英语人>词典>汉英 : 时代潮流 的英文翻译,例句
时代潮流 的英文翻译、例句


the current of time
更多网络例句与时代潮流相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The second section is about the spread and the influence of western aestheticism in china and the history condition of the influence happened.


One is indeed tempted to suspect that actions classified as mala in se are really only mala antiqua—actions, that is to say, which have been recognised as criminal for a very long time; and that the tendency to dismiss sundry modern offences as "merely quasi-crimes" is simply a mark of not having caught up with the realities of the contemporary world.


However, with the foundation and development of modern democratic states, no matter what kind of political autarchy has already been cast aside, and the democracy has become the inevitable historical tendency and the non-backspin time tide.


Has leather automatic, leather fashion, PU belt, the leather belt, braided belt, cotton belt and so on; products to fashionable, stylish avant-garde, full of very strong flavor of the times to lead the trend of the times and popular favorite customers at home and abroad; exported to the Middle East, Europe and the United States and other parts of the world.


He was sincerely influenced by the left-wing literature which stood for the stream of the times and exerted his utmost in every way to break through his selfhood, presented "pangs of living" and pangs of the times in his works, and turned out to be a faithful "describer of the epoch".


Japan take the Chinese feudalism law as the pattern law system legal framework to the modern Western Europe law pattern transformation, is the Japan legal framework first transformation, after World War II Japan abolishes the Fascist legal regime under the American law influence, through the democratized reform, the revision multitudinous department law, the social economic rules and regulations receives especially takes highly, is the Japan legal framework second transformation, along with the time vicissitude, the original legal framework occurrence"the system is weary", complied with the marketability, the informationization, an advanced age isochronism generation of tidal current, the legal framework has the omni-directional transformation is the Japan legal framework third transformation.


But it is just the Gump like this who creates trends one by one, from rugger to jog across America, from representing for table tennis bat to investing in computer field, numberless people have got inspiration from him, although he is unintentional in doing these which make himthe pioneer of the trends in that era.


Facts have incontrovertibly proved that the decision to begin reform and opening up is vital to the destiny of contemporary China, that reform and opening up are the only way of developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and rejuvenating the Chinese nation, that only socialism can save China and that only reform and opening up can develop China, socialism and Marxism.


We four countries are unalike in political system,development approach,religion,cultural tradition,but we can be best friends and partners,this fully proved that different institution can tolerate mutually,different development model can cooperate mutually,different history culture can learn from each other,different cultural tradition can exchange,it conforms to the times,reflects the characteristics of the times of win-win cooperation.


Those who roam about in Fashion are the public who talk about it. while reproducing each other, people obtained a type of sense that "I am part of the fashion trend" by which to confirm or inebriates oneself.


更多网络解释与时代潮流相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ideas behind the times:不合时代潮流的思想

fault-finding 吹毛求疵的做法 | ideas behind the times 不合时代潮流的思想 | to read between the lines 从字里行间去领会其意

be/bring sth up to date" = make sth modern:合乎潮流,跟上时代, 现代化

date 日期: | 1. "be/bring sth up to date" = make sth modern 合乎潮流,跟上时代, 现代化 | In the new factory all the equipment was up to date. 在这家新工厂, 所有的设备都是现代化的.


商标具备独特的个性,避免与其他品牌名称混淆,同时有新鲜感,赶时代潮流,创造新概念,于是便出现了一些杜撰(coinage)的新词. 如咖啡品牌"雀巢"译为Nescafe便是一个杜撰之词,由nestle和caf6两个词合成. 商标新造词的翻译是根据词的理据创造新词,

current operating expense:日常经营费用

current of time => 时势;时代潮流 | current operating expense => 日常经营费用 | current price => 时价,现价

current money delivery:通货交易

current money => 通用货币 | current money delivery => 通货交易 | current of time => 时势;时代潮流

Edward Scissorhands:剪刀手

担任影片配乐的是丹尼.艾尔福曼(Danny Elfman),他极具个性、紧跟时代潮流的配乐手法使他成为年轻一代配乐爱好者们崇拜的偶像,由他为1990年的影片>(Edward Scissorhands)谱写的一曲"The Grand Finale"堪称九十年代配乐作品的经典,

keep up-to-date:赶上时代潮流

158 Adjust 调整 | 159 Keep Up To Date 赶上时代潮流 | 160 Not Always 不总是这样

Marilyn Monroe:梦露

在作品里,创作出家喻户晓的明星与政治人物画像如"玛莉莲梦露"(Marilyn Monroe)、"猫王"(Elivs)、"毛泽东"(Mao)等绢版画作. 当然也包括自己自画像. 他讽刺的说︰明星、偶像、事物的知名度都是时代潮流的产物, 在人们眼中只有15分钟的寿命,

To read between the lines:从字里行间去领会其意

ideas behind the times 不合时代潮流的思想 | to read between the lines 从字里行间去领会其意 | something beyond a joke 不是开我的玩笑

in the movement:随着时代潮流

in the mouth of 出于 | in the movement 随着时代潮流 | in the name of 以名义