英语人>词典>汉英 : 没穿衣服的 的英文翻译,例句
没穿衣服的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与没穿衣服的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Not okay for you to answer the front door when you're not wearing clothes.


It is illegal to display an unclothed mannequin in a store window.


And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed .


To roust naked strangers from making love on your mattress?

去驱赶 在你床上^做**的没穿衣服的陌生人

The adjective mature might not leap to mind in reference to a player who once called attention to the beauty of the three barely clad blond women seated in his player's box, but it's nonetheless true that Safin emphatically does not give off that quality of emotional and intellectual stuntedness one so often notices in professional athletes.


It's three naked deviates on my mountain.


He is naked but the ribbons hide the intime parts of his body.


We just played 2000m up on top of a snow covered mountain in Austria to topless german men drinking Jagermiester, requesting Michael Jackson and making sleds out of deckchairs.

我们曾经在一座2000米海拔,被白雪覆盖顶端的澳大利亚雪山上,给一帮喝着jagermiester,没穿衣服的德国人演出。他们想听michael Jackson的歌和用雪橇做的躺椅。

Another female voice: I think Anita Mui is a girl that can be molded into many images, because her bone structure is like a rack for clothes; she looks good in all clothes, because her shoulders are so level that form a "一" shape, even no shoulder pad is added, when she wears the clothes, it seems shoulder pads have been added, she has the most desirable structure for clothes.

另一女声:我想梅艳芳是一个塑造性很高的女孩子,因为她的骨架是衣架来的,她穿衣很好看,因为肩膊很平成一字形,虽然没有加shoulder pad,但穿起衣服来像加了一样,是最理想的衣架子,加上她脚长,穿衣服的proportion 很好

A naked boy stands at the turquoise blue edge of the South Pacific in French Polynesia.


更多网络解释与没穿衣服的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All the people whispered among each other. 'He's naked:所有的人在那里窃窃私语 "他没穿衣服

''' But he's naked, 'cried a little boy.|"但是他... | ''All the people whispered among each other. 'He's naked!|所有的人在那里窃窃私语 "他没穿衣服!" | ''There's a little boy who says the king is naked!'...

Even though he worked painfully arduously, he still always had a smile on his face:虽然他打工大得很辛苦,但是他总是开心的,大大笑

他穿的衣服总是穿得整整齐齐的. : His ... | 虽然他打工大得很辛苦,但是他总是开心的,大大笑. : Even though he worked painfully arduously, he still always had a smile on his face. | 2. 副词 总(+也)+不/没+V/A...


之后要再出门跟踪她,一样要保持距离,最后将车停在她房子(Croupier's house)的外面,再来要干掉本来要到她家的怪老头,特徵是上半身没穿衣服且手里会拿一个假阳具(dildo).

dress code:着装要求

首先,根据公司的着装要求(DRESS CODE)来穿,可以问问公司的人有没要求. 如果没有具体的要求,第一天拿不准主意应该正式着装比非正式更好. 毕竟作为新人,正式着装代表你严谨的态度,即使周围的人是轻松着装也没太大关系. 但是如果穿了休闲的衣服,


西方有一个故事,一天"真实"(TROTH)和"虚假"(FALSEHOOD)在同一条溪里洗澡. "虚假"洗完之后,趁着"真实"没注意,偷偷地将"真实"的衣服穿在自己的身上,却把自己的那套衣服留在小溪的岸边,悄然溜走了.


然后,主人又用尖尖的针穿上细细的线,在它被破为十二块的身体上戳过来戳过去,弄得它差点没昏死过去. 幸好,它最后被做成了一件漂亮的(pretty)衣服. "哦,我总算成了一件有用的东西了,我毕竟还是很幸运的啊!"它幸福地说.


西方有一个故事,一天"真实"(TROTH)和"虚假"(FALSEHOOD)在同一条溪里洗澡. "虚假"洗完之后,趁着"真实"没注意,偷偷地将"真实"的衣服穿在自己的身上,却把自己的那套衣服留在小溪的岸边,悄然溜走了.

in one's birthday suit=naked:的,没穿衣服的

55 I'll say!=i agree completely !It's certainly true!我完全同意!完全正确! | 56 in one's birthday suit=naked **的,没穿衣服的 | 57 in one's pocket=under one's control or influence 在某人的操纵或影响下

It's three naked deviates on my mountain:我的山上有三个 没穿衣服的不正常的家伙

I tell you what's not ancient history, though.|不过,我来... | It's three naked deviates on my mountain.|我的山上有三个 没穿衣服的不正常的家伙 | We were searching for D.B. And, yes, we're naked,|我们在找...


i'm not dressed. 我没穿衣服 | Magnums 大号的 | some thing just gotta have their own rhythem. 事情都有其自身节奏