英语人>词典>汉英 : 特写镜头 的英文翻译,例句
特写镜头 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

close-up · close-up view · close-up shot · Extreme Close-Up
更多网络例句与特写镜头相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Scaleless and seemingly smiling, a Molly Miller blenny is ready for its close-up in Florida's Lake Worth Lagoon, as photographed by Judy Townsend of Boca Raton for her winning picture in the Roesenstiel School 2009 amateur underwater-photography contest.

一只无鳞的,仿佛在笑的莫利米勒鲇鱼在佛罗里达的沃斯拉古湖准备好了它的特写镜头,由来自Boca Raton的Judy Townsend拍摄的这张照片赢得了罗森斯岱学院2009年业余水下摄影大赛的第三名。

The meadow was the scene of bucolic gaiety.


She shows a close-up view of the upper body and face of this extremely small man.


Software Description: About Wild Animals Living Screensaver, View close-up, professional photos of wildlife.


Ohio State University, according to visual determination of the clinical professor Gregory Goode introduction, if your prescription is very simple, is not required at the same time to correct hyperopia and myopia dual optical lens, or does not require correction with a close-up, respectively, visual, medium-range vision and distance vision three focal length lens, you can with a pair of cheap glasses.


"A shot in which figures appear small against their background is a long shot; a medium shot shows full figures just within the limits of the frame; a medium-close shot shows one figure from the waist up; a "close-up only the face; and a big close-up, only a portion of the face.


But Ang used four cameras to film the reaction shot, shooting over bothleft and right shoulders, and then editing the scene together so when youget to that scene, even though the two actors are "static" you still get a senseof movement, almost of an excruciating 360-degree angling of emotion and


The unit includes a removable infrared cut filter, digital signal processing circuitry with a 1/3-inch IT 410,000 pixel CCD, and backlight compensation. A 4x digital zoom complements the 2.5- to 6.0-millimeter varifocal, auto iris lens to ensure detailed close-ups.


His use of closeups in some of the late battle scenes perhaps was noticed Orson Welles, who in Falstaff'' conceals a shortage of extras by burying the camera in a Kurosawian tangle of horses, legs, and swords.


Highlight montages, surviving at least 35 "There's Rashard sitting by himself in the Green Room" closeups, even getting passed on by his hometown Rockets -- before the Sonics mercifully take him as the 32nd overall pick, which means he doesn't even get to shake hands with David Stern.


更多网络解释与特写镜头相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

medium close up:极度特写镜头

matrix organization 矩阵式结构 | medium close up 极度特写镜头 | medium shot 中景镜头

medium close up:中景特写镜头

Medium shot :中景镜头 | Medium close-up:中景特写镜头 | Merged clip:合并片段

Close up C.U:(面部)特写镜头

肩以上镜头 Shoulders ou Close shot C.S. | (面部)特写镜头Close up C.U. | (手,物等)细部缩写Detail

close-up view:特写镜头;接近的观察

close in on 包围,围住 | close-up view 特写镜头;接近的观察 | closed circuit television闭路电视

close-up view:近视图特写镜头

close up n. 闭合 | close up view 近视图特写镜头 | close up 紧跟;拉到顶;闭合

close-up view:特写镜头; 近摄; 近视图; 全貌图

clinical practice guidelines 临床实践指南 | close up view 特写镜头; 近摄; 近视图; 全貌图 | close-up view 特写镜头; 近摄; 近视图; 全貌图

extreme close-up:极度特写镜头

external reverse angles 外部相反角度 | extreme close up 极度特写镜头 | extrude 伸展

close-up lens:特写镜头,近摄镜头

close-up equipment 特写装置 | close-up lens 特写镜头,近摄镜头 | closing forceps 肠闭合钳

close-up lens:特写镜头,近距镜头

cladding surface diameter deviation 包层传导模 | close-up lens 特写镜头,近距镜头 | closed angle 尖角,锐角

tight close-up:近特写镜头

Transistor-Coupled Transistor Logic 晶体管耦合晶体管逻辑电器 | Tight Close-Up 近特写镜头 | Transmission Control Unit 传输控制单元