英语人>词典>汉英 : 烧炭 的英文翻译,例句
烧炭 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
chark  ·  charking

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Seventhly, the effect of reuse of HY zeolite on isomerization reaction wasstudied.The results were as follows:when the HY zeolite was used many timescontinuously, the conversion rate of pinene dropped down markedly, but theselectivity of camphene fell no more.


"That was a charcoal burner."


In recent years the trees succumbed to the charcoal burner and the builder.


Chen Yuanzhi, a charcoal burner, has been learning burning charcoal from 1996 and now works with his wife.


This inland plain, once a ridge of chalk upland, but now eroded, is largely denuded of the trees---mainly oaks---which covered it so densely during the Middle Ages, and which were a seemingly inexhaustible source of timber until they succumbed in later centuries to the charcoal burner and the builder.


The miner, the builder of the furnace for smelting the ore, the feller of the timber, the burner of the charcoal to be made use of in the smelting-house, the brick-maker, the brick-layer, the workmen who attend the furnace, the mill-wright, the forger, the smith, must all of them join their different arts in order to produce them.


He is a very outstanding worker that burn charcoal.


Local people think that logging has less influences on the forest because the stumps will geminate again and for some years the forest will be back. It is true.


With an old loofah burning charcoal research to fine, after the coated surface of the skin with the lard and mix thoroughly.


C NMR, IR, GC MS and TG combined with some techniques including solvent extraction method, TPO and structure characterization were applied to determine the components of the deposit on the coked β zeolite catalyst after reaction for 8?000 h in pilot plant scale. It was shown that the composition of the deposit ...

用13CNMR ,IR ,GC MS ,TG等手段,并结合溶剂萃取法、TPO和结构分析等方法,确定了改性β沸石催化剂上沉积物的主要成分是多异丙基苯和四氢化萘,且主要分布在沸石孔道内;同时,快速升温后恒温烧炭的效果优于慢速升温后恒温烧炭的效果

更多网络解释与烧炭相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


说一下电影故事:)安杰洛(Angelo)是一个25岁的意大利年轻人,从小受到母亲的良好教育. 他母亲还为他买过一个轻骑兵上校的头衔. 在母亲的支持下,安杰洛参加了反抗奥地利侵略的烧炭党. 1837年的秋天,安杰洛流亡到法国南部的一个小镇阿克斯(Aix)上.



charcoal burner:烧炭者

炭材 Charcoal wood | 烧炭者 Charcoal-burner | 烧炭 Charcoaling

lit a charcoal burner:烧炭

逼他走上不归路have pushed him to the point of no return | 烧炭lit a charcoal burner | 烧炭自杀charcoal-burning suicides/commit suicide by charcoal-burning

The charcoal- burner:烧炭翁(二)

The charcoal- burner 烧炭翁(二) | And dream not that such humdrum ways不曾梦想过这样的生活多么乏味 | Fold naught of nature's charm around him;四周环绕着他的却是天然的魅力;

Kiln drying:窑内烘干 (铸型用 )

kiln car pusher 顶车机 (窑用 ) | kiln drying 窑内烘干 (铸型用 ) | kiln process 窑烧炭法,回转窑 (直接炼铁 )法


flier 飞行物,飞行员 | fusilier 燧发枪手,明火枪手 | collier 矿工,烧炭


collier 矿工,烧炭工 | gondolier平底船船夫 | replier 回答者,答复者


烧炭者 Charcoal-burner | 烧炭 Charcoaling | 堆积制炭法 Charcoaling in heaps

charcoal-burning victims:烧炭自杀的人

烧炭自杀charcoal-burning suicides/commit suicide by charcoal-burning | 烧炭自杀的人charcoal-burning victims | 烧炭致死have died after burning charcoal