英语人>词典>汉英 : 水彩 的英文翻译,例句
水彩 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

water color
更多网络例句与水彩相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aquarelle is affluent and sprightly so that it is so suitable to express the lights, shadows, and colors of atmosphere with ample and transparent layers, which other materials cannot compare to.


In my opinion, there are many many people do not understand, watercolor painting, watercolor as the watercolor look, is that the picture or painting and similar, I aquarelle in China with Chinese characteristics and popularization of watercolor.


Aquatint:It is an etching process on copper or steel by means of nitric acid.


The second chapter "literature discussion", discussion of affiliation watercolor painting unique esthetic sense and value and the light shade description, analysis water color landscape painting connotation and performance pattern, and by China and the West landscape painting famous expert's work, analysis discussion localization esthetic sense special characteristic, Again separately from the date according to the time and the early days of the restoration Taiwan water color artist work's style, the theme, the artistic vocabulary and so on with the scenery drawing related subject, explores the ponder direction which the author creates, and analyzes romanticism water colorist Tyner, understood that its creation style and the skill, take advantage of this define clearly the author the image which must transmit in the drawing, and because of artistic creation's practice, the idea and the skill fusion, the time can display the self-style the work.


It's a lot of mixed media, acrylics and gouache and watercolors and colored pencils and ink and dyes... whatever is going to work.


Wang zhaomin was an outstanding painter in watercolours in our country. His works have noble pattern and artistic fascination arousing heartquake. Especially his still-life water color,breaking a new path, display an excellent new style.


Watercolorist are working to achieve the "Chinese Watercolor" and make unremitting efforts, and wished Mr. Luo Zonghai's watercolor art of exploration to achieve more fruitful results!


From the Western watercolor more than 100 years ago was introduced to China, the creation of "Chinese watercolor" The long-cherished wish of several generations of watercolorist common goal should now be said to be very polished look, and Mr. Luo Zonghai sui generis watercolor is one of a microcosm of his creative trajectory reflects a Chinese watercolor painting at home to stay.


I am very in favor of the Chinese Artists Association, Arts Council Director of watercolor painting, renowned watercolorist Mr. Huang Tieshan evaluation of Luo water color art opinion: The Chinese watercolor by leaps and bounds the past two decades, has achieved striking success, and has always been in the right way forward This, and Mr. Luo Zonghai such as the role of a generation of people is inseparable from the role of linking, whether the organization work, or artistic creation, their historical achievements are indelible.


I consider that the metaphor of'lyric poetry'refects the experience of viewer to watercolour,another saying is that it reflects the aesthetic specific property of watercolour.


更多网络解释与水彩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Aquapolis:水上城市 | aquarelle:水彩画、水彩画法 | aquatel:水上旅馆


透光臨摹 tracing | 透明水彩畫 aquarelle | 透明的 transparent


aquapuncture 皮下注水法 | aquarelle 水彩画法 | aquarellewatercolorwatercolour 水彩

aquarelle f:水彩画法,水彩画

aptitude f 才能,天分,资格 | aquarelle f 水彩画法,水彩画 | aquatique adj 水生的,水栖的,沼泽的


dirty bomb 脏弹 | aquarellist 透明水彩画家 | trailer statement 结束语句

Cologne earth:科隆土(一种含有沥青的紫棕色水彩颜料, 透明, 耐久)

minutes of talks 谈话记录 | Cologne earth 科隆土(一种含有沥青的紫棕色水彩颜料, 透明, 耐久) | permanent authorizations 永久性拨款授权

Water Color Palette Knife:(水彩畫刀形筆頭)

Water Color Flat (水彩平筆頭) | Water Color Palette Knife (水彩畫刀形筆頭) | Water Color Bristle Spray (水彩細鬃毛形筆頭)

water colorist:水彩畫家文化書畫雕刻金石

11840水彩畫文化書畫雕刻金石water color | 11841水彩畫家文化書畫雕刻金石water colorist | 11842水族箱;水族館動物水產,熱帶魚aquarium

art drawing paper:水彩画纸

美术装饰纸 art cover paper | 水彩画纸 art drawing paper | 美术广告纸RFID,美工宣传纸 art poster paper


watercolor /水彩颜料/水彩画/ | watercolorist /水彩画家/ | watercolour /水彩画/