英语人>词典>汉英 : 煤气炉 的英文翻译,例句
煤气炉 的英文翻译、例句


gas stove · gas cooker
更多网络例句与煤气炉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Author has described the existing problems in the production after being changed from cylindrical gasifier to conical gasifier from aspects of pressure drop of system,material balance,heat balance,slag transition area,ash tray diameter,flow protection plate,entrainment under gasifier and gasification strength etc.


The above ideas you master has been out a lot, and I want to tell you is that if countries raise flowers, you can do sprinkling beverage bottles, method is: to find a little thin wire in the gas stove on the Heat will be drink bottle on the bar out of holes, each hole should be close and small.


The new company's leading coal gasifier in marketing, mainly to address the industry's major problems: environmental protection, high-carbon conversion rate (from the old gas water heater for 70% to 90%), non-coking furnace (furnace Gasification of low-temperature control, coal gangue powder plus), the stability of performance (the old furnace Ende made great improvements, better stability).


Shared: Laundry, frig, kitchen facilities, microwave, gas, oven, etc.


Very simple, as long as the pots have a gas stove on it.


I put the pot on the gas stove .


My company is a manufacturer of industrial and civil gas stove, environmental protection equipment, the professionalism of the company.


My mother has a gas stove for cooking.


The gas stove is out of order.


According to principle of transport phenomens and reaction engneering the mathematical model of water gas gasifier is established.


更多网络解释与煤气炉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

air gas furnace:煤气炉

air gap空气隙 | air gas furnace煤气炉 | air gun气枪

Gas burners:煤气炉

C110006 烤饼炉 hot cake stove | 110161 煤气炉 Gas burners | 110161 煤气炉 Gas burners

stove cooker:煤气炉/电炉

kitchen: fridge 电冰箱 | stove ; cooker 煤气炉/电炉 | microwave oven 微波炉

gas stove:煤气炉

chopping board 砧板 | gas stove 煤气炉 | electric stove 电炉

Household Gas Stove:煤气炉

air-condition ----------空调 | Household Gas Stove---------- 煤气炉 | Smoke Exhauster ----------抽油烟机

Fits most gas stove tops:最适合煤气炉顶部

SET OF 4 BURNER COVERS一套4燃烧器,包括 | Fits most gas stove tops.最适合煤气炉顶部. | 4 COVERS - 9" X 9"四涵盖-9 " × 9 "

gas log:圆木形煤气炉

gas liquor 煤气水 | gas log 圆木形煤气炉 | gas main 总气管

gas oven:煤气炉

gas outlet valve 出气阀 | gas oven 煤气炉 | gas photo tube 气体光电管

gas-fired furnace:煤气炉

roller hearth oven 滚式炉 | gas-fired furnace 煤气炉 | truck-loading furnace 台车式炉

gas-fired burner:煤气炉

gas-fired air furnace 煤气火焰炉 | gas-fired burner 煤气炉 | gas-fired furnace 煤气加热炉