英语人>词典>汉英 : 游戏手柄 的英文翻译,例句
游戏手柄 的英文翻译、例句


games console
更多网络例句与游戏手柄相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

MIDI / game port: the same interface and graphics interface 15-pin to connect game joysticks, steering wheel, two-in-one game of the double handle, as well as professional MIDI keyboard and electric piano.


That is because most gamers have a pile of unfinished games languishing next to their consoles.


"Standard Gamepad Mode: Hold the Combat Lock Button to lock onto the target Lara is facing most directly."


Aiming a weapon reticle with a console controller can be difficult, if not frustrating.


Try unplugging your gamepad and reconfiguring your keys then.


Meiliang TPE/TPR applies to the purposes as below:※ Tools: Hand-tools (such as screwdriver, pliers and hammer), wheel of barrow;※ Stationery: eraser, pen cap and stapler gasket;※Daily necessities: handles of, foot-rug, table- mat※ Shoe-materials: sole, toe cap, heel insole;※ Toy: mini car tire, controller enclosure and elasticity toy;※ Sports equipment: handles (for golfing, tennis and skiing apparatus), driving apparatus (such as frog-shoes, frog-spectacles, breathing tube, waterproof torch), handles of bicycles and motorcycles;※ Communications parts: game joystick, mouse-pad, mouse-wheel;※ Automobile components: brush handle, door/window seal, gasket, wheel, foot treadle and handle bar of motorcycle;※Medical instrument: pump ball, instrument handle, vessel, gas helmet, bottle stopper and pipe fitting.


Our factory is specialized in production and operation of the mouse, keyboard,±, camera, mouse pad, dust cover, socket, cleaning supplies, headsets, game handle, blank optical discs, such as surrounding Products.


The same is true of joysticks.


In place of the usual combination of buttons and joysticks, the Wii has a motionsensitive controller.


In the future, the iPhone will work with everything from Microsoft Outlook to medical diagnostic programs; even games which will no longer need joysticks.

在未来,iPhone 将与从 Microsoft Outlook 到医疗诊断程序的所有软件兼容;甚至包括那些不再需要游戏手柄的游戏。

更多网络解释与游戏手柄相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(2) 中断(interrupt)传输方式:该方式传送的数据量很小,但这些数据需要及时处理,以达到实时效果,此方式主要用在键盘、鼠标以及游戏手柄等外部设备上;(3)控制(Control)传输方式:该方式用来处理主机的USB设备的数据传输.


微软推出的杀手锏是代号为"纳塔尔"(Natal)的Xbox360游戏机上运用的动作感应技术. 玩家无需手握任何形式的手柄或感应装置,系统可以实时侦测所有身体动作,可对玩家的动作和语音做出反应,甚至可以识别动作究竟来自玩家还是沙发上的旁观者

steering wheel:方向盘

2.显示器:不允许使用自带显示器; 3.键盘:可以使用自带键盘; 4.鼠标:可以使用自带鼠标; 5.耳机:可以使用自带耳机,包括配置声卡的耳机; 6.游戏控制器:可以自带游戏控制器,但只限于手柄(Gamepad)、操纵杆(Joystick)、方向盘(Steering Wheel).


和X360超级舒服好用的手柄比起来,PS3手柄SIXAXIS给我们的感觉是:廉价(cheap)塑料(plasticky)不舒服(uncomfortable)超级轻(disconcertingly light ). 在玩游戏关键时刻感觉手柄会从手里飞出去.

Invert X-Axis:反转横轴(即X轴). 使水平操作反向

Gamepad Axes:游戏手柄(坐标)轴 | Invert X-Axis:反转横轴(即X轴). 使水平操作反向 | Invert Y-Axis:反转纵轴(即Y轴). 使竖直操作反向


现在你的N95也可以和Wii的手柄一样操作了. 下面我们IT168诺基亚手机论坛的网友为大家分享了"不用键盘 用诺基亚N95将游戏"甩"着玩". 欢迎大家来专业的诺基亚手机交流区()来进行讨论交流. 在圣诞前夜,法国的萨米尔(samir)依约推出了万众瞩目的圣诞大礼,这就是大家盼望已久的Nokmote软...