英语人>词典>汉英 : 浓缩果汁 的英文翻译,例句
浓缩果汁 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

concentrated juice
更多网络例句与浓缩果汁相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Concentrated fruit juice: Blue, Black Currant, Cranberry and other company's products throughout the various provinces and cities and exported to Russia, Spain and Canada and other countries.


Quinn started importing black currant juice concentrate to kick-start the market.


The original concentrate does not even have to be made in the same country as the final bottler.


Results of kinetic study of the degradation process of anthocyanins in Myrica rubra juice suggeste that the degradation process is a first order degradation kinetic process. As the increase of temperature and pH value, the half-life degradation of anthocyanins and activation energy for the thermal degradation decrease significantly. Under the same condition, the half-life of concentrate is significantly lower than that of the juice.

花色苷降解动力学数据的分析结果表明:杨梅花色苷热降解属动力学一级反应,随着pH值和温度的升高,杨梅花色苷降解的半衰期(t 1/2)和热降解活化能显著下降,即花色苷的降解速度增大;同一处理条件下,浓缩果汁的 t 1/2明显低于澄清汁。

Food: supply of surimi, frozen vegetables, frozen fruits, frozen fish, the dog salmon, salmon flour, canned fish and Buying concentrated fruit juice, etc.


NFC is a niche in a niche really, and it is probably fair to say that it is difficult to add to the quality without a significant addition to the cost, and seems to be most popular in Japan.


The Actinidia chinensis Planch ( Chinese gooseberry or Kiwifruit ) is a kind of wild fruit originally growing in China, its fruit is the richest natural source of ascorbic acid, about 50-400 mg/100 g in fresh fruit and 350-400 mg/100 g in concentrated fruit juice.


Can carry on the fine filtration of fruits and vegetables juice, concentration fruit juice tea drink, ratafia, grape wine, yellow wine, fruit grape syrup, high fruit syrup, grape syrup, plant extraction, drugs manufacture, additive, chemical and so on.

适用范围及效果 Scope of applicatition and result ●可对果蔬汁、浓缩果汁、茶饮料、果酒、葡萄酒、黄酒、果葡糖浆、高果糖浆、葡萄糖浆、植物提取物、制药、添加剂、化工等进行精密过滤。

After a couple of weeks, you will no longer miss the sweetness of sugary concentrated juices.


Quickly gaining market shares during its first few years,Perfuming Garden Juice Company according to 2003 statistics was by-far the biggest Pineapple and Mango Juice Concentrate producer and exporter of the nation, with annual export reaching 70% of the nation's total in pineapple juice concentrate and 50%in mango juice concentrate and puree.


更多网络解释与浓缩果汁相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

apple juice concentrate:浓缩苹果汁

三倍体苹果:triploid apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) | 浓缩苹果汁:Apple juice concentrate | 浓缩苹果汁:Concentrated Apple Juice Processing

apple juice concentrate:abbr. ajc; 浓缩苹果汁

Baked Beans:烤豆子

一盘烤豆子 (baked beans) 中含有超过100毫克的钙. 鹰嘴豆、豆腐、或者其它豆类或者豆制品,也都有大量的钙. 这些食物也有含镁,而我们的身体用镁和钙一起制造骨骼. 说到高度浓缩的钙源,每一杯添加钙的桔子汁或者苹果汁含有超过三百毫克的十分容易吸收的钙.

Blueberry juice:藍莓汁

而红莓汁(Cranberry juice)及蓝莓汁(Blueberry juice)含有果糖及浓缩的单宁酸,可有效防止细菌附著膀胱及尿道内壁上,有助减少感染尿道发炎的机会. 不过正在服食某些药物的人士,宜先请教自己的医生看看可否多饮用这些果汁,以免相冲. (I) 细菌性阴道炎(bacterial vaginosis)

fire sale:大甩卖

阿根廷最大的柠檬浓缩果汁生产商之一, 正在清仓大甩卖(fire sale)库存两年以上的柠檬浓缩果汁, 扰乱了新季节的产品价格. 由于有可能获得大量的柠檬丰收, 新收获的柠檬交易正在以接近历史最低的价格进行交易.

fruit juice cocktail:什锦果汁

fruit juice beverage (天然)果汁饮料 | fruit juice cocktail 什锦果汁 | fruit juice concentrate 浓缩果汁

fruit juice cocktail:什锦果汁饮料

果汁饮料 fruit juice beverage | 什锦果汁饮料 fruit juice cocktail | 浓缩果汁 fruit juice concentrate


fruitade 浓缩果汁 | fruitage 果实;结果子 | fruitarian 以果实做主食者;果食主义者


fruit wine 果酒 | fruitade 浓缩果汁 | fruitage 果实;结果子

Fruit juices and purees concentration:果汁和果酱浓缩

48) Lecithin dehydration卵磷脂脱水 | 49) Fruit juices and purees concentration果汁和果酱浓缩 | 50) Glycerol dehydration甘油脱水