英语人>词典>汉英 : 淋巴结 的英文翻译,例句
淋巴结 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
lymphoglandula  ·  lymphonodus  ·  lymphaden

lymph gland · lymph node · lymphatic gland
更多网络例句与淋巴结相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The average number of anterior lymph nodes was 3.83±1.79. Their blood supply originated from the branches of lateral thoracic artery, whose mean diameter and length were 1.04±0.42 and 29.5±12.25 respectively.(3) The average number of posterior lymph node was 2.38±0.97. Their blood supply originated from the lymph node branch of subscapular artery, whose length and mean diameter were respectively 18.78±8.67 and 0.78±0.32.(4) The average number of central lymph nodes was 4.05±1.95. Their blood supply originated from axillary artery whose mean diameter was less than 1mm.(5) The average number of apical lymph nodes was 2.82±1.96. Their blood supply originated from the branches of thoracoacromial artery whose mean diameter was 0.79±0.29mm and length was 10.60±4.13mm.

结果 外侧群淋巴结数量为(3.16±1.72)个,血供属多源性且不恒定;前群淋巴结数量为(3.83±1.79)个,营养血管主要为胸外侧动脉的分支,其外径(1.04±0.42)mm,干长(29.5±12.25)mm;后群淋巴结数量为(2.38±0.97)个,血管来源于肩胛下动脉的淋巴结支,其外径为(0.78±0.32)mm,干长(18.78±8.67)mm;中央群淋巴结数量为(4.05±1.95)个,血管来源于腋动脉的分支,其外径均在1mm以下,干长20mm以上;尖群淋巴结数量为(2.82±1.96)个,营养血管为胸肩峰动脉的分支,外径为(0.79±0.29)mm,干长(10.60±4.13)mm。

Results:By chlorophyll disclosing solution coloring lymph nodes, we found, by injecting the solution into rectal wall of mouse, it colored lymph nodes quickly(in 30 minutes) and was not easy to precipitate. The dyeing lymph nodes showed emerald green, it contrasted sharply with surrounding tissues and no color fading after injected 24 hours. The average number of lymph nodes observed in each mouse was 6.92, which was more than that of LD1 group significantly(P.01). No adverse reaction or complication were observed in the course of injection and after injection, And the ultrastructure of the lymph nodes colored at different interval was no significant difference to the ones uncolored.

结果:于直肠壁内注射CDS,淋巴结染色迅速,不易沉淀,各级哨兵淋巴结在30 min内被染成翠绿色,与周围组织对比明显;LD2组平均每鼠检出淋巴结6.92个,显著高于LD1组(P.01);染色淋巴结24 h后仍无褪色,且染色后细胞超微结构无明显改变;术中和术后均未发现不良反应和并发症。

Results Preoperative diagnostic rate was53.6%,and operative resection rate was71.4%,simple cholecystectomy in6cases,cholecystectomy and exploration of the biliary passage in4cases,gallbladder and regional lymphadonectomy in2cases,gallbladder and liver wedge resection and regional lymphadonectomy in6cases,gallblad-der and liver wedge resection and regional lymphadonectomy and right hemicolectomy in1case,and gallbladder and liver wedge resection and regional lymphadonectomy and subtotal gastrectomy and right hemicolectomy in1case.Unre-sectable rate were28.6%,gastro-jejunostomy in2cases,cholecystostomy in1case.Laparotomy exploration only in5cases.

结果 术前确诊率仅为53.6%(15/28),手术切除率为71.4%(20/28),单纯胆囊切除术6例(占21.4%),胆囊切除+总胆管探查4例(占14.3%),胆囊切除+区域淋巴结清扫2例(占7.1%),胆囊+肝楔状切除+区域淋巴结清扫6例(占21.4%),胆囊+肝楔状切除+区域淋巴结清扫+右半结肠切除1例(占3.6%),胆囊+肝楔状切除+区域淋巴结清扫+胃大部切除+右半结肠切除1例(占3.6%),未切除率为28.6%,胃-空肠吻合术2例(占7.1%),胆囊造瘘1例(占3.6%),仅做剖腹探查术5例(占17.9%)。

ResultsThe largest LNs of cervical superior and inferior group in normal children demonstrated central echogenic hilus, distinct and regular margin.

结果 正常组小儿颈深淋巴结上、下群最大淋巴结均能显示淋巴结门,边界清、规则,从上至下淋巴结逐渐变小和减少。

Thyroid carcinomas have the characteristic CT findings: fine granular microcalcifications, cystic formation with intracystic obvious enhanced papillarylike nodules, peninsular tubercles around the tumour and no complete ring around the tumour.

颈部出现淋巴结转移40例(63.5%),其中增强后明显强化22例,密度接近于正常甲状腺组织,10例转移淋巴结有囊性变伴囊壁明显强化的乳头状结节,7例淋巴结最大短径。8 cm,7例乳头状癌的颈部转移淋巴结内有颗粒样钙化(5例为细颗粒状钙化,2例为混合性钙化)。

One hundred and six patients with cervical lymphadenopathy underwent color Doppler flow studies. The lymph node lesions were divided into four groups: reactive nodes, tuberculosis nodes, lymphadenoma and metastatic nodes. The vascular patterns of hilar type, central type, peripheral type and mixed type were assessed.


