英语人>词典>汉英 : 有性生殖 的英文翻译,例句
有性生殖 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
syngamy  ·  syngenesis  ·  zoogamy  ·  amphigenesis

sexual reproduction
更多网络例句与有性生殖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Phenotypic plasticity and genetic differentiation are the two major strategies that alien invasive plants can adapt habitat heterogeneity.The polymorphism of invasive plants and the diversity of their dispersal way enable them occupying invaded habitat quickly,and dispersing with a far range.The breeding strategies that agamogenesis and amphigenesis can coexist and trade off according to the habitat and invasive stage can not only promote the invasive population erupted massively,but also directly affect the dispersal mechanism and regulate the genetic structure of the population.


1Both sexual and apomictic embryo sacs were co-existed which belonged to facultative apomixis.


These species time their sexual reproduction with periods of environmental uncertainty, and reproduce asexually when conditions are more favourable.


If sharks in the wild are reproducing asexually, their young will be genetically weaker than those produced sexually.


It is suggested that autotetraploidy rices are better females in the distant hybridization due to the fact that they are weaker in sexually reproductive ability.


Male gametogenesis is one of the key steps in plant sexual reproduction and is essential for the alternation between the diploid sporophytic phase and haploid gametophytic phase in the life cycle of higher plants.


Monogony is a special kind of sexual reproduction.


Peronosporales An order of the OOMYCOTA characterized by sexual reproductionby zoospores and sexual reproduction by zoospores produced from oospores.


Alternatively,有性生殖 may allow for the ' ratcheting ' of evolutionary speed as one clade competes with another for a limited resource .


And its types of reproduction includes asexual and sexual reproductions.


更多网络解释与有性生殖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

amphimixis; amphimixy:两性融合,有性生殖,杂交

"两性生殖;有性生殖","amphigony;sexual reproduction" | "两性融合,有性生殖,杂交","amphimixis; amphimixy" | "两性溶剂","amphiprotic solvent"


配子原细胞 gametogonium,gametogonia | 配子生殖,有性生殖(原虫) gametogony | 刺激配子形成的 gametokinetic


加玛型运动神经元 gamma motor neuron | 有性生殖 gamogenesis | 求偶癖 gamomania

gamogenesis; sexual reproduction:有性生殖

有性世代 Gamobium | 有性生殖 Gamogenesis,Sexual reproduction | 胞子发生 Gamogony,Sporogony,Sporogenesis,Spore-formation,Sporulation

Sexual reproduction,Gamogenesis:有性生殖

有性世代 Sexual generation | 有性生殖 Sexual reproduction,Gamogenesis | 壳膜 Shell membrane

sexual reproduction:有性生殖

一般有两种方式,即无性生殖(asexual reproduction)及有性生殖(sexual reproduction). 无性生殖不产生配子,其经由复制、分裂后产生与母细胞相同的个体. 而有性生殖产生两种不同的配子,经由配子结合后产生新个体,有性生殖具有交换遗传物质的特性,

sexual reproduction:[生物]有性生殖

main bang 主脉冲信号 | sexual reproduction [生物]有性生殖 | yogoite 等辉正长岩

amphigony;sexual reproduction:两性生殖;有性生殖

"合子形成","amphigenesis" | "两性生殖;有性生殖","amphigony;sexual reproduction" | "两性融合,有性生殖,杂交","amphimixis; amphimixy"

amphigenesis:有性生殖, 两性生殖

amphigamy | 受精作用 | amphigenesis | 有性生殖, 两性生殖 | amphigenetic | 有性生殖的, 两性生殖的

amphigenetic:有性生殖的, 两性生殖的

amphigenesis | 有性生殖, 两性生殖 | amphigenetic | 有性生殖的, 两性生殖的 | amphigenous | 生于叶子两旁的