteau loved the water even as a young child.


Be I do not know how, and I dabble, small crabs happens bite my feet, Tengsi me.


A bath is not obedient, and features a move to dabble, get all of Nana!


Now I know that there is a small sandy beach near pier 39. But, I don't think we can enjoy the beach last time we're here. The temperature that day was 60 degree Fahrenheit.


Will come to rui Fang town water nan hole gold waterfall ,this seat at road side recite lean on have not ear teapot mountain cascade waterfall, because includes abundant pyrite with sulphur arsenic copper mine, lets earths surface submit golden, too is form yin and yang seas chief water source, ases gallop waterfall current let out but under shi jiu Like a piles up with gold mines waterfall, dazzling affecting, a screen limpid water curtain of straight rush gold yellow earths surface let people for a time rise play water idea, justs because heres water quality include huge amount of heavy metal material, for oneself safety, or prudent, gold waterfall locates in square self-improvement bridge side and long benevolence digging under this mountain six pithead, because in the early time at headstream picks up copper mine, mountain spring water with rainwater infiltration, slag sand deposits stream bed, and has fungus adhere multiply, hypsography differences compares big so form gold yellow waterfall spectacular sight, gold waterfall is gold melon stone local very characteristic a scenic spot, usually too very easy meets come this place screen nuptial dress new one.


So while the children swam and played and splashed water at each other, Wilbur amused himself in the mud along the edge of the brook, where it was warm and moist and delightfully sticky and oozy.


Long-long water park also owns International Travel Industry Association of honor recommended housing projects crazy tree pool, it is the world's largest theme-water play area, a variety of water slides and Wanshui activities of different age groups of tourists endless The joy and the other international travel trade associations honor recommend projects Jichi race, coupled with centrifugal chute and high-speed water slides and other play equipment, are very suitable for dancing like the war to stimulate young people.


The kids paddled in the puddle and got all wet.


更多网络解释与玩水相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dabble:得啵(开心吧) 玩 水

curse 克死(相克) 咒诅,咒语 | dabble 得啵(开心吧) 玩 水 | dagger 带个(出门带个安全) 短 剑


dabble 泼溅 | dabble 玩水 | dabbledabbleatdabblein 涉猎

No splashing:不要相互撩水

Let's play together. 我们一起玩吧. | No splashing. 不要相互撩水. | Keep your clothes dry. 保持衣服干爽.


目前自动洒水(sprinkling)限制於6月1日到9月30日期间,上午4~9时或者下午7~10时. 偶数号住家限於星期三与星期六,奇数号住家限於星期四与星期日. E民众也不得打开自动洒水器(sprinkler)供孩童嬉戏,否则同样会遭到罚款. 家长若要玩水,




个月的"学步幼儿"(Toddler)室内活动环境则起码要有八种,即"艺术环境"、"戏剧环境"、可摆布玩具及积木等、可让儿童营造其自身空间的大件玩具、"宁静阅读环境"、供一至二人短暂静处的空间、玩水玩沙等自由玩耍及相关感官活动设施、发法国:呼吁给孩子更多自由 展运动神经机能(Motor)的

Water sport:玩水


3. Blood is thicker than water:3. 血浓于水

2. 在她的生日晚会上我们玩得非常开心. 2. I had lots fun at her birthday party. | 3. 血浓于水. 3. Blood is thicker than water. | 4. 够了!我不想再听了. 4. Enought! I don't want to hear anymore!

we used to use as water balloons:有我们以前当水气球玩的套套吧

You know the rubbers under dad's bed|你知道爸爸床底下 | we used to use as water balloons?|有我们以前当水气球玩的套套吧? | Ew, yeah.|呃 对

beach ball:(在海滨,游泳池等玩的)大充气球,水皮球

beach bag || (装放游泳衣,浴巾等用的)海滨游泳袋 | beach ball || (在海滨,游泳池等玩的)大充气球,水皮球 | beach coat || 海滨衫