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易经 的英文翻译、例句


The Book of Changes · book of changes
更多网络例句与易经相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Therefore, the subject of"I Ching and Modern Management"requires researchers to have to stand at philosophical hermeneutics, be positioned at the level of according I Ching learning to modern spirit, view I Ching from the tendency of the world's economic internationalism, political multi-polarization, cultural compatibleness, and deeply study I Ching with actual problems in modern management. Only in this way can they gain new achievements.


The Book of Changes is an important origin of the Chinese civilization. The integrative and the extraordinary oriental philosophical syste m, established by The Book of Changes, Laozi, Zhuangzi and The Commentary of Cha nges, molds effulgent Chinese civilization.


Enterprise's life cycle is mainly in the category of the first 12divinatory symbols in 64 divinatory symbols.


Her style of painting is expressionistic with strong colors and unusual composition to portray the "internal" life of the object represented.


When talking about the evolution of the Book of Changes, therefore, the Modernists contend that it is important to distinguish between the traditional history assigned to texts such as the I Ching (felt to be anachronistic by the Modernists), assignations in commentaries which have themselves been canonized over the centuries along with their subjects, and the more recent scholarly history aided by modern linguistic textual criticism and archaeology.

在谈到发展的易经,因此,在现代主义者认为,重要的是要区分分配给传统的历史文本,如易经(认为是不符合时代精神的现代主义者), assignations中有自己的评注被册封千百年来与他们的问题,以及最近的学术史的帮助下现代语言考证和考古。

When talking about the evolution of the Book of Changes, therefore, the Modernists contend that it is important to distinguish between the traditional history assigned to texts such as the I Ching (felt to be anachronistic by the Modernists), assignations in commentaries which have themselves been canonized over the centuries along with their subjects, and the more recent scholarly history aided by modern linguistic textual criticism and archaeology.


Youli Castle is the cradle of "Book of Changes". It is derived from here of "King Wen created the Book of Changes during his arrest ".


It's recorded that the first state prison in the world was built here. It's also the cradle of Book of Changes and here Wenwang was arrested and his Book of Changes was derived.


Ghost Gu Xiuyi it is the millet that express spirit live in seclusion inside the ghost cereal hole on bluff of day door hill, study The Book of Changes, impart the result of ghost cereal god that local common people improves the health, namely the big commonplace hard qigong that renown Wen Tian issues now.


Change7 I Ching is a hyperlinked Chinese book whose hexagrams can be used for both fortune-telling and insight into an archaic philosophical world.


更多网络解释与易经相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ARBOUR, Louise:路易丝.阿尔布尔

Arbor-Acres Farm, Inc., of Glanstonbury, USA;美国格兰斯顿伯里阿伯尔--阿克斯农场公司;; | ARBOUR, Louise;路易丝.阿尔布尔;; | arboviral disease;虫媒病毒性疾病、经节肢动物传播的病毒性疾病;;


credo 信经,信条,使徒信经曲 | credulity 轻信,易信 | creed 宗教信条;信念

easy care:易护理

这一切得益于已经非常成熟并得到广泛应用的易护理(Easy Care)技术. 据了解,经易护理技术处理过的成衣所产生的效果是永久性的,可确保服装耐受多次洗涤. 对于精纺纱织成的细针服装,易护理技术通常在纺纱前的毛条阶段进行,

D and E comble together:龙象波若经

易筋经 chang your bone | 龙象波若经 d and e comble together | 梯云纵心法 ele jump

Admonitions for Girls:<女经>

Admonitions for Girls <<女经>> | Book of Documents <<书经>> | Classic of Changes <<易经>>

Darwin. I Ching:达尔文的适者生存,易经

Got to roll with it. Adapt.|还是得向前看,适应 | Darwin. I Ching.|达尔文的适者生存,易经 | The fat man, the penthouse guy, the jazz man.|肥仔,阁楼套房里的人,爵士乐手

I Ching; Book of Change:《易经>

<<本草纲目>> Compendium of Materia Medica | <<易经>> I Ching; Book of Change | 万物人为贵 nothing compares to a human life

The I Ching, the Bible:霍比斯人,易经,圣经都有讲

Christians call it The Rapture, but the Mayans knew about it, the Hopis,|基督徒说是审判日,但是玛雅人很早就预言了 | The I Ching, the Bible.|霍比斯人,易经,圣经都有讲... | - Beer? - Yeah.|啤酒? 好啊

I Ching and Feng Shui:易经与风水

S2 人民币升值背景下的产业变革 Industry Transform Under RMB increased | S3 中国经济的走势 Economic Trends in China | S4 易经与风水 I Ching and Feng Shui

I Ching; Bok of Change:<易经>

Shennong's Herbal Classic <<神农本草经>> | I Ching; Bok of Change <<易经>> | nothing compares to a human life 万物人为贵