MethodOne hundred and six patients with cervical lymphadenopathy underwent color Doppler flow studies.The lymph node lesions were divided into four groups:reactive nodes,tuberculosis nodes,lymphadenoma and metastatic nodes.The vascular patterns of hilar type,central type,peripheral type and mixed type were assessed.


The percentage of TGF-β〓 positive cell in the pancreatic cancer tissue (43.8±5.2)% was significantly higher than that in adjacent pancreatic tissue (28.7±3.6)%, P<0.05. The worse the cancer cells differentiated and lymphy node metastasis, the more over-expression of TGF-β〓. 2. The percentage of Tr positive cell in the pancreatic cancer tissue (41±4)% was significantly higher than that in adjacent pancreatic tissue (23±3)%, P<0.05. The worse the cancer cells differentiated and lymphy node metastasis, the more over-expression of Tr, but the expression of Tr protein was not correlated with lymphy node metastasis (P>0.05). 3. The percentage of β-GCD positive cell in the pancreatic cancer tissue (62.5± 4.1)% was significantly higher than that in adjacent pancreatic tissue (33.5±2.8)%, P<0.05. The worse the cancer cells differentiated and lymphy node metastasis, the more over-expression of β-GCD in pancreatic cancer tissue, but the expression of β-GCD protein was not correlated with lymphy node metastasis. P>0.05. 4. the expression of β-GCD was significantly correlated with TGF-β〓 and Tr in the pancreatic cancer tissue.


He type of TGF β1 expression was related with lymph node metastasis and prognosis of patients. The positivity rate of TGF β1 expression only in mesenchyma in the group on lymph node metastasis was significantly lower than that in no lymph node metastasis, but the positivity rate of TGF β1 expression only in cytoplasma was higher. The prognosis of TGF β1 expression only in mesenchyma was better, but the prognosis of TGF β1 expression only in cytoplasma or both mesenchyma and cytoplasma was poor.

GF β1的阳性表达类型与肺癌的淋巴结转移及预后有关,淋巴结转移阳性组TGF β1的单一间质阳性表达率显著低于淋巴结阴性组,而单一胞浆阳性表达率高于淋巴结阴性组;半年内死亡组的TGF β1单一间质阳性表达率低于5年以上生存组,而间质胞浆均阳性的表达率及单一胞浆阳性表达率则高于5年以上生存组(P均<0.05)。

Methods After routine Whipple procedure,the standardized regional clearance of mesenteric root lymph node,lymph node beside the abdominal aorta,intrahepatic and intra-duodenal ligamentous lymph node,parahepatic arterial lymph node and paraceliac arterial lymph node was performed. Results A total of 11 patients were enrolled in this study.

在常规Whipple基础上,进行规范化区域淋巴结清扫,重点清除肠系膜根部淋巴结(14 abcd)、腹主动脉旁淋巴结(16 a2b1)、以及肝十二指肠韧带内淋巴结(12 abpch)、肝动脉旁(8组)、腹腔动脉旁(9组)淋巴结

更多网络解释与淋巴结相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lymph node metastasis:淋巴结转移

淋巴结微转移:Lymph node micrometastases | 淋巴结转移:lymph - node metastasis | 肿大淋巴结:swollen lymph node

popliteal lymph node:腘淋巴结

pectoral lymph node 胸肌淋巴结 | popliteal lymph node 腘淋巴结 | posterior mediastinal lymph node 纵隔后淋巴结

Cervical lymph node:颈部淋巴结,颈部淋巴结

cervical loop 颈袢 | cervical lymph node 颈部淋巴结,颈部淋巴结 | cervical lymphadenectomy 颈部淋巴结切除术,颈部淋巴结切除术

lymph node excision:淋巴结切除术

转移淋巴结:lymph node metastasis | 淋巴结切除术:lymph node excision | 淋巴结切除:lymph node excision

cervical lymphadenitis:颈淋巴结炎,颈淋巴结炎

cervical lymphadenectomy 颈部淋巴结切除术,颈部淋巴结切除术 | cervical lymphadenitis 颈淋巴结炎,颈淋巴结炎 | cervical metastatic cancer 颈部转移癌

acute lymphadenitis:急性淋巴结炎

急性淋巴结炎(acute lymphadenitis)是化脓性感染经淋巴管蔓延或扩散至所属区域的淋巴结而引起. 致病菌多为金黄色葡萄球菌和溶血性链球菌. 如上肢、乳腺、胸壁、背部及上腹壁感染引起腋窝淋巴结炎;下肢、下腹壁、会阴等处感染引起的腹股沟淋巴结炎;

infraclavicular node:肠系膜下淋巴结

inferior mesenteric lymph node 颈外侧下深淋巴结 | infraclavicular node 肠系膜下淋巴结 | intercostal lymph node 锁骨下淋巴结

In, ischiadicus:坐骨淋巴结

髂内淋巴结 In, hypogastricus | 坐骨淋巴结 In, ischiadicus | 腮腺淋巴结 In, parotideus


lymphaden 淋巴结 | lymphadenectasis 淋巴结肿大 | lymphadenectomy 淋巴结切除术

parasternal lymph nodes:胸骨旁淋巴结

淋巴结 apical lymph nodes | 胸骨旁淋巴结 parasternal lymph nodes | 肋间淋巴结 intercostal lymph nodes