英语人>词典>汉英 : 河堤 的英文翻译,例句
河堤 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

river levee · river wall · river embankment
更多网络例句与河堤相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lin-san is the main scenic area, a residential building of classical style Villa, an antique stone altar built promenade rest 400 square meters, 50 square meters Arts-style public toilet, repair a spillway, an art Shanmen, easy parking 3 Office 4000 square meters, 50 acres of nursery production introduction, embankments lining 1500m, newly built highway 80 kilometers, 4.4 kilometers road maintenance.


And the gay lakin, mistress Fitton, mount and cry O, and his dainty birdsnies, lady Penelope Rich, a clean quality woman is suited for a player, and the punks of the bankside, a penny a time.


These were the troops of Beauharnais's corps, which had set off before all the rest.


Impressed, walked out of the room is at the moment, the door is to look at and many of the mind, the river embankment is dense population - please remember, the weather like today, Please remember, their common noun "parents"!


In her eyes, then narrow embankment, for a child it means challenge, but to be dangerous.


Because these so easy to make my final collapse of an embankment.


Be full of that warm and fragrant joke on the white and fluvial river embankment with gentle and soft people.


Its vineyard stretches as far as the left bank of the Garonne river on a site considered as one of the best gravel plateaux in the appellation.


According to several types of Eco-dikes, several methods of revetment is brought forward, and several important problems in the process of building Eco-dikes is discussed and summarized; and the rivers rich in nature is concluded and compared, and it introduce the method of building river rich in nature in detail too.


Bye, bye Miss American Pie Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry Them good ole boys were drinking whiskey and rye Singing this'll be the day that I die This'll be the day that I die Did you write the book of love And do you have faith in God above If the Bible tells you so?


更多网络解释与河堤相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


leisure complex 休憩活动综合大楼 | levee 河堤 | level 水平;水平线;层

The water rose until it was on a level with the river banks:水涨到与河堤相平

She told me that she was on a diet at present. 她告诉我她目前在节食. | The water rose until it was on a level with the river banks. 水涨到与河堤相平. | They were not on a level. 他们不是同水平的.

Riva:莉娃 法国 在河堤或河边的人

Rita,莉达,意大利珍珠;勇敢的;诚实的 | Riva,莉娃,法国,在河堤或河边的人. | Roberta萝勃塔条顿,辉煌的名声;灿烂.

Riva:莉娃......在河堤 河边的人

Rita 莉达......勇敢的 诚实的 | Riva 莉娃......在河堤 河边的人 | Roberta 萝勃塔......辉煌的名声 灿烂


riverain 河的 | riverbank 河堤 | riverbed 河床


近河岸的 riverain | 河岸,河堤 riverbank | 纤硅钙石 riversideite

riverbank:河堤, 河岸 (名)

riverain 河的; 住在河边的 (形) | riverbank 河堤, 河岸 (名) | riverfront 临河 (名)

Clear Water Bay Resort Royal Island Resort Sai Tao Yuan mining embankment:清水灣山莊 萬宜山莊 御采河堤 西貢濤苑

銀海山莊 富嘉堡 麗景閣 海濤別墅 Grandway ... | 清水灣山莊 萬宜山莊 御采河堤 西貢濤苑 Clear Water Bay Resort Royal Island Resort Sai Tao Yuan mining embankment | 飛鵝山莊 龍湖別墅 帝濤居 翠蕙園 Fei Ngo ...

street level:街面(与江面,河堤相对而言)

361South American.南美洲 | 372stereo-system立体声音响系统 | 373street level街面(与江面,河堤相对而言)

counterdrain:背水面坡脚排水 河堤排水沟 副沟

counterdiffusion 反扩散 | counterdrain 背水面坡脚排水 河堤排水沟 副沟 | counterdraw 描图