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模块验证 的英文翻译、例句


module verification
更多网络例句与模块验证相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The feasibility of the analog birefringent structure is verified through an experiment.


Then, on the basis of the functional verification, the system architectures of the radio frequency analog front end and the control logic circuit for the passive UHF RFID transponder are studied and designed with low-power design techniques. The RF AFE circuit includes rectifier, matching network, backscatter, regulator, AM demodulator, voltage reference, local oscillator and power on reset circuit, and so on. The control logic circuit contains clock synchronization module, decoding module, coding module, cyclic redundancy checksum module, power management unit, control unit, shift register and memory.


Based on ZDFV work, the thesis focuses on the following key problems: how to construct an efficient synthesis engine; how to improve the structural similarity of the two designs; how to verify data path designs efficiently; how to use half adder graph to perform arithmetic unit verification; and how to use the hybrid SAT engine in the existing verification flow.


Because the implanted hash function of HMAC is implemented as an individual function block, this block could be replaced easily according to the security request. The high capability of withstanding attacks of HMAC-ECDSA algorithm is proved by using modular arithmetic.


In addition, an experimental system using C language is established, including modules such as representation of waveform polynomial, decision of path senstization, delay computing, clocking based on single-period sensitization, clocking based on multi-period sensitization, test generation considering noise and transformation from bit-level waveform polynomial to word-level polynomial model. They respectively used to test models and techniques proposed in this paper.


A new method that transforms bitlevel waveform polynomial to word-level polynomial model is given, allowing for simple composition This method offers an efficient way to determine whether two descriptions from different design levels are equivalent, so component reuse, synthesis and verification across design levels can be realized. In addition, an experimental system using C language is established, including modules such as representation of waveform polynomial, decision of path senstization, delay computing, clocking based on single-period sensitization, clocking based on multi-period sensitization, test generation considering noise and transformation from bit-level waveform polynomial to word-level polynomial model. They respectively used to test models and techniques proposed in this paper.


A kind of multifunctional hardware-system of monitoring device for motor vehicles road test was designed, based on vehicles-bus technology and GPRS.which adopts AU1250 embedded CPU to acquist data from the CAN/LIN bus in vehicles traffic environment ,with GPS and image monitoring as environment monitoring complements, at the same time to interact with monitoring center,function of vehicle road test data acquisition and remote monitoring and management was realized.

&一种多功能汽车行车试验监控装置硬件设计&一文介绍了一种具有远程GPRS通信模块,局部CAN、LIN 总线通信,具有位置信息采集GPS模块和图像模块的硬件架构,较好的进行了硬件设计,但文中缺乏明确的设计目标,如通讯带宽需求如何,选择的GPRS通信模块是否合乎要求,能否实现实时图像远程传输;同时文中缺乏实际验证数据,论文题目的&多功能&体现在何处。

The model designs an extensible authentication to replace the way which the expositive security uses on Web-Tier and an authentication for controlling the accessing to the protect resource on EJB-Tier. The improved model uses directory server to manage the role information. It reduces the complex of application development, and increases the ability of migrate other J2EE platform.


The author has finished simulation and verification every subcircuit, and a few important electrical parameter and characteristic.

作者在Cadence工作站上采用先进的0.6μm BiCMOS工艺模型,使用SpectureS和Hspice等EDA仿真工具对其各个模块进行功能仿真验证,并对关键模块进行了具体参数的仿真验证。

The identification authentication mainly completes is two levels of managers' identification authentications, the division different user uses this software the right; The data manipulation module mainly completes the student to synthesize the information the input, looks up shifts includes: The student information, the student result, the student bedroom information, the student party member information, the student cadre information, the student comment the superior information and so on; The foundation data module mainly completes to each is the specialized establishment and this sysop's establishment (includes: Increase, deletion user).


更多网络解释与模块验证相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(2)关联的(Associative)通过创建零件、装配、绘图等方式,可利用Proe/ENGINEER验证模型. 由于各功能模块之间是相互关联的,如果改变装配中的某一零件,系统将会自动地在该装配中的其他零件与绘图上反映该变化. (3)参数化(Parametric) Pro/ENGINEER为一参数化系统,


何谓 ECMAScript 符合性在 ECMA-262 中,ECMAScript 符合性(conformance)有明确的定义. 一个脚本语言必须满足以下四项基本原则:符合的实现必须支持 Unicode 字符标准(UCS)DOM 遍历和范围 - 描述遍历和操作文档树的接口 DOM Level 3 引入了以统一的方式载入和保持文档的方法(包含在新模块 DOM Load and Save)以及验证文档(DOM

correctness proof:正确性证明

Kodosky介绍了一个名为"自动程序框图验证"的研究,以期能将"正确性证明(correctness proof)"加入到虚拟仪器程序框图源代码之中. 用户可以通过名为定理模块的图形结构用正确性断言(correctness assertion)来评注他的程序框图. 用LabVIEW编译程序框图时,

modified workweek:变动的工作周

modified replication 修改型验证实验 | modified workweek 变动的工作周 | modularity 模块化