英语人>词典>汉英 : 最下方的 的英文翻译,例句
最下方的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与最下方的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For example, the axes of the topmost driver and the middle driver or of the bottommost driver and the middle driver may intersect at an angle 2.theta.


As illustrated by the cross-hatching, the center-most PDL 605 has one nearest neighbor PDS 610 located above it and one nearest neighbor PDS 610 located below it along a vertical dimension.

如交叉区块所描绘者,最中间的光电二极体PDL 605有一个最靠近的光电二极体PDS 610 位於其上方以及一个最靠近的光电二极体PDS 610位於其下方。

As indicated by the cross-hatching in Figure 6B, the center-most PDL has one nearest neighbor PDS above it along the vertical dimension, one nearest neighbor PDS below it along the vertical dimension, one nearest neighbor PDS to the right in the horizontal dimension, and one to the left along the horizontal dimension.


It is the largest endocrine gland in the body, located in the soft tissue of the inferior-anterior neck.


Top-secret tips: devil in the most general false bottom and the top of a two, about 50% of the chances to start the task after the NPC to the bottom of a test, if not false, then try to test the two.


The world's biggest oil well, it is said, lies beneath Detroit.


From the bottom of your radial menu will use the most appropriate poultice, or you can use them directly


Selecting Quick Heal from the bottom of your radial menu will use the most appropriate poultice, or you can use them directly from the inventory screen.


The subject field of the poster "ChaHuaji "is prominent owing to it's pink petal characters and other flying petals on the poster to give a full expression of the theme ,the whole poster appearanced elegant,brisk,natural and romantic for the purpose of attracting visitors and making the Merryland's camellia well-known .customers could know definately what the advertisement want to say from the excellent mathing of colors and characters ,on the upper left of the poster,there is a poem written by libai displaying a ramantic artistic conception.and on the lower, what to do in the activity and what advantages you can get in the activity are said ,at the lowest place of the poster have the titles Merryland possessed and it's contact information so as people know Merryland well when they see the poster.

海报中的主题字突出,用粉红色和和花瓣拼写出&茶花季&几个字,加上飞舞的花瓣,充分的表现出海报宣传的主题,整个画面淡雅、清新、自然、浪漫,给人眼前一亮的感觉。海报的目的是宣传Merryland的茶花,为了使游客来Merryland游览。海报上的颜色和文字的搭配让顾客明确的知道广告要表达的含义。海报的左上方用一首李白的诗来展现出一种浪漫的意境。海报的下方用文字来表明活动的具体内容和优惠,在广告的最下方写明了Merryland所获得的称号和联系方式,使看海报的人更加清楚Merryland theme park。但是海报中没有突出活动的内容和优惠,让人只会注意到主题,不会注意

You'll find it below the constellation Libra's brightest stars: Zubenelgenubi and Zubeneschamali.


更多网络解释与最下方的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Caustic Finale:腐尸毒 finale 最后,最终,乐曲的最后部分

Caustic Finale 腐尸毒 caustic 腐蚀性的,刻薄的,腐蚀剂 | Caustic Finale 腐尸毒 finale 最后,最终,乐曲的最后部分 | Nether Strike 暗影冲刺 nethermost 最低的,最下方的

Enpowering Haste:神行太保 hasten 催促,促进

Nether Strike 暗影冲刺 nethermost 最低的,最下方的 | Enpowering Haste 神行太保 hasten 催促,促进 | Anchor ?mash 锚击 anchor 稳固,固定,锚

Enpowering Haste:神行太保 hasten 催促,促入

Nether Strike 暗影冲刺 nethermost 最低的,最下方的 | Enpowering Haste 神行太保 hasten 催促,促入 | Anchor Smash 锚击 anchor 稳固,固定,锚

Nether Strike:暗影冲刺 nethermost 最低的,最下方的

Caustic Finale 腐尸毒 finale 最后,最终,乐曲的最后部分 | Nether Strike 暗影冲刺 nethermost 最低的,最下方的 | Enpowering Haste 神行太保 hasten 催促,促进


mesmerize 对...催眠;迷住 | nethermost 最低的,最下方的 | opiate 安眠药,鸦片制剂

暗影冲刺 nethermost 最低的,最下方的:Nether Strike

Caustic Finale 腐尸毒 finale 最后,最终,乐曲的最后部分 | Nether Strike 暗影冲刺 nethermost 最低的,最下方的 | Enpowering Haste 神行太保 hasten 催促,促进

移形换位 nethermost 最低的,最下方的:Nether Swap

Command Aura 命令光环 | Nether Swap 移形换位 nethermost 最低的,最下方的 | Lord of Olympia 众神之王




然后把"色调"(Hue)设为85 "饱和度"(Sat)设为90 "亮度" (Lum)设为205 (产品出厂时,一般分别设为160、0、240. )1. 打开IE,点击"工具"(TOOLS)2. 点最下方的"Internet选项"(INTERNET OPTIONS)本站会员QQ群: 500人超级群:44484542(new)


闪电,一般最常发生於雷云(thundercloud)之中,它是闪电的最大制造者,闪电也曾发生於晴朗的蓝天,因而有晴天霹雳一词. 无论如何,雷云与闪电有著最密切关系的. 当空气上方有乾冷空气,而下方有湿暖空气时,由於下方的湿热空气密度较低,