英语人>词典>汉英 : 欺凌 的英文翻译,例句
欺凌 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bullyrag  ·  bullyragging  ·  bullyragged  ·  bullyrags

ride roughshod over
更多网络例句与欺凌相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After that we walked to Lula's Apothecary for some ice cream but they were closing.

在这之后我们去了Lula's Apothecary ,想去吃点冰欺凌,可惜她们关门了。

" Modern states have no right to "base their diplomacy on illegality, boorishness, cajoling and bullying without one iota of legal fabric in their arguments….future generations read these lines and judge for themselves who was right and who was wrong at this fundamental moment in the determination of the future of Mankind.

在文明世界,法律是应遵循的"现代国家无权的"基地其外交上是非法的, boorishness , cajoling和欺凌,没有一丝毫的法律织物在他们的论点……。后代请您阅读这些线和自行判断谁是正确的,谁是错在这个根本的时刻的决心,人类的未来。

They try to survive in a tight corner, because of the alienation, their eyes revealed defensive, and they would strike back when be teased by someone.


Future studies will focus on the odorous ant's genetics, in hopes of learning why urban life turns it into such a swarming bully—and how to stop it.


SUSAN SWEARER: And a lot of these bullying prevention and intervention programs that focus on bystanders have been shown to be the effective programs because they focus on changing that bystander behavior.


SUSAN SWEARER: And a lot of these bullying prevention and intervention programs that focus on bystanders have been shown to be the effective programs because they focus on changing that bystander behavior.


There I learned that 11bullies are usually cowards who act upon their fears and insecurities. I also learned non-confrontational phrases to use in conversation, such as prefacing a statement with In my opinion.


There I learned that 11bullies are usually cowards who act upon their fears and insecurities. I also learned non-confrontational phrases to use in conversation, such as prefacing a statement with "In my opinion."


The study, published in the September issue of The Journal of School Health, is the latest to sound the alarm about so-called cyber-bullying, which can occur on social networking sites and in e-mail and text messages.


Ed Balls, secretary of state for children, schools and families, said:"Cyber-bullying is a particularly insidious type of bullying as it can follow young people wherever they go, and the anonymity that it seemingly affords the perpetrator can make it even more stressful for the victim."


更多网络解释与欺凌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Acc R:恐吓/骚扰/欺凌

ACC 恐吓/骚扰/欺凌 7 | ACC-R 恐吓/骚扰/欺凌 7 | ADC 无毒品、无烟草学校 7 -8



The Bully:欺凌





167,"board of visitors","访视委员会" | 178,"bullying","霸凌(欺凌)行为" | 179,"bureaucracy","科层体制"

prevent bullying:预防欺凌事件

商讨如何压制欺凌行为discuss anti-bullying policies | 预防欺凌事件prevent bullying | (汽车)天窗sunroof

bullyrag:威吓, 欺凌

bullyboy | (受人雇用且尤指与政治集团有关的)流氓,打手 | bullyrag | 威吓, 欺凌 | bulrush | 芦苇, 香蒲, 纸草

The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely:压迫者的欺凌, 傲慢者的折辱

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, 有谁愿意承... | The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, 压迫者的欺凌, 傲慢者的折辱 | The pangs of despised love, the law's delay, 谁愿意面对无...

The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely:压迫者的欺凌虐待,骄横者的鄙蔑

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, 因为谁甘愿... | The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, 压迫者的欺凌虐待,骄横者的鄙蔑, | The pangs of despised love, the law's delay, 爱情被贱视...

ride roughshod over:欺凌

ride over 骑马来 | ride roughshod over 欺凌 | ride the brake 半制动