英语人>词典>汉英 : 梳洗 的英文翻译,例句
梳洗 的英文翻译、例句


wash and dress
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After breakfast, I went out at balcony to take a deep breath.


She and her roommate, Carolyn Bartholomew, hurried to dress and prepare Diana for her big date.


She and her roommate, Carolyn Bartholomew, hurriedto dress and prepare Diana for her big date.


Grooming for the Basset Hound is quite straightforward as the coat stays relatively clean without much attention.


The birdbath that double-faced basin designs is advocated " apart wash and dress " means of novel wash one's hands and face.


I flow by valleys seeing birds sing and flowers radiate their fragrance; I walk by grassplot hearing insects and frogs sing.I walk by fencing seeing the first verdure on top of twigs.I flow into wellspring and become cliffside waterfalls to wash and dress up ridges and peaks;I flow into rivers and become sprays to sing fair-sounding love songs for the rocks on the shores.I flow into lakes and become blue soft waves to be stay together with green hills to receive sunrising and moondown. Finally, I come to you to wait for your acceptance.


I'll keep an eye open. Must dash off. Get home. Wash and brush up.


He was the first of the kittens to discover he could purr, the first to make endearingly clumsy13 attempts to wash himself, the first to undertake the adventure of climbing out of the wicker basket.


I flow through valley, once seeing birds' twitter and fragrance of flower;I walk through lawn, once listenning to insect 鸣 frog drum;I walk through a hedge to fall, once seeing the head first put on lately green;I remit source, turning to make to fly spring waterfalls, washing face and combing hair foppery for ridges and peaks;I remit river's river, turning to make a wave blossom, giving the rock of near the bank sing to start to listen to of madrigal;I remit lake, turning to make gentle and soft bluish green wave, with green mountain together, the common ccolade sunrise month falls;Finally, I arrive at your in front, waiting for you accepting, I think you are a sea, you can't certainly because of my infinitesimal but the arrival of turn me down.


He was brushed and washed at the usual hour, and set off with his son to pursue his ostensible calling


更多网络解释与梳洗相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

freshen up:使精神饱满, 梳洗一番

out of order 次序颠倒, 不整齐, 状态不好 | freshen up 使精神饱满, 梳洗一番 | kneel down 跪下

toilette n.f:洗漱,梳洗,(pl.)盥洗室,卫生间

toi pron. 你 | toilette n.f. 洗漱,梳洗,(pl.)盥洗室,卫生间 | tomate n.f. 西红柿

A galled horse will not endure the comb. (EP):马儿受伤,不愿梳洗. (英谚)(注:指感情受到伤害的人不愿别人帮助. )

A gallant man needs no drums to rouse him.... | A galled horse will not endure the comb. (EP) 马儿受伤,不愿梳洗. (英谚)(注:指感情受到伤害的人不愿别人帮助. ) | A gift in the hand is better than two prom...

to freshen up:(本义)梳洗打扮

to fix one's face (本义)化装 | to freshen up (本义)梳洗打扮 | to get some fresh air (本义)去呼吸一点新鲜空气

to freshen up:梳洗打扮

to fix ones face 化装 | to freshen up 梳洗打扮 | to get some fresh air 去呼吸一点新鲜空气

to freshen up:(本义)梳洗妆扮

to fix one''s face (本义)化装 | to freshen up (本义)梳洗妆扮 | to get some fresh air (本义)去呼吸一点新鲜空气

To go freshen up:去梳洗一下

Excuse me. Where do you think you're going?|你们要去哪里? | To go freshen up.|去梳洗一下 | The Hamptons Magazine reception just started, so let's hit it.|汉姆顿杂志的招待会刚刚开始 我们去看看

I'll go freshen up:我去梳洗一下

Awesome.|太好了 | I'll go freshen up.|我去梳洗一下 | Henry?|亨利?

freshened up:梳洗

fountain n. 喷泉 | freshened up 梳洗 | incarnation n. 化身

make yourself clean and well dress. put on tie, make a hair knot, quit smoking for one day:改變一點點 梳洗乾淨 打個領帶 綁個辫子 一天不抽煙

1. 改變一點點 梳洗乾淨 打個領帶 綁個辫子 一天不抽煙 make yourself clean and well dress. put on tie, make a hair knot, quit smoking for one day. | 3. 比昨天微笑多一點點(把嘴角拉... | 4. 比昨天多主動向一個...