英语人>词典>汉英 : 熨衣服 的英文翻译,例句
熨衣服 的英文翻译、例句


iron clothes
更多网络例句与熨衣服相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Osborne's Alison gets on with the ironing in Jimmy Porter's bedsit; Pinter's Ben stares into space from a bare mattress; Beckett's Estragon empties his boot of a stone; and Chekhov's Yepikhodov endlessly strums his guitar.


I meant to do the ironing but I didn't get round to it.


Do you know how to iron clothes ?


Then spread the shirt on the ironing board and begin the work.


He said, I was ironing my clothing and the phonerang..


She's been ironing all afternoon.


I scorched my dress with the iron .


After a few deep breaths, you might become aware that you are scrunching your neck and compressing your spine while bending toward your iron.


Wash maid's clothes Ironing in the girl's room without children inside Clean the kitchen utensils.


She usually irons and watches TV at the same time and if she gets interested in a programme she forgets that she's pressing a hot iron on to somebody's shirt .


更多网络解释与熨衣服相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at a rate of knots [ 'nCts]:(英)快速地;飞快地

-Nancy drove her car at full pelt down the road. 南希驾着车全速地沿路... | 7. at a rate of knots [ 'nCts] (英)快速地;飞快地- | -Jack's getting through the ironing at a rate of knots. 杰克熨烫衣服的活儿干...

Jack's getting through the ironing at a rate of knots:杰克熨烫衣服的活儿干的飞快

7. at a rate of knots [ 'nCts] (英)快速地;飞快地- | -Jack's getting through the ironing at a rate of knots. 杰克熨烫衣服的活儿干的飞快. - | 8. at a rattling pace [ 5rAtlIN ] 快的(长指速度而言)-

Iron Damp:熨燙前先弄溼衣服

Steam Iron 以蒸汽熨燙 | Iron Damp 熨燙前先弄溼衣服 | Dryclean Only 衣物只能乾洗,包括自己洗滌

ironing table:熨衣架

ironing board 烫衣板 | ironing table 熨衣架 | ironing 熨平衣服


(2)熨烫(ironing ) 运用各种熨烫机具和设备,将洗净后的衣物或新缝制的服装,经"定型"整理,去除折皱,使衣服线条清晰、挺括美观. (3)染色(dyeing ) 运用各种染料、染色助剂和相应设备,对各类衣物及纺织物进行染色加工.


利用各种洗涤机具、洗涤剂(粉)或各种有机溶剂,对各种衣物及针纺织品进行水洗或干洗以及皮革或裘皮衣物的清洗上光. (2)熨烫(ironing ) 运用各种熨烫机具和设备,将洗净后的衣物或新缝制的服装,经"定型"整理,去除折皱,使衣服线条清晰、挺括美观.

just right:正合适

unpressed clothing 未熨衣服 | just right 正合适 | measuring tape 皮尺

unpressed clothing:未熨衣服

tuck 打褶 | unpressed clothing 未熨衣服 | just right 正合适


Model-shoes鞋子有型 | Ironed衣服熨过 | Clean洁净

I'd like these clothes cleaned (preed):这些衣服需要洗涤(熨平)

我有些衣服需要送洗. I have so... | 这些衣服需要洗涤(熨平). I'd like these clothes cleaned (preed). | 请将你需要洗的衣服放在纸袋中,并将衣物内容写下来. Please put your laundry in the paper bag and wri...