英语人>词典>汉英 : 旅行者 的英文翻译,例句
旅行者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
farer  ·  pilgrim  ·  tourist  ·  traveler  ·  traveller  ·  tripper  ·  viator  ·  peregrinator  ·  touristry  ·  excursionists  ·  tourists  ·  travellers

更多网络例句与旅行者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Authorized dealer bank shall endorse the amount provided in the passport/travel document of the traveler; subsequent sales to the same individual in respect of business allowance shall be conditional upon proof of previous travel; and under no circumstances shall an authorized dealer bank allow any individual to obtain holiday, business and medical allowances at the same time.


This essay focuses on the discussion of landscape representation in Robert Louis Stevenson's three travel writings: An Inland Voyage (1878), Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes (1879), and In the South Seas (1896). Three questions are analyzed in the landscape representation of the three travel writings: first, how the traveller's cultural discourses are embodied in the travel writings; second, how the travelling self interacts with the Other; and thirdly, how the traveller constructs his self.

中文摘要/本论文主要讨论史蒂文生三部旅行书写——《内河航行记》(An Inland voyage, 1878)、《赛凡斯山偕驴同行》(Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes, 1879)、与《南太平洋记行》(In the South Seas, 1896),以这三部旅行书写中的地景再现来讨论旅行文本中的地景描绘如何呈现旅行者既有的文化论述、旅行者与他者的互动、以及旅行者的自我建构。

However, the traveller encountered drastic transformation after his contact with the Other in the Pacific. In his last travel writing In the South Seas, Stevenson adopted a contrapuntal viewpoint located in the space of "liminality," challenging the Western hegemonic discourse of imperialism. His anti-imperialist tendency offended his contemporary readers, and the struggle between two cultures rendered the travel text fragmented.


Based on Voyager 1's magnetic field and energetic particle observations, and our knowledge of solar wind shocks, it is inferred that the bulk velocity of the solar wind must have also dropped suddenly when Voyager 1 crossed the TS.


The currency流通 curriculum(课程 made the excursionist旅行者 incur(招致 loss of time and money.

流通 课程旅行者招致流通课程旅行者招致货币课程使得旅行者招致了时间和金钱的损失。

A lynchpin of the plan is transforming the province into an internationally renowned destination for travelers to learn about the Qiang and Dayu ethnic minorities' cultures within three to five years.


Or perhaps the time-traveler never returns at all: The dead butterfly does not beat its wings, causing a minute impact on the weather which, through the magic of chaos theory, ramifies down the ages, eventually leading a storm to make landfall on one rather than another shore, killing the time traveler's great-grandfather, and thus leading to the time traveler's own disappearance in a puff of logic.


Flying aboard Voyagers 1 and 2 are identical records, carrying the story of Earth far into deep space.


Thomas isn't just some nature nut in a birthday suit — he's one of a growing number of hikers who make the pilgrimage to Appenzell specifically so they can trek in the nude.


The book is aimed at globe trotters rather than the one - trip - a - year holiday traveller.


更多网络解释与旅行者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


但也有些人留下来,他们是那些被称为"背包旅行者"(backpacker)的"老外". "背包旅行者",他们富于激情、精力和时间却往往乏于金钱. 对于他们来说,阳朔就是这样一个地方:他们所需要的,这儿全有;他们所缺乏的,这里不苛求.


我是作为一个背包旅行者(backpacker)独自上路的. 背包里装着几件T恤衫,两条牛仔裤,脚上蹬着看上去其笨无比的登山鞋雄纠纠地踏上旅程. 噢,当然不能忘了fancy的礼服和高跟鞋,怎么能错过无数精彩的夜晚呢!途中在湖区停留了几天,

Voyager begged the question:旅行者号引出的问题是

so that Voyager information showed us the rings must be created much more recently.|因此旅行者号所... | Voyager begged the question:|旅行者号引出的问题是: | if the rings are not as old as Saturn,|如果土...


caravan 沙漠 | caravaneer 敞篷旅行者 | caravaner 敞篷旅行者


Caravaggioesque | (意大利画家)卡拉瓦乔的,卡拉瓦乔作品的 | caravaneer | 乘敞篷车旅行者 | caravaner | 乘敞篷车旅行者, 驾野营车露营者

caravanner:乘有篷马车旅行者 活动房居住者

caravaner | 乘敞篷车旅行者, 驾野营车露营者 | caravanner | 乘有篷马车旅行者 活动房居住者 | caravanning | 乘宿营旅行车度假


旅行者(farer)提倡 : [快乐生活 - 远行理想] 理念生活!旅行者(farer)提倡 : [快乐生活 - 远行理想] 理念生活!


caravaneer 敞篷旅行者 | caravaner 敞篷旅行者 | caravansarai 商队旅馆

caravaner:乘敞篷车旅行者, 驾野营车露营者

caravaneer || 乘敞篷车旅行者 | caravaner || 乘敞篷车旅行者, 驾野营车露营者 | caravanner || 乘有篷马车旅行者 活动房居住者


1993年12月,韦尔购买了旅行者保险公司剩余的股份,并且新成立的公司仍然沿用了"旅行者"(Travelers)这个名字. 1995年10月,韦尔将旅行者公司的健康保险业务出售. 1996年4月,旅行者公司收购了AETNA公司的财产意外保险业务. 1997年7月,