英语人>词典>汉英 : 未收到的 的英文翻译,例句
未收到的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与未收到的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Accrued income Income earned but neither received nor past due.


Accrued income: Income earn ed but neither received nor past due.


We have not received the letter of credit covering your order.


After the above-mentioned deadline, we still have not received this form; we will use the information, which provided by ORGANIZER to make your fascia board. Any alteration on site will be at the expense of exhibitors.


Should candidate not receiving the appointment slip after June, please contact Melodion Music Centre immediately.Our centre will not responsible for any loss or problems in mailing.


If the other party fails to perform its obligation in the contract within the time limit agreed upon in this Contract, and fails to eliminate or remedy such breach within 15 days following the receipt of the notice thereof from the non-breaching party and still again fails to perform the Contract within the period of time allowed for delayed performance, in such case the non-breaching party shall be entitled to rescind the contract by a written notice to the defaulting party and still have the right to claim damages from the defaulting party.


Indonesia's Department of Defence 'hasn't received any information that Singaporean tankers will be disturbed in the Straits of Malacca by terrorists,' Brig. Gen. I Wayan Midio said.

印尼国防部发言人I Wayan Midio准将说,印尼国防部未收到任何有关新加坡油轮将在马六甲海峡受到恐怖分子骚扰的信息。

Lanny was worried because he hadn't had any letter from Kurt.


Second Strike:第二次警告: A second instance of non-compliant production by the supplier within two years of the initial violation will result in the cancellation of all pending orders, and all non- compliant product in production or unshipped will be rejected for that factory.


I then do gmail searches on their names and make sure that I have no unread and unarchived emails from them.


更多网络解释与未收到的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


unreceipted 未签收的 | unreceipted 未注明已付讫的 | unreceived 未收到的;未被接受的;未被承认的


unreceipted 未注明已付讫的 | unreceived 未收到的;未被接受的;未被承认的 | unreceived 未收到的未被接受的未被承认的


unreceipted 未签收的 | unreceived 未收到的 | unreciprocaltransfer 非互惠性转让

unrcvd unreceived:未收到的,未被接受的

UNOINDC Unless otherwise indicated 除非另有说明(指示) | unrcvd unreceived 未收到的,未被接受的 | US United states 美国

unrevd. unreceived:未收到的

unkwn. unknown. 未知的 cRhkNI$ | unrevd. unreceived 未收到的 0n O3 8 | UNSYM unsymmetrical 不对称的 +=aO:,I

unrevd. unreceived:未收到的 rSS中国英语学习网

unkwn. unknown. 未知的 rSS中国英语学习网 | unrevd. unreceived 未收到的 rSS中国英语学习网 | UNSYM unsymmetrical 不对称的 rSS中国英语学习网


unreceived /未收到的/ | unrecognizable /尚未承认/未被认识的/ | unrecognized /未被认识的/未被认定的/未被承认的/

outstanding reconciling items:未调节项目;未核对项目

outstanding receivables;尚未交付(收到)的项目;; | outstanding reconciling items;未调节项目;未核对项目;; | Outstation Coordinator;外地站协调员;;

UNSYM unsymmetrical:不对称的

unrevd. unreceived 未收到的 0n O3 8 | UNSYM unsymmetrical 不对称的 +=aO:,I | UOS unless otherwise specified 除非有特别说明 b GenP:R3

UNSYM unsymmetrical:不对称的 rSS中国英语学习网

unrevd. unreceived 未收到的 rSS中国英语学习网 | UNSYM unsymmetrical 不对称的 rSS中国英语学习网 | UOS unless otherwise specified 除非有特别说明 rSS中国英语学习